Alright you flops, thank me later

> Founder of Neo
> Several ex Google and Alibaba team members
> Considered the Google of blockchains
> Main-net released Q1 2018

Has yet to hit any mainstream exchanges for the normies

> The fact that no one is talking about it should automatically be a HUGE +

Coin name: Nebulas (NAS)

As always DYOR, but I believe this is huge

Other urls found in this thread:

Shhh. Not ready yet to be shilled please

given how no one else has even commented on this, shows how undervalued it is

i actually want to throw at least 500 at this but im so comfy with my xlm ven icxx

wat do

> comfy
pick one

got in at 25 cents

fuck with me

Nebulas hasn't started yet mooning so your returns might be better in here. Don't want to tell you what to do obviously but all I'm saying is that this project is WAY undervalued. Could easily have a x20 this year and that's me being conservative

its already7 fucking dollars i only invest in coins under $1

I'm going to hold on to my picks for a couple more weeks, im anticipating an xlm and ven moon during this time

After that though I'm cashing out to NAS definitely.

Market Cap is already around 750,000,000 though

I hope you are trolling

Marketcap is 210M. Circulating supply is 30m not 100



recommended exchange?

20k into this because of the name glhf

Can anyone tell me what the fuck they do? The whitepaper is gibberish it might as well be in Chinese.

oh nevermind its on huobi
f u c k y e a h

Should I get it or wait for a binance listing dump?

> Look at CEO's name

I'm in boys


Nop, 35m circulating supply x $7 = 245m

245m doesn't even put you in top 100 nowadays so just imagine HOW undervalued it is yet.

Co-founder from neo too? I'm in Boyz