ITT, ICO participants and early buyers get to jerk each other off.
How much y'all holding?
ITT, ICO participants and early buyers get to jerk each other off.
How much y'all holding?
Other urls found in this thread:
If we reach $100 I will become a millionaire. LETS GO BOYOS!
>If we reach $100
I bought 7k at .24 will I make it bros or should I sell my car and go all in
50k. always regret not buying more. never thought we'd get to $1 so fast, i thought i'd have more time to accumulate. real happy with my gains tho
Yea I know, it's more like WHEN we reach $100.
Bought just under 11k at like 5 cents, right after it hit ED. Wish I threw more than like 1 or 2 ETH or whatever it was at the time at it. W E W L A D D I E S
>Why didn’t I buy more anons?
>I’m not selling
But i need to diversify and hodl, so i never go all in on one. No fomo.
fuck you and your picture
I just got home from a cokefueled party (6 AM). When I left everything was pink wojacks but now its 1.1 dollars wtf is going on
14k reportin
Huobi starts trading REQ in the next 5-4 hours.
poor fag here bought 1k at 5 cents right when it hit etherdelta. feels good man
>tfw only 1k REQ bc poorfag
can I still make it, bros?
2.7k poor fag :(
used civic
>bought 70k at .04
>sell half night before initial moonfrom .29 to .60
>was only trying to increase my stack trading shitcoins
>knew this project would make me rich from the start
hold me REQbrahs
920 REQ, will I make it eventually?
You mad, sonny?
Anyone know how staking and burning would coexist? Pic related leaves it unclear to me whether staking benefits would be the burnt REQ
20k @ 0.09 cents. Best buy i've made so far.
Bought 2.5k at 5 cents and 2.5k more at 35 cents. Shouldn't have been such a cheap fuck and just bought a few grand worth of coins to begin with, I legit could have been a millionaire by EOY.
Bought 5.4k at 0.35, feelin' good, not selling until $10ish tho
So much fucking this. I sold 75% of my stack literally the day of the great moon and bought absolute fucking shitcoin BNTY trying to ride the dumb fucking wave. Had 100k REQ. I believed this project will make me rich too but I’m a fucking retard
Also want to know. AFAIK they were undecided about staking.
Burning will go through Kyber. Once you buy something through a Request, the Kyber smart contract buys for example 1 REQ token and then sends it to a burner address. Staking will work through PoS which the Ethereum team will implement.
50k here. Bought at ico and held through the post-ico dip. Not selling til it reaaches $50. IRON HANDS
Bullflag on binance 5m. Retesting .00123 ETH soon?
Why do I keep missing everything? By holding onto XLM all day I missed out on this
Just over 30k REQ here. Very comfy.
120 @ 36 cents
god why am i so poor...
bought 4950 at 0.06
20k REQ
But the token burn literally is the fee that someone will pay. Where will the staking reward come from?
From ETH PoS reward system?
REQ won’t have stake, it is a ERC20 token.
Read the pic I posted. Please explain the mechanics to me.
Huobi twitter.
only 1200. it's still something though :)
holy mother of fuck yes
Bought 661k when it was $0.04 when it dumped after ICO. Feels good man I tell you!
Chad blockfolio
And I thought I was settled with my 130k REQ stack.
Congrats my dude.
If this thing hits $1000 I'll be a billionaire
are you ready to be a multi-millionaire?
22k. I threw 4 eth at it when it was just under 6 cents on a whim, wish I would have put more into it. Hoping for 6 figures next quarter
Always funny to meet people one step ahead of you in the journey to independence.
Congrats on having the balls/capital to put 25k in
When this sucker hits 1K you mean. Next PayPal.
I've got 10k
bought all under 6 cents
lets be real, it's not going that high
decided to put 2x what I normally would on a speculative ICO, thinking I would sell it when it doubles. felt it was a safe bet to hit 10 cents once the initial news started flowing. Got greedy and never sold as I saw the hype for it keep increasing.
Now its by far my biggest success and I will ride the reddit hype train to millions. I love you REQ, I love you biz for shilling me on it
anything past 10$ is pretty fucking optimistic
1k is extremely far-fetched, but you never know. This is crypto after all.
yeah and people though Ripple would never hit $1
263 REQlet reporting. I'm marginally less poor now and will be marginally more not poor in the future.
Easily making doctor's salary
Y'all think it will hit $20+ this year? Wouldn't mind a cool milly off $5,000 investment
just make 3 ETH in swing trades. I love crypto.
Who the fuck knows.
