Name a more perfect 2018 moon portfolio, I'll wait
Name a more perfect 2018 moon portfolio, I'll wait
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that is a pretty badass portfolio. but might i suggest adding some lux and zencash for style-points.
Muh nigga. I'm 20% VeChain, 20% ICX, 20% OMG, 20% XLM, 10% WaBi, 10% QASH
How do you normies find Veeky Forums? XLM is finished . Time for the SC train. Dumping at .3
You’ll never be in lamboland with your XRP, TRX, and XLM.
This could be the first time I've ever seen someone post a Folio with a QASH hold. In like 2 months.
You know what they say. Smart money always wins. If you didn't buy that .001ETH dip last week (down from .0037ETH) you've missed this boat.
QASH will be the next RaiBlocks. Do your research and get in early. Don't wait for the Veeky Forums shill posts because you'll be too late.
lol moron u actually think XLM is done? with all the shit they have coming up this month, .70 is a fucking steal. Shits a safe 2-3x buy now or invest now or cry later
>XLM is finished
You know he chases pumps and doesnt do research
CAPP you fucking normie
100% ETP
SIA, REQ, ADA (if you bought in december you're already 11x), BLOCKv
Debate me.
Can someone shill me on why QASH and why it'll moon this year?
This isn't true.
Veeky Forums shilled me on WTC (1.16) and ADA(.11).
I made a decent amount on those, especially ada because I went all in the second I heard ethereum developers.
XP and PAC exploded 2018 :)
Have a similar portfolio
you probably invested like $1200 into all that as well. congrats
go buy some PHO it will be the next shitcoin moon
That ain't shit b. My holdings cost me sub 1k and they are completely resistant to BTC and alt coin battles
Tbh it was a 200$ investment in november but okay, go and hate cause you miss moon missions and call everything shitcoin
>Not buying TRX at a 20%+ discount
Why even live?
PAC won't be going much of anywhere with that supply
I think mine is more moon worthy
3 million pac cost me 3 bucks before, about a month ago, so i dont mind
You're not having enough FUN.
I’d be happy but i held 3MM TRON for a month and sold when it was a fifth of a cent in November. I’d have 600k just from that 3k worth’s TRON now - shoot me.
XLM. My fucking man. I would hug you if I was gay.
Teach me your ways of finding these coins
because I already rode that shitcoin to 200%, dumped before and during the conference
Just luck, sorry user... Nobody can see the future
Well I posted mine yesterday but no one seems to care about free money
You saw it and bought the coin though.. hmm
Editing out your total as if someone is gonna hack you
>top kek
My best advice would be: Just HODL.
how do you guys have the patience to input your current holdings into blockfolio?
I'm in like 6 exchanges with coins in 3 or 4 wallets and can't even guess my portfolio value.
My tax guy is going to kill himself.
Major props, QASH could start really mooning by end of this month
Poorfag here. Am I gonna make it?
Yea i saw a cheap coin, cause i only had $200 to invest, read their plans for the future and then when i liked it i bought.
Cant hodl these unknown coins you don't have
Approved. Solid for smaller portfolios.
My smaller coins are ICX, QASH, AION, ELF, VEN, WABI, PIVX.
Cross-blockchain ecosystems are the safest bet for 2018. Asia-based is a bonus. Can't go wrong with POS/privacy either.
Gotcha. Haven't been watching any exchanges for cheap coins myself. Should keep an eye out..
Currently have
Am i gonna /makeit/ or /notmakeit/?
I don't know. Does Raiblocks work properly yet? FUN seems a decent bet, if it becomes the go-to casino coin you're good. I don't know about the other two.
Dump and go for BLOCKv and AELF.
Thank me when you 10x.
Well, i got into XRB at $3.80 and FUN at 391 sats, so I've already made money with them, just planning to hodl. Iexec (RLC) is a decentralized cloud computing platform, and XBY is supposed to be the XRB of ETH. (Faster, scalable, lower fees, more secure etc)
RLC I'm expecting a 10x at least, and XBY a 20x. I'll have to sit on them for awhile, but they have great fundamentals, so I don't mind.
50% req 50% link
All of you comparing portfolios, we in a bull market...a majority of the coins been going up n up n up n up. Don't jack yourself off for being so smrt
btc has me spooked about the alts right now
Put some in Vechain
kek stay poor senpai
Okie dokie user
way too safe, quit being a faggot