Who else is sitting comphy in ETH since the good ooold $300 daaaays...

Who else is sitting comphy in ETH since the good ooold $300 daaaays. never gets old to count the amount of monies im making each day.

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take it elsewhere were full of scamcoins here

>good old $300 days

7$ !?!?!?!?!? i wasnt even old enough to driive yet when it was 7. feels bad man

true, but everyones just trying to catch shitcoin moon missions so they can trade it all in for ETH. ETH is the comfy end goal

100% in currently thinking of moving 20% to some shitcoin to increase my eth stack.


BTC is dead to me. ETH is my all-purpose coin.

holding a nice stack here.. when 2k?

Fuck lads I got in at 300 but sold for small profit during the panic before xmas. Waited for a crash ever since. Feels very bad.

I deeply regret not buying eth when it was being shilled daily under $5 while I was fucking around with faggot ass Robinhood generals

underage b&

Been in since 67, too bad I didn't put all my savings in at the time

Got in at $45.

since the $10 days

>didn't accumulate more eth when it was perpetually going up and down 400-450 for weeks because i was still skeptical of crypto

I mined 150, and sold 100 at $20 for rent. If I'd've gone homeless for six months I'd be able to buy a house by now.


That's the price I saw years ago, and I had no idea what I was doing and hesitated. Checked again the next week and saw it was above $10, and figured I missed the boat. Fast forward what, 3 years now? And I've regret it ever since. I could have dropped $50 in it or something.

You still have a chance, you'll be kicking yourself when its $8k this summer

Is this a good dip to buy, anons? Don't know much.

Bought $10k at $958

feels fucking good right now

>Who else is sitting comphy in ETH since the good ooold $300 daaaays.
i got in at $1

$287 checking in

tfw no more swing trading eth at $300 for them sweet 2% compounding gains

$300? Can all these newfags pls go

I would say by the end of January. They are announcing deliverable ETH futures very soon and the demand will explode

what are the odds it dips soon? I want to just put 10k in and forget about it for a year. Should I buy in now or just wait and hope it drops to ~700

I'm serious about this, I don't have much money don't fuck me, pls I'm retarded

Won't dip that low.

Nab it up when it drops below $1k again

$7.00 ETH buyer checking in.

Been around since Feb 2016.

ETH still has a long way to go.

Read this:



My first ETH buy was in July, still hodling in my Trezor

although i only hold a fraction of one eth atm
it's all gone into icos and my fucking roi if you factor in how cheap the ether was i used to buy into them is fucking insane

I did some mining with Genesis Mining for $100 last year. My payouts are worth $3100 now. Feels nice. I'm hoping to ride some moons and see what I can do with this now.

106, ETH here my niggas. Been buying since $10. Wish I had more. Really, really hoping for a $500,000 portfolio at the end of the year. God speed

>bought since 10
How are you not a millionaire already?

I'm a college student. I really didn't have any income to go into OMG or NEO,or any of the other moon missions. Pretty much just dumped all my expendable cash into ETH as it went up. It's bittersweet but I'm content

It's backed up by a skeleton jew, that's a good sign

this coin is so fucking undervalued (well maybe overvalued but relative to other coins def undervalued). It's clear we are in a bubble but eth is more deserving to benefit from it than any other coin because it is a truly utility driven chad coin. not even gonna contemplate selling until 5k and I got in around 260$ average. ethereum is going to repeat what happened with bitcoin just a few months ago mark my words. it is already gaining traction as gatekeeper of alts and hitting ATH txs per day EVERY DAY

Should have gotten a student loan and dumped it all in

Every semi-successful coin with any application is gonna ride on the Ethereum network. making it the de facto reserve currency once Bitcoin outlives its usefulness

I'm in small ($1k) but I'm holding until end of year

If only. Hindsight sucks man. I thought ETH would be a good investment if it hit $100 in December last February. Pretty funny

Yea I was just messing with you. If I had paid attention to btc threads back on /g/ in 2010 and got just 100 when they were peanuts I could be retired already

this was november 2016, literally like 14 months ago. man you guys must be fucking new

who gives a fuck just get the fuck in.... Would you have been conserned if you were gonna get in on BTC at 850 or 1000 like 13 months ago ? the biggest risk right now is waiting and has been for the last 2 years

Yeah, I remember when people thought it would be insane if it got to $100 by December.

I only got in recently and have 1.13 ETH, about 690 Req, a paltry amount of BTC, and half a Litecoin

I just wanna make it

>being this much of a normie

I've been in brevetheren, got in at the btc rush dip
shit's going +15% again today my nigga

27 @ $13/eth

>being this much of a faggot
99% chance I’ve been here longer you than you piece of shit redditor

strap in

crypto market cap is headed before 10 trillion before the crash

How can you be so normie ?
Hope you bought Tron, at this level you should be a facebook fag

I did buy Tron at 4 cents. I dont have any social media you faggot redditor

is this going past 1k again or what? the suspense is killing me and I should go to sleep

>is this going past 1k again or what? the suspense is killing me and I should go to sleep
fucking kys normie

same. Im waiting for it to go lower so I can accumulate. I want to sleep though. Should i just drop this 600 now?

I'm swing trading ETH/USD with like $100k for quick gains, bought back during 2nd btc run today at 940, I'm either taking my profits now or waiting for 10$ more

I'm waiting on next btc bull run to ~25-40k and then imma go all in ETH

You think it's going to run again? It's looking bearish rn