We might see the big BTC/altcoin bubble burst that causes a year-long bear market. Or this really is the next ETH and pretty much everyone in this thread will be rich by year's end.
ANYTHING can happen.
I begged you guys not to do it in EVERY single thread.
The early BNTY threads were FULL of bots and positive talkers (didn't sound at all like channers).
reeee stop buying this shit so high. let it drop
I wish I had bought REQ when you guys did back when it was just mere cents. Instead I bought Tron. Bought 1 million TRX at 40 sat. I sold it all at 1100 sat... foolishly didn't sell when it was higher.
Anyway, I just put 50% of it into REQ. Yeah, that big rise up to 7000 sat. I think I triggered the start of that pump. Bought the bottom.
1k mini req fry reporting in, bought 7$ worth at 5 cents and everything else at .25
not gonna complain, this was one of my very first crypto purchases and the fundamental thing here is that I picked a good one
but really more yupiel when, that's the REAL question on everyones mind.
>tfw set sell order for req at 5555 before sleep
I should've just sleep without sell order, why the fuck i always make a bad choice
this is the sell signal btw
bought $100 at around 30 cents then added $120 around 70cents
EVen though I'm a poorfag 350 gains feels comfy.
>had 4k
>sold 1k and put it into VEN
In it's defense it isn't actually a shitcoin. I do notice pajeets shilling it, but it actually has a lot of potential.
NEVER SELL A HODL COIN. I hope you people can learn from this fag's mistake.
Uses MA in stead of bollinger bands, kys
120K at .06 - literally bought because some Pajeet fuck on /BIZ made a post about an ICO so poorly timed that it came out during China FUD and went sub ICO. I bought figuring on making 20% or so. I love /BIZ. My dad got me to invest 10,000 for him at Christmas. 0.30.... he's impressed as fuck and no longer disappointed in me for my poor retirement savings. He asked me about Ripple this morning... I told him Ripple is for useless american niggers.... let me tell you about asian niggers.. they are called Koreans and they have a coin made for them that they cant even buy until the 24th... ICX.. j
ehhh.. an RSS feed of requests for Facebook likes? And the whole thing about hunting down hackers...
Yeesh... The cheese.
I don't use anything. Just volume.
trading on huobi going live in 5 hours
will add 15% volume to REQ
REQ promoted at the top of Huobi
I'm in this until $20
Yeah senpai, every time I set a stop loss, I get burnt because BTC decides to go up or down, bleeding the alts. I think it's safer to manually exit trades or only set a partial stop loss.
700k+ Holding from presale.
Over 600eth profit.
If you think this is the highest it can go, wait until q2 and you’ll be getting you dick sucked for 2 req.
I'm selling 1/3 at $20, then holding the rest for my grand children
All it takes is one lucky investment to make it in this market
Plus I also got in the wanchain ICO
Feels kinda surreal right now
We got a razor thin buy book until then. This is going under a dollar overnight.
bought 25k at $0.07 ama
You sir are a steel handed genius. Allow me to say I am honored to be in the same thread as you.
people were saying the same shit when it dropped from $0.90 down to $0.7 and then pumped to $1.17
huobi will push it to $1.5-2
1k would be 700b marketcap, literally worth a much as every other crypto in existence is worth now
should i buy some right now or am i FOMOing myself?
i've doubled from BNTY already but good thing I didn't sell my REQ, only stinky pajeets would sell their REQ for BNTY KEK
FOMO buying a coin that has the potential to 100x over the coming years isn't a bad decision. You aren't in the 5 cent club but you are still welcome as a REQon marine
and it did drop down to .90 didn't it?
set your buy orders. every % gain is like buying ripple all over again for 7 cents.
Buy my nigger. Buy
When should I buy more?
>literally worth a much as every other crypto in existence is worth now
This is literally nothing. Normie and institutional money has only begun pouring in the last 3 months. We are heading to AT LEAST +10T crypto market cap.
FOMOing in puts you in psychological distress, making it harder to hold. Wait for a deal tonight, your brain will be happier.
Maybe we just have different mindsets. I only buy coins that I have faith in hodling long term so I never fall victim to FUD. I have $5k in OMG I've been holding since August that I could have made a lot more money on if I put it in REQ or LINK, but I believe that pump will come, so I hold. Timing of the buy doesn't matter to me, only how tighly my hands are wrapped around my bags.
Thank me user. I sold 10% of my req stack last night. I wanted to sell it all, but I got drunk so I forgot. I woke up this morning and it' s mooning
I just want more and more bags of REQ, so I swing with every safe swing. See it crashing right now from 1.17?