if so why?
if not how much more would you need to quit?
Anyone here crypto rich but still works a job?
Other urls found in this thread:
i've got 400k, still work as a bartender for $22 an hour. I'm emotionally invested as its a family buisness. I'm trying to work less hours though. I'm 20, bought 300 ETH in janurary. no LARP
this is just disgusting
these women look like they have the personality of a handbag, just look at their fucking faces
Be smart with it bizbro. If and when you pull some out, don't just blow it on shit. Invest it in long-term value creating projects like rental properties, real estate, and diversify into commodities, stocks, bonds, etc. and pay off debt.
Or just buy a lambo or put it all on black. I don't really care, its your life.
Good luck! We're all gonna make it brah
The most standard of latina faces
jesus christ are you a virgin?
Got about 120k worth atm, most of that was over the last 2 months or so (just as i started working). Since its not enough, im working to cover daily expenses and not to be bored out of my fuckin mind all the time. Also its my back up plan if this all falls to pieces
This makes me think you are that australian that used to shitpost here alot and spam photos of yourself (here and on Veeky Forums) for validation
They're self-entitled gold diggers and popularity whores. They exist to get fucked and dumped by rich men.
except svetabily is russian
You didn't buy BZC yet user? Kek
I have 150k in crypto but still work because of basically free health insurance, 401k and 75,000 a year
no, i just prefer animated women.
Sold 12.3 BTC for 190k. Hodled for 4 years. Not rich by any means. Took out 100k. 46k is going to taxes, 50k went into real estate investment trusts and the other 90 is staying in crypto. It's up to 106k now.
>46k is going to taxes
>didn't just collateralize and pay nothing
nope, i'm a fat fuck hahaha
I have ~285K in crypto, I would probably consider quitting at around 1.2M.
Who are these sluts?
My mistake user, good job! Is 400k enough for you to make it where you live?
realized the mistake afterwards, fucked me up pretty good.
~3M USD in crypto.
Working a 44K USD salary job until I can live on Proof of Stake interest generated by ETH.
>Proof of Stake interest generated by ETH
Explain yourself user.
i am wondering what i will do. i used to do consulting but now work in investment banking (asset management). good money, chill job but it gets really boring at times.
wondering what i should do if i make it (USD 2mn+). think will take a year off and then join a consulting company again. it was nice learning stuff all the time, talking with people and the status that comes with it (lots of overseas travel in business class) and if u dont do it for money you can chill at 30h/week.
i bet man. at least you're not totally out of the game
>put up cryptos as collateral against a fiat loan
>charged 0% tax because the loan is a debt
>with any luck your cryptos 10x and the monthly repayments only eat through a small percentage of your bags
>you just enjoyed spending tax free fiat without losing all of your digital asset
welcome to the future user
I want to get to 600k before I burn off. Cash out 100k and go live abroad for a couple years while turn the 500k into 2-5m and settle down somewhere
Fellow Australian here
Fuck no. $400k is nothing here. Maybe enough to buy an Abo garage in the outback.
My plan is to make some dough off our obscenely high wages and then retire to Croatia or something
Where can I get these loans though? I know of Salt but I think they're only doing enterprise not individuals
Is this Salt, because this sounds like Salt?
they have three tiers atm i think
but there's lots of competition coming into this space
there's a private bank in singapore i can't remember the name of accepting btc collateral right now
the entire wanchain platform is built for this type of thing
yeah, salt, ethlend, coinloan. asset collateralization is an old concept.
Thank you for your insight user-kun. This information will be highly valuable in the coming months.
Awesome, tits for you.
I hold about a 750k in bitcoin but i cant convert it to fiat without paying huge fees and taxes (which i know nothing about) I cant use it or anything and im pissed . Oh and im a hs student
I'm a barback in America making and the least I've ever made is 24 and hour.
I dont have a job and have $65k atm. Probably $200k by Feb.
Tiny nipples/aerolas are disgusting user. Very masculine trait.
>i love my job
nigga, you gay
Need about 8mill here in cold maple syrup land to live comfortably without working.
Do high schoolers have to pay taxes?
No you are literally gay if you prefer small nipples. Men have small nipples. Women have big nipples. Big nipples are a huge fertility marker in line with wide hips
Been a nurse for 7 years and am currently making 87.50/hour and work 6 days a month. I invested 9k over the summer and now have 50k making only a few trades. I enjoy working as much as i do because i found a niche in my career that supports my lifestyle
i agree
You do realize you have to pay tax on every payment, right? unless you pay back with fiat (that you already paid taxes on)
The only way its tax free is if you don't spend the money on anything (which makes it pointless). If you already make 100k a year (after taxes), then you could take out 100k loan backed by bitcoin, spend the loan instead and pay it back with your salary . . . but that's paying interest to have somebody else HODL your btc for you. Plus you are taking on the risk of a bear market lowering your collateral and/or liquidating it.
Of course, it sounds like a good idea to people that don't use their brains, but for 95% of people its all kinds of a bad idea
but without being the highstandard fedora guy, you'd have to admit that the girl in the pic is hot and you'd hit that shit with the lights on
Why can't i find this on coinmarketcap?
Earning a bit over 50k€/year in IT. Got almost 400k€ in crypto (35k€ invested). More interested in buying in to things that will provide a passive income than cashing out for one lump sum (EG. Masternodes). Will probably take 25% out if i hit 3mil though to buy a house.
That said, my Blocknet MN will probably pay more passively than i'd really need, before the end of summer. Would probably quit my job in that case and pursue something new/study without being held by the 9-5 chains.
T t tank u user, u did good today!