>Decentralized Blockchain based Appstore
>Got listed on Binance yesterday
>The coin will be used on their Android/iOS store Aptoide
>200M users
>4 Billion download total
>Bigger than Google Store
>In-App purchases with the tokens which are dirt cheap right now


Other urls found in this thread:

WhitePaper on their website
Q1 is release of beta, it's near the ATL right now

I bought 1 eth worth 3 weeks ago. I'm at 0.57488168 = $12078.32 AUD, after one day on binance... am I... am I... finally going to make it?

Once these sell walls are eaten it is going to shoot up

You're blessed, it's a normie coin worth a lot, it's going to moon

this was the first token i purchased. Wanted to just play around bc i had only bought ether at the time. decided to throw $12 at this having done 0 research just to see how you could exchange ether for tokens. completely forgot I had them until it was listed yesterday.

And we're strapped in. Target?

It's not even listen on Coinmarketcap yet, GET IN THE TRAIN

Haha no way, same here. I mostly bought to learn how to enter an ICO and how to transfer tokens to an exchange. I was looking for an ICO with the most normie appeal and I found APP COIN.

Great name and the project itself was impressive, imagine an uncensored peer-to-peer, mobile app store. Think of all the kinds of crazy apps you could find, on a platform like that.

This is actually kind of interesting but can anyone explain to me why they need to use a crypto token in the app store? Hasn't it been running off of fiat for years? What is the advantage of moving to their token? It feels cash grabby, no?

Fuck I locked in 25% gains but I could have had 50% had I waited another few minutes

You can earn their tokens on the app by watching advertisments and all

quick guys start linking this on FB and reddit. the normies will be coming

Can't decide when to take profit. This mofo eats through all kinds all sell walls

Its also a better way for developers to get paid. at the moment its hard for apps to gain traction. bc you have to have initial captial to advertise etc and there are too many middlemen

Shill it bois

The fact it's a “decentralized” app store, is one of the main appeals to me, create any type of app you want, monetize it how you want and no SJW leftist piece of shit can pressure anyone to shut it down. Imagine the creativity that sort of freedom could produce, literally Veeky Forums the app store.

up over 50% in last 2 hours

ppl dont realize the true value of this coin

decentralized app payments and markets enable a global store and no more regional restrictions or price differences

everything mobile-related (APPC, QLC) will moon this year

shill here

is it a good time to buy? what scares me is that the 24h high is x8 the 24h low , what the fuck


After the ICO it had a defined price and it got corrected, it has been on Binance for less than 24hours


looks like it's about to cross over again
time to buy

Get in under $3 and you're set for the weekend on this one whilst everything else sits still

please let me accumulate, delete the thread.

I'm still waiting for ETH to transfer into Binanace....

How is the price moving it isn't listed on CMC


just bought in
pls let biz be right for once
pls let biz be right for once
pls let biz be right for once

here we go again boys

Wait til it comfortably breaks $3, it'll soar, then again when CMC lists. Check out their support on their website and what they're doing, it's potentially a goldmine

Got in at 2.90 with 66 coins, am i fucked? How high will this go?
Fucking jumped from 2.70 to 2.90 like crazy.

Use your fucking brains guys. At ~18:00 GMT this coin is going to shoot right to the top of the 24h % change and get a shit tonne of attention. Get prepared.

i got in at ICO. im golden already LuL

to fund their retirement to thailand

you're not going to be rich user, but yes, you'll make money

thoughts on what price to sell?

nice bro, hope you got stacks, you'll be minted.

.004 eth

Sold all of my Fun for APPC. Let's hope it doesn't even moon, but also fucking head to Mars within a few days.

we need to pump through the walls


Threw 500 bucks in for easy x2 - x3

I sold half my icx for this @ $2.8, did I do good?

I don know or care what this coin does but I've made 4k in the last 2 hours.

Well yea obviously i wont be rich, but any increase is great. Thx m8.
Im starting small trying to build up.
Got most of my money on certain safe coins im gonna hodl

You'll be fine, thank us in an hour.

it was there, maybe it just gets updated.

I already have f-droid.

best way m8
There's your whitepaper you dimwit.

it links a pdf. wtf u on about

Fucker is dropping, i hope it goes up again.

Hahaha! I said fuck it and went all in about two hours after release while knowing absolutely nothing about this coin.


It will take off in 40minutes ish

Americans about to wake up

>literal Pajeet in their whitepaper


still time to buy in or has it mooned for the day?

Ayyyyy lmao

here it fucking goes rOcKET MANNNNNN



is it too late to buy ?



It went through a correction period and it is rising again.

binance you nigger

What price are we looking at after 24 hours?





dont say Veeky Forums didnt warned you before making x2 this weekend

i think binance is the first exchange its been listed on. clearly a big exchange like this thinks it will blow up

Binance, it was listed less than 24 hours ago. Look at the trading volume. This is the hottest shitcoin at the moment.

try to open the link faggot

honestly hard to predict but I would go for 5$ at least. This will hit 10$ in no time.

look at those walls crumbling - easy x2!

$5 - 15 IMO depends on whether the normies see it and get in on it this weekend or next week

nearly at $3, one it crosses it's taking off

No, I want moar. Something like 1000% gain would be appreciated.

I did. it loaded you fucking pajeet.

not even a shitcoin you cuck

Hopefully chinks and pajeets get on this shitcoin and inflate the fuck out of the prices. I am counting on them tomorrow.

Be happy with what it gives you. I've been burned by new listings before

what's the market cap for this thing?



98m circulating supply .. so about 300million right now

Not the ones that get listed on Binance. Look up the charts, every single one of them eventually went up after the initial crash.

>Aptoide support

Little faggot, is swing trading an easy 2x too small time for you? Kill yourself.

lol anf if you click on the whitepaper on their page it's just "404 not found" .. what a shitcoin. be careful guys and get out at the right time.

> 450mils token in total
nah, i'm gonna buy it when it''s about 10k sats

Look up the recent ones like BRD and ELF

shit, just got in chasing the pumps again... probably got justed... fuuuuuck

Supply is 450 millions and it costs 2.7$ already. Looks like it's done.

it's a pdf you dumb fuck, already seen a high of $8 and you don't want to jump in, beta launch end of Jan will increase this further


Am I supposed to swing trade this? Im gonna be on a plane in like an half an hour, fuck