>didn't buy REQ when it was shilled here
>didn't buy LINK when it was shilled here
>didn't buy XRB
>didn't buy ICX
>didn't buy
T-t-there's g-gonna be m-more moon m-missions, r-r-right b-bros?
Didn't buy REQ when it was shilled here
Other urls found in this thread:
achain or stay poor faggot
get into FUN
God will send a rocket soon, sit tight
DBC next
XLC for in a month or so user. Check out their bitcoin talk page. Good shit.
It's still time for Link and ICX desu. I regret not buying into REQ, but it was so spammed that I just blanked it out completely. But there are probably future moon missions, just like there were others before. Focus on those (and if you find them tell me).
Keep your eye out for Wanchain and get in on it after the initial ICO bagholder dump.
This. Anyone who gets in dbc before the huobi listing will be happy.
Still got time for bnty and etn but you're too much of a scardey cat nigger to invest in something BEFORE it blows up.
Bro get in ENG it’s just starting to get shilled and it’s tech is amazing. Most stacked dev team in all of crypto by farrrr
Pump groups are for homos.
Join for a good active voice chat trading group
Psst.. html... shhh...
Is mooncoin gonna moon?
Buy ICX now.
Snovio is heading for a moon mission later this week. Don't miss out user, its time you manned up and complete your moon mission.
>chink and poo in the loo on the team
I'll pass.
Get in ZCL for 2 weeks
You're welcome
BNTY has a cup and handle forming right this moment
How to buy DBC also what is the full name
Just buy ICX and hold a couple of weeks. It's crypto on easy mode.
You still have a chance to get in XLM and ICX.
Buy a decent coin and HOLD
>It's important to recognize that during this waiting period, you may see other coins exploding and other opportunities pass you by. Ignore the temptation to jump ship and switch to another coin. There are so many different cryptos out there, there will ALWAYS be something blowing up. Focus on your position and stay committed to your choice.
Did you buy prl though?
LINK still has lots of potential growth user
don't let inefficiency destroy your lambo
Link hasn't mooned yet.
If you want an easy 25%, go all in on LINK rn.
MACD about to cross on 2 hour chart.
CCI just crossed 0 going upward (meaning bull).
It isn't overbought like most coins.
Has 0 resistance going up.
Thank me in two hours.
Were you just browsing Veeky Forums?
what did you buy?
this is the golden age of alt coins. Just go find something that is 20 cents and hold onto it for a few months. you'll be fine
>0 resistance going up
deluded linkie
M8 I know it looks like you missed XRB but this coin has literally made preferred transfer coins like LTC and DOGE obsolete. Trust me, you can still make serious gains. By the end of 2018 exchanges are going to start having XRB trading pairs because of its ubiquity.
Hey .. you... come here
Buy BNTY or PASC if you wanna get rich
Now fuck off
I didn't buy REQ, instead went in on LINK/XLM split the first week of Dec.
I should have taken the hint that REQtards were just as credible as Stinky Linkies.
This. Don't miss out yet again OP
I bought feather coin. Will hold for one week
DeepBrain Chain. Listed on KuCoin
ZCL is actually the answer here. You know its true
REQ has potential no?
I'm not sure about LINK, but the other coins you mentioned: I say just buy em now. It's not too late imo. Just buy them, accept the fact that it might dip a bit, but just hold for the long run. You'll be ok.
bro you have to be kidding
chink teams have the best moon missions
lots, easy 5-10x if u hold until mid year or sooner. Just buy it an forget about it
Moon soon FUN op FUN or your done
Not to late for ODN user :)
Comfy Proof of Stake hold
great memories from May of last year
Mooncoin by far the funniest fucking coin, bitbean comes close though
I'd buy some if it was on a reputable exchange; I think it's actually outperformed my portfolio too which is a total fucking joke
nope ran out of shitcoins to moon
better luck next time bud
Yes my friend
Don’t miss this one ori.network
Buy verium.
>not buying DCB
I see you really don't want to make it. The whole crashening happened due to BTC, but DCB managed to still gain in value.
Honestly agree, LINK is the biggest coin since ETH, gonna be bonkers once main net released. Feel really bad for anyone who didn't buy in sub $1
Mooncoin and Photon. But the exchanges are shit.
Buy Link
Buy VEN until the rebrand and then sell
Take gains and split them between BTC, Eth, and Neo
thank me when you're rich
Link has't even started yet
Hey user
You missed TRX, XLM, AND and XRP?
Here's your last chance to an ICO from a company that has actual products/services right now. They're ending their ICO by tomorrow.
Ucash is airdropping 500 ucash coins on every registration after email and phone number verification.
Register now or stay poor forever. Use my referral link below:
Don't be mad when It stars mooning.. I told you about this.
>T-t-there's g-gonna be m-more moon m-missions, r-r-right b-bros?
of course
only jan 6 2018 bruv
but the ones you mentioned are top 25 contenders and be of value with a small amount tokens
1.21 1 hour later...
Hey user,
You missed TRX, XLM, AND and XRP?
Here's your last chance to an ICO from a company that has actual products/services right now. They're ending their ICO by tomorrow.
Ucash is airdropping 500 ucash coins on every registration after email and phone number verification.
Register now or stay poor forever. Use my referral link below:
Don't be mad when It stars mooning..
Become a funfair Chad, good enough dip right now.
TRX and LINK haven't left orbit yet. You can still catch the rocket.
It's already been mentioned, and it's stopped mooning for now so there's still plenty of time to catch the ride. But yeah, DeepBrain Chain.
just hold ETH and OMG, go live your life for 11 months and then retire. stop trying to become a millionaire overnight, it's not happening
what a fucking retard mfao
it's alright
you can buy ENJ for easy 10x, wallet tomorrow.