Am I the only thinking we are running out of timw? Everything is mooning even dead shitcoins, there is so much people coming into crypto's who don't even know what blockchain is. I have made 250k and Im trying to 4x it to get out of this shitshow before it comes falling down.
What is your exit strategy user?
Am I the only thinking we are running out of timw? Everything is mooning even dead shitcoins...
Other urls found in this thread:
why did you buy this shit? jesus h christ
You must be new here if you think this is sustainable growth.
We don't have much time left until the bubble bursts. And I'm not even close to making it.
Why settle for x4?
Get x50-100 instead.
Buy UCASH. It's ICO will end tomorrow:
Here's your last chance to an ICO from a company that has actual products/services right now. They're ending their ICO by tomorrow.
Ucash is airdropping 500 ucash coins on every registration after email and phone number verification.
Register now or stay poor forever. Use my referral link below:
Don't be mad when It stars mooning..
I honestly think the bubble has not even started. I don't think that I know anyone in real life that has any idea that any of this exists. It is completely insane, but I think, or hope, that we're safe for 2018.
This. The public is just now catching ear of fucking ripple. They are STARTING to understand that there are other coins other than Bitcoin. Once they get wind of all the decentralization paradigm and how much money people will earn from it ("THE NEW BITCOIN!!") only THEN the real bubble will happen. Don't worry, we're all going to make it.
Everyone in real life knows about this shit, even 80 year old ladies at church crying about this is the sign of end times. All of you know what could happen, you actually belived ripple was the real deal, wait untill defense contractors and big tech companies take bids to develop a ledger with 1billion tx a second on centralized nodes, and central banks back them by dollars, make it retardedly easy to use, and guarantee protection for end user.
It 20 years it will be inconceivable for even the richest people to buy the amount of crypto you can now. If this shit is rhw real deal youre getting in at the fround floor of something that will define the next 100 years
You must be deluded man, it's covered by the media everywhere snapchat even had a global story on fucking crypto coins.
Go on facebook, instagram ect and you'll see tons of normies talking about crypto. Iota, ripple, REQ, lumens are the favourites i've noticed
yup this board is the bleeding edge of early adoption and the idiots here still manage to lose money bumbling from coin to coin - when we're all set to go 100x by holding literally anything in the top 100
This. Bitcoin was just an experiment.
Normies who at most put $100 into coinbase dude. I work in a finance related field and 90% of people know about crypto but only 20% have any money in it. And only me and one other coworker have 5 figures or more.
There's a ton of normie money not even touching crypto yet.
It's lasting until at least the end of the year.
Q4 2018 the economy as a whole goes boom
Not deluded man, I check my Facebook from time to time, have over 2.5k randoms added from high school. Have only seen 2 people actually post about crypto
Dude, boomer money hasn't even been TOUCHED yet. You're right.
750 billion market capitalization is peanuts. Dot Com was 3 trillion. Crypto will be twice that.
you think 80 year old grandmas are buying bitcoin just because they saw a segment on fox news?
Most normies are dumb as doornails. I had to hand hold a couple of normie friends to make accounts on coinbase ffs. Also, just because you see a bunch of idiots yapping about it doesnt mean shit.
we have time
Meh. I was worried a couple days ago, but since then we've had nice corrections. Dumb money is in the market so those shitcoin p&d's are just gonna wither down slowly and eventually even the dumb money will find the legit projects.
I'm far more excited about industrial money coming in. XRP and XLM are showing signs of this already.
buy and hold has always been the best crypto strategy. You are on the money.
The influx of people doesn't concern me so much. But the possibility of USDT crashing everything at once literally keeps me up at night.
Which one will cause the shitstorm first?
You are absolutely deluded. Everybody is talking about crypto and dotcom didn't even need everyone's money to collapse.
what is it that people worry so much about with regards to USDT?
>Everybody is talking about crypto
Gee, maybe that's because we have the internet these days
I see literal shitcoins like ICN and CFD moon. Almost every coin with a low coin price is rising as hell. I have a bad feeling.
You made me log in Facebook, and I see no one talking about any of this. I see Bitcoin mentioned in the news sometimes, but that's about it. I guess we don't know the same people.
Tax bill just passed. Lots of funny money this year my dude.
Bull rally continues until 2018 and then goes pop along with crypto.
Screencap this. I'll see you in October.
Dotcom took years to "crash" and had way more money than this.
Everyone is talking but very few people are investing. The number of people actually holding req for example is only in the tens of thousands.
Im betting on some regulations which will cause big crash, if that doesn't happen we wait for the dumb money to run out.
wow a whole 200 boomers at some circle jerk meeting
Thanks just sold all my crypto.
>200 people
It was 3 trillion in 1999, not even adjusted for inflation.
Our marketcap is peanuts compared to other bubbles, this is world wide and little of no entry barriers.
