
Disney relationship, private and public chains for the enterprise.

10x at least before summer.

dragonchain is probably gonna be top 15 isnt it

the logo looks like something a harry potter larper would be really into

For sure. Just wait till the people notice it. Right now almost no one is aware of its existence.

i hate that everyone is building a platform rather than trying to accomplish one simple goal and letting people build their own ideas like putting lego pieces together. shits idiotic. it reminds me of like fucking logging into AOL in 1998 to read email, chat, play games, etc.

anyway, im being a dick, its probably a fine bet. these days we have things like ruby on rails and .NET and spring frameworks and its sort of the same idea.

Still massively undervalued

The intern python project dropped by Disney? That DRGN?

This shit is going to $40 before end the end of the year.

its going to be added to ethfinex. eze pze x10

It is gonna explode when it gets added to binance.

Dragonchain ended up third place in the Binance vote iirc. Almost certainly going to get listed in the very near future.

Sorry I don't touch anything connected with Disney. I will invest in arms companies, tobacco etc but what Disney do is too disgusting for me.

>making money is too disgusting

why is the logo so ugly though

Logo is the only reason I bought this desu. Still don't know what it does and don't really care.

been holding an actual unique and transformative project for months and this piece of shit doubles its marketcap overnight


safest coin out there. Easily $20 by the end of Feb. So many ICOs lining up

To scare off shortsighted pajeets like you

>Only 10x
Very subtle FUD

It's worth a bag for the disney connection alone.

Will it x2 short term?

Shhh. not done accumulating

If it involves Disney. Then yes it is. The lowest kind of cultural prositution in human history.

Money is money and this will be $25 by end of February.


Just bought 15 ETH of this. I hope you aren right anons.

Welcome to the coalition JC

That will be 30 eth in one month.

The subreddit has 1400 vistors the word 'dragon' makes everyone think its a shit coin easy money

3rd place sounds like it go high it was only 5% its gone a long way to come


this, when it dips ill scoop some up but not right nowww

kekcoin wont generate eth address for me after registering. ED wont deposit eth into contract. tf is wrong eth. everyone playing fucking tanks or something?

It'll be up 20% tomorrow and this will be the dip

holy SHIT the cup and handle is legit forming hard right now. I think I'm doubling my position, looks like its gonna go fucking parabolic today.