This fucking coin keeps promising me things and it keep fucking dropping at a nice steady rate...please Veeky Forums help me, my hands are getting weak and envious of my other alts...why hold? Where's the pump?
This fucking coin keeps promising me things and it keep fucking dropping at a nice steady rate...
this is just shit, sell it all and buy something good like sonm
>this is just shit, sell it all and buy something good like sonm
but but but...I was told it had nice partnerships ;(
Just sold mine. Putting it into VEChain I think
Real talk though, i thought a pump was due?
If you are holding OMG for a pump you are doing it for the wrong reasons. OMG is a nest egg
Literal shitcoins like LINK and TRX sound more your speed
im holding omg to make money like everbody fucking else. guess what that isnt happening right now?
I suppose it's just FOMO, I've got about 5 sub 20m marketcap coins going up, and a fair few midcaps, but I still expect my top coins to climb somewhere at least every 7 days...such is the state of crypto
you know how some days you look at coinmarketcap and see a coin just went 200% and you're like holy fuck why didn't i hear about this. then the next day its up another 200% and you buy in and still triple your money. thats OMG when it takes off
>thats OMG when it takes off
OMFG newfags and millenials everywhere.
This is fucking ridiculous, you won't become a millionaire overnight. All the bullshit 100% a day coins you see crash hard a day or two later, guess why? - Because they're fucking shitcoins.
They are pump and dumped by groups and whales, if you are a whale, you can make some money. Majority of people chasing massive gains a week from these get rich quick shitcoins will end up losing. You might get lucky once or twice, but you won't win.
Most of you faggots probably wern't here last year but if you just held BTC you would have been better off than day trading these shitcoins and winning some losing some.
Just fucking buy into tech. Long term in crypto is a month or two.
I was a newfag too, I didn't buy into BTC when it was $500 because i thought it was too expensive so I jumped into shitcoins like sia and ended up losing out.
Invest your money, put it into something worthwhile, dumb money will come in and pump some shit coins but they will dump, just look at fucking TRON yesterday.
If you have money in ETH and OMG right now, you will be rich by the end of this year. Just fucking relax
thanks senpai, will chill for a further 24 hrs before I dump this. Am I doing it right?
what about ICX user?
You could've been holding literally anything else and 10xed your money meanwhile.
and ironically, i got into the SIA pump today to increase my OMG stack.
my other fucking dogshit long-hold coin not moving, got a bit more faith in it though.
That's why I'm getting rid of this useless shit as soon as I can. It can't even pump and dump, let alone be a useful investment with actual merit.
OMG went 80% last week without anybody noticing. It got hit hard because of ETH and BTC, so people bailed along with all the other altcoins mooning. Right now it's in a downward channel and retracing fucking hard, when it retraces like this it can go around 170%+ after it hits a support line, which seems like (whatever) .018 Eth translates to.
Yes, if you cash out in time you can increase your gains, but in the end you'll have big losses that tends to equal out and be less than if you just held solid coins.
Not mooning and fluctating 50% a day is a good sign in a coin, because it's stable. Just look at ETH and BTC the last 2 years. Pumps 150% in a week then sits stable for a month or so then repeats.
That's stable growth (in the crypto world anyway).
Be smart faggots, but more importantly, be patient.
Stop refreshing your blockfolios every 5 minutes and selling at any sign of red.
Take it from someone who's been in the game a while.
5x more and I'm 1m, I'm ready, I wouldn't put it on anything other than OMG or ETH to secure my riches.
We are fucking 6 days into 2018, kids these days, what impatient fucks. You should be looking at 2020 minimum for real gains. Any anyone wait for things anymore
Oh yeah, it did do that. I neglected to set my stop limits because I'm retarded. I deserve this suffering.
someone shill me on OMG
all i know is the skateboard meme and money skelly is an advisor
Just checked the website and marketcap. Looks like complete useless trash and is at 2 billion. What the fuck is the point of this? There are hundreds of wallet options, why would I need this trash?
don't get me wrong it's hard as fuck to watch as shitcoins moon 5x in a couple of days, but the risk is not worth it, I will end up backwards in a few months
>checks memes
>looks up
solid research, opinion formed
You literally deserve to stay poor
It's ok, I forgot too.
It's just a p2p finance system that can exchange currencies without the need of a bank. The good thing about them is that they have an established market and have good footholds in some of the worlds largest Asian markets.
You missed 80% profit, that's ur fault. Also, you've sank this low, it's going to turn around in the next day or two. If it breaks support, sell it off then. If it doesn't, we going high unless whales fuck us.
I have a split in OMG/ICX/AION/ and some money for swing trades.
You should've dumped this before Jan 1 you dummy.
>>stay poor
>>up 510% in less than 5 weeks
how much do you have now?
probably 700 dollars
Is there a minimum amount of OMG you need to run a node?
Youre gonna need 4k omg to make it user
lol 4000 tokens, is that real?
its not the coin that promises you things, its the other heavy heavy bagholders that are desperate for any sort of profit at this point. it WILL go up. but the longterm trend is not good.
Continued. Electra is actually up 300%, delta tracks incorrectly, and I have no eth, it’s in lamden ICO which is up 150%
how do you have such good picks
some biztards get lucky, some don't.
you just don't see that much of the unlucky ones posting their shitty portfolios.
survivorship bias.
some luck for sure, lots of FOMOing.
For example, I transfered money to OKex to get into the ITC pump 3 days ago, it took fucking 6 hours, ended up getting into with 11 ETH at 130% up, woke up at 6am to check and I was down 25%, sold at a loss. Done similar with XLM twice, ICX twice and sold up ECA mid December because I thought it was a shitcoin, only buying back last week (wouls have been up x15 rather than x3 by now).
I think the best strategy is to have 20%~ in low cap shitcoins with potential, majority in midcaps pre-binance and the rest in binance 'quality' coins. Almost certainly it's all luck though.