Get worried when we reach 2trillion
the barrier to entry is that normies think signing up on coinbase or poloniex is "too hard to do".
They are talking about it the same way they talked about Bitcoin back in the $100 days.
You are free to get out. I'll stay in for another couple of years.
To clarify I do think this madness era of vaporware pumps will end probably by eoy. But good crypto will carry on.
I was in a similar Bitcoin meetup with about the same amount of people over a year ago. It was literally a waste of time and nobody else that visited invested anything at that time.
the simple fact that there is no proof that it is actually backed by real us dollars sitting in a bank somewhere
Yeah a lot of normies know about it, but arent smart enough to actually figure out how to use it.
>USDT crashing
USDT will never crash because it is backed by gold, banks, government, REAL ASSets, and the military. Are you sure you're still awake?
Because it's literally printed money pumping the entire market. Or at least that's my conclusion according to what I've read.
Remember those cases in history when too many people tried to cash out at once from banks and said bank ran out of money because most of it had been given out in loans? Yeah, that might happen and you don't even need too many people cashing out.
That, my friendo, is the real FUD. I really hope someone here proves me wrong, though. Thoughts?
There is a greater than zero probability that tethers are a scam and are not backed by anything, contrary to what Bitfinex says.
this is the most likely desu. When (((they))) finally decide (((they))) have made enough money and get (((their))) politician money slut buddies to put the noose on crypto's neck with regulations.
>hurr durr private ownership of crypto is now banned
Your must be completly disconnected from reality otherwise I cant see how someone be this delusional.
By my insanely good judgement and calculations
We have till a little before the end of this year
SHITCOINS will be gone, finished
You better have some solid coins you are invested in.... (ADA... ICX) or good bye to all your money
You have been warned
not USD
USDT, which only some of it is backed by real USD.
I think user meant USDT, meaning tethers, and not USD. If you don't know the difference, you're going to have a bad time.
And there are a ton of people RIGHT NOW who will be opening shady ass fucking businesses/financial advisers to help them - with a 10% cut of course
someone has to explain to me why this will burst before 2 trillion market cap with the Chinese middle class we have now who love chasing fucking stocks
yes we're all neets here but have you actually been to a crypto meetup? There are usually one or two people who got into bitcoin early and sell it to boomers face to face on localbtc for a 10% premium, and then dozens of wrinkled brainlets who still have trouble logging on to myface, bragging about their 500 dollar 'investment' to eachother.
All in on chainlink, ride or die til at least 35$
I'm talking about Tethers, not actual USD.
Did you read it wrong or am I being stupid for believing the FUD?
usdt is backed by the full faith and force of the Bitfinex government.
40% of the dotcom bubble companies survived. Companies like google and amazon. Just make sure you buy the actual useful projects and not the of crypto
All those white haired boomers in that pic, rubbing their hands in anticipation about hearing how they can squeeze even more money from the next generation of investment. iPhone owning Millennials BTFO!!
this so much. and years after the trash is filtered we will still be making those sweet fucking gains
This is how the bubble will burst:
>dumb money looks at top coins by CMC
>sees low Tether price
>buys Tether
>huge USD/USDT spread
>arbitrage bots sell USDT
>dumb money sells USDT but no USD left
this thing is not gonna burst until more normies actually start buying more crypto. And not just putting 200 dollars on litecoin on fucking coinbase.
Also, everything else is a fucking bubble. Housing markets, student debt defaults, sub prime car loans that last 7 years or more, fucking stock market that just keeps going higher (hurr durr tesla is 300 bucks per share).
This is multiple layers of shitposting. Congrats on this. Seriously.
Maybe OP but you cant confirm shit. About 7 months ago I invested into bitcoin then moved it to ETH because I was newbie as fuck and $2,900 looked like a bubble to me. I had about 0.75BTC and as a result, I missed out on making my first 10-15k
It's just started but won't last long. Hopefully another year but I've made my $$$. Make sure to cash out some
The entire system is gonna collapse in 2019 and you'll see a major war by 2021.
2019 is going to make 2007 look like nothing. We're talking Great Depression level destruction.
I'm not trying to be a FUD, but just express that what comes up most go down, these years have been good, but this is not guaranteed, and should not be taken for granted.
I’m sorry anons. I will never be part of your world.
I got into crypto a few days ago, made about 20% profit, now I’m completely pulling out, I can’t handle the volatility.
I’ll stick to my robo advisor, please wave to me from the moon and good luck all! I have no heart for this.
I'll bite. What's your analysis. Why is this going to happen? What makes you think 2019?
If you say it's (((them))) you lose all credibility.
When they print tethers they buy bitcoin, they always do this at a dip, there is every possibility that with enough bitcoin they have made more bitcoin off it and have been selling some to keep a USD reserve. I'm not saying they aren't scamming but that it is perfectly sustainable for them to keep printing tether.
