Where my Funchads at? Same OP who posted yesterday before the bull run. TA is looking good again and expecting a breakout within an hour or so. Good chance to buy in for anyone who missed out.
Chill out, and get comfy guys, but most of all have FUN!
Where my Funchads at? Same OP who posted yesterday before the bull run. TA is looking good again and expecting a breakout within an hour or so. Good chance to buy in for anyone who missed out.
Chill out, and get comfy guys, but most of all have FUN!
30k. having lots of fun.
Money makes money, and FUN makes fun!
10k here but I'm still having fun.
Just went all in I've begun the still campaign. Fun or done
Nice dubs, you're gonna make it user
I'm glad to be memeing with my FUN bros
We're about to breakout with some main gains funbros
Link related cryptodealer.io/blogs/news/10000-to-100000-in-30-days
Sup OP. 300k deep Funchad here. Going to dump my dank FUN-pasta here for all the NO-funners reading.
To all the NO-funs out there..
You still have time to be part of something amazing. You're looking at a token with a REAL FUCKING USE CASE. Like, holy shit user. People will actually get to use FUN, AND it solves a real fucking problem? And it's going to solve that problem in a matter of a few months, and not in 2024? Yes, user. Yes.
FunFair is going to blow the fuck up. You haven't seen anything yet. This coin has flown so fucking far under the radar it isn't even funny. Until earlier this week, nobody fucking knew FUN even existed outside of Veeky Forums, where FUN-loyalists have been shilling it hard. We've been silent on reddit and elsewhere.
I'll repeat - nobody fucking knows FUN exists. We've been silently chilling at Rank 75 for like 6 months ... until very recently.
It isn't going to stop, user. The normies are only just starting to learn about us. The herd is fucking coming. And not just the crypto-tard investor herd, user. No no...
Fucking CASINOS user. Casinos are coming to buy DICKLOADS of FUN to bankroll their dank as fuck debaucherous casino games. You know that, in the end, the house always wins - right, user? Casinos are fucking profitable. On FunFair.. any dimwit can make a casino.
More casinos = more FUN taken out of circulation for bankrolls, causing price to go up.
More casinos = more players = more FUN being taken out of circulation to gamble with, causing price to go up.
More casinos & more players = more hype of FUN, causing speculators/investors to buy more FUN, taking it out of circulation and causing price to go up.
And not just crypto normies are going to be playing on FUN. The games are fucking amazing... go try them for yourself at funfair.io. You can demo EVERY FUCKING GAME --- RIGHT NOW. This isn't some shittier casino coin like edgeless or the other asshats. This is the real fucking deal.
Get. Fucking. Ready.
Yehaw time to load up boys. Moon soon!
When's the moon?
Why would casinos outsource to FUN when they can outsource to an already established B2B company that actually allows you to gamble with real money and not meme coins?
Lol stay poor Pajeet.
Pls be a trap
Hello, Pajeet
Go read the website/whitepaper, or the top stickied post in the funfair subreddit: r/funfairtech.
Stop being ignorant, user.
been swing trading this the past couple hours, made .02BTC. Its fucking stupid that I make more in a couple hours after I get home from work than all day wagecucking.
My guess is roughly an hour from now. But it took longer than I expected yesterday.
/FUN/ threads are the best threads on biz
Good work letting the people know the FUN we're having boys and girls.
Fun isn't for swing trading user. FUN is a 2018 hodl, and quite possibly the best hodl of 2018.
Sometimes seeing a cute girl makes me want to hug her instead of fucking her.
>mfw only 4k
Should I buy more?
> mfw only 5k FUN
I got in at 357 sats, am i gonna make it?
The happiest hodlers on biz.
Poorfag bought 1.5k FUN for $410 just now.
Where will I be in a week? A month? Q2?
>daytraded my fun and back
>only got +40 fun
Let's just say Q1 is going to be extremely fun.
Go to FunFair.io and check out the company's Dec. 20 update for a full timeline.
Early Feb. is the ICE gaming conference - a massive conference for the online gambling industry. FUN is presenting and will have a booth on the exhibition hall floor. It's gonna be huge.
Q2 is the full commercial launch of the project, with casinos up and running.
This is a hodl AT LEAST until Q2.
I want to have fun too guys what is the next floor? Seems like a bad idea to get now
oy vey
I don't have FUN with crypto if I'm not trading. Just holding is too boring to me.
We had Pajeets yesterday too.
Meanwhile on binance
Keep your FUN in a safe place user.
>1.5k FUN for $410 just now.
What the fuck user, it's at around 17 cents. Shouldn't you have gotten 2500?
FUN belongs on the table.
Whales are trying to maximise stacks for inbound moon mission user, they will love your coins. You might make some sats but sats wont grow as much as FUN this year.
Oh yeah I put some into CND as well nvm
and its gone
Good luck to the whales, they'll need it. Probably should have mentioned that I made 800 FUN to go with that .02BTC earlier.
Fun boyos assemble
You see walls like that you buy into that shit
>Not recognizing blatant fake walls
it will take me about 5 days to get my funds into my exchange and then turn it into fun, how much do you think it will go up in that time? will i miss the moon mission? i am experiencing major fomo right now
FUN 3 standing by
Trade for other coins?
I expect sideways movement for a few days to a week, whales are obviously accumulating, whoever it is isn't even trying to be subtle about it. Just pray it takes him a full week.
FUNlet ready to rocket and recoup my TRX losses
I know just pointing out what was going on