>LINK is a scam
>autistic linkies
>if LINK was real it would've been $100 by now!
LINK is a scam
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Yes, definitly a scam. They said that they had a huge PoC on the BitSwift conference, but in reality Sergey was filmed on their restroom eating bigmacs for two hours. Sadest thing is, afterwards he flushed the trash down to toilet and screamed "Price it in" furiously to hide the evidence.
Unfortunately, the video is not available anymore because Rory took it down by claiming a DMCA copyright infringment.
idiot, go fud somewhere else!!
Unrelated to your troll post OP, I sold my 30k. Just waiting on the Eth to hit GDAX so I can start cashing out. I'm literally shaking right now. I got all of this for $5.2k, and I'm going to put a downpayment on a house.
Thank you link marines. I know my hands were weak but this is life changing money to me. I hope it dumps though.
forgot to sage and now gtfo....
Those 30k could have been $1 million in 6 months. Congrats you dumb normalfag.
I'm sure that video is going to sell a lot. I'll price it in in 500 LINK
>mainnet not even out
>no huge partnerships confirmed yet.
Once anything happens this will leave the galaxy in search for new frontiers unknown to mankind.
You call that a dump?? Rofllll
>those 100k LINK sellwalls on the BTC pairing that pop up for 20 seconds and then disappear
Come on. There is literally no way that could happen. 35k is a lot of money. You're not gonna be kicking yourself when it crashes to 10c, and you could have cashed out for 12x that? I couldn't live with myself. And all the signs point to a crash coming.
Normies don't know yet.
thread theme:
Just stick to the plan guys.
Chainlink J curve
I've been watching you senpai.
I've enjoyed the smoking animus you've been posting on Veeky Forums for some time.
[spoiler]notice me[/spoiler]
no you're a retard
thanks for selling me your bags itll pay for my med school lol
have fun working to pay for your dumbass kids to get interior design degrees and suck yuppie cock
Whatever, I have 85% certainty you're gonna wish you had sold right now rather than held.
You can use that $35k to put a downpayment for a server rack to hold all those pink wojacks you'll be posting in 3 months
Dude fair enough if you want to sell and buying a house is a good thing but it doesn't take long to earn $35k in the scheme of a whole life. You have a chance to make 10 times that at which point it becomes real life changing money.
Even if there's only a 50% chance of this it's still a risk worth taking. I could live with myself for losing $35k but I'm not sure if I could live with myself for missing out on $350k or $3.5m.
To each their own, but couldn't you have just sold half instead?
I can understand why you did it its a lot of dough. But this feels alot like eth. And you saw all the people who sold off eth early right?
If I had 10000 eth and sold of early (I probably would have) and saw it now I'd literally kill myself.
I am either going to be rich or go down with link. Better than thinking yeah I could have been a millionair.
all crypto currencies are scams
Profit is profit, let the weak sheep go.
What this user said. I know if I had brought bitcoin day in the day when I was young and dumb I would have cashed it out so early ( probably the first weekend I needed money for drinking) and I would be necking myself right now. No way I am going to let that happen with link, I believe this will shoot off for sure, nobody name drops a huge company like that unless they mostly already have a working relationship, the Swift partnership is real, fud all you want faggots
Meanwhile, I started with about $500 2 months ago and traded my way up to the largest LINK stack I could possibly get, because this is just starting. I told myself that I'm not going to be like those losers who sold BTC and ETH right when it just began to go up. Now after all that hard work, the manifestation of that dream into reality begins.
This is where the men are separated from the boys in this game. If you're scared, go to church.
When your English isn't quite good enough to understand sarcasm
20k Link and 13k REQ sitting in my Ledger and won't be touched until dec. 16 2018. That's the day I can cash out taxfree.
Seasons investors know how to separate themselves from their emotions and see things entirely objectively. I was completely broke for the past 5 years. Now I have 5 figures within a couple of months. I don't give a shit. It is nothing to me until the task is complete. I don't care how high LINK goes, I care that I hold as many as I can for as long as I can, because I believe in the project and I know that it will be worth a lot. Thinking about money alone will ruin you, pussies. Learn how to think like a boss, and money will flow. Stupid fuckers. I couldn't sleep at night when LINK was 20 cents and I had no job but all I could think about was how the fuck to get as much as possible. Bitch my stack is now above average from what I've seen, and I'm not giving it away because my emotions tell me to withdraw and go jack off.
Congrats on your gains, user, but I genuinely think you're missing the train on this one.
I definitely get it, though.
Their partnership with Zeppelin OS is pretty huge.
what's this "i definitely get it" bullshit.
so weak
LINK will 2x every month, and all the spiteful linkies will go "see i told u so" while other coins are moving up twice as hard
It means I understand how someone could not be willing to risk $30k in gains because they don't have money. I get the mindset. Not one I share, but I understand why someone would do that.
I'm going to be a millionaire on LINK, I don't give a fuck what some pump and dump coins are doing. It's not worth it.
Just buy some stocks, you'll get the same returns
I don't get the mindset. I have $25k now when I had $0 to my name 2-3 months ago. It doesn't change the fact that this is just now starting. Why would anyone sell themselves short like that. Oh yeah, because humans are greedy short sighted fuckin idiots.
The reddit page only has 2k subscribers after all this time, fuck me
Wtf are you talking about? just stop talking.
Maybe you have more faith in the product, or you're just better at long term planning.
I'm a 50k stinky linky, and I'm hodling until EOY at least (mine are in cold storage now).
Make me nigger
Yeah I got lucky enough to sell at $1. This coin is a fucking joke