The only thing that will crash tether is if they let bitcoin crash by not buying the dip or the media goes fully crazy with fud and they dont cash out their bitcoin reserves in time.
I've thought about opening some kind of business like that myself
People in my country (3rd world shithole, not pajeet though) are illiterate when it comes to computers, someone could make an absolute killing doing this
No trust me i'm still really in touch with my normie friends and for them this shit is really unapproachable and its like some computer magic to them.
You need a wider perspective
Altho its probably true that the shitshow won't last forever
I've already made my cool cool 1.6MM
secured 600k into USD and playing with the rest
Did you pay taxes?
yes, 25%
Most of them can't comprehend how to use a wallet so idc
>source: my ass
this is actually fairly likely. Not sure about a major war, but the whole house of cards is teetering.
The trump tax cuts for corporations will prop up the markets for at least 2018. All those greedy fucktard CEOs will initiate stock buybacks with their corporate tax break money.
It's already kind of been happening since January started, at this rate non-bullshit crypto is going through the roof
>.com was 10T
we're not even close. dotcoms lost more than 2x current valuation (not even adjusted for inflation) in a single fucking day
On another note
>DOGE is new
Yes I can't confirm this but it's just my gut feeling. Remember, never underestimate stupid money which is pumping crypto right now. This could go on for days, months or years. Just stay safe and remember to cash out atleast your initial investment.
I really hope you're right, because they could just print more out of thin air if they wanted to. That's a fuckload of power on the hands of Tether, right?
I agree. We 4channers are so deep in the rabbit hole sometimes that we don’t poke our heads out and take a look at the world around us. The normies are just getting started.
Yeah, Salt is another model that can print money while being sustainable, it is insane some of the schemes these people have going on.
I sold 1/3 of my alts yesterday to btc. I'm I safish?
I have a quant buddy with some numbers behind it, but this is just pure intuition and looking at the historical record and time-between-recessions (8.5 years on average since 1850 IIRC)
Bull market was entirely dependent on tax cuts getting passed. They passed, so it rages on. P/E ratios gonna get pumped to 40-45 then POP. There are pretty much no fundamentals upon which growth outside of China is being built (they still have hundreds of millions of peasants). The low unemployment is a scam fueled by double counting and zero contract shit. Fed gonna ratchet up interest rates but not quick enough to burst the bubble until it is too late. Banks are levering up hard again. Brexit negotiations looming and likely to be disastrous. Smart money is fleeing the UK now before Corbyn locks it all down to salvage what he can of the over-financialized UK economy.
Read Streeck. Follow Mark Blyth. Be liquid in Q4 and be ready to pick up the pieces if there's anything left to pick up. Screencap this if you want for posterity.
I got into PMs first then crypto, I'm still very bullish about Gold, less so silver. As the ultimate hedge. Crypto applications are nation state level, for a country like Russia or China it means bypassing the Swift system, covertly ignoring sanctions. I don't see China as a Real threat to the US. But it is coming to resemble Germany before WW1.
I hope you are joking
Not quite time yet, but anyone suggesting that the average Joe isn't catching on yet is deluded. I've only been into crypto for 6 months or so and even then nobody else ever mentioned it.
Now my dad talks about how his co-workers talk about it all the time and all have money in crypto. My sister talks about how her boyfriend has bought "dashcoins".
I was on a bus a few days ago and the guy behind me was talking on the phone loudly about crypto. This shit is seriously spreading everywhere, open your eyes people.
>before it comes falling down.
Not a true coiner.
Oh they've heard of it but they cant look away from the latest sprotsball game to learn how to use etherdelta. the early adopter are only just barely arriving.
how 25% user
This is normie early adoption.
Keep a close eye on television that the elderly watch. Once Fox News and day time TV start heavily shilling coins or coin-buying companies get ready to get the fuck out
I have been here for a one year and have witnessed rises and falls. Most of you are just deluded normies who got in this december and haven't never seen red.
The bubble will burst when normies lose money and campaign for more regulations.
>i have 250k boo hoo hoo hoo
>for 2018.
that bubble will start in 2020, and it will burst around 2021-2022. by the time you'll be a homeless Shill
The Christmas dip was pretty significant...for about 36 hrs.
>I have been here for a one year
Ok bro. when you get honey badgered remember this thread.
Maybe, good luck to you too?
wow it's almost as if people live in different places and are members of different demographics with differing levels of awareness of crypto, whack
>high and mighty because of one year
you won't make it, faggot
This so far it seems to be a low class thing to talk about it. The only people I've heard talk about it who I knew personally were the few trump voting mouth breathers I'm friends with on facebook and some niggers I know at the bus stop I walk by every day.
My friend group is all at least graduate or professional degreed living in a middle to upper middle class yuppie neighborhood and I've never heard anyone bring it up. Granted, I've never done it either so maybe we're all secretly long BAT