LTC is about to blow through $300 and after that who the fuck knows.
Get in.
LTC is about to blow through $300 and after that who the fuck knows.
Get in.
Other urls found in this thread:
Heading to 500$ than 850$
ready for launch
No one is going to sell at 290 this time, 284 was a hard floor. Last chance before blast off guys.
Explain what? It's been poking at 290 all day, everyone has bailed out at 290 because they got in at 275. This time it never dipped under 284, it will probably break through.
So you have no proof its going to moon, fuck off never post again.
It's currently the coin with the most potential for growth and based on today's pattern it's going to be at least another +20% right now. Still +10-15% if you get in right now.
lmao you're not going to make it
screencap this $500 by next week
Check em
>bitcoin rising again
>everything else is dipping in response
>except litecoin
LTC is dead. Even the developers gave up on the shitcoin.
Chink Lee is pushing for an ATH normies will get in now watch
Kek. Why do you think ETH has been stagnant all day? Because normies are switching to LTC as their trading currency.
Crystal fucking ball brahs.
Do not sell at $300.
>tfw bought near ATH
I do not know if I'm going to make it
Do NOT SELL at $300. Do not do this to your money. Trust me. Read through the thread again.
Saw the tweet, hopped in at 17425. Am poor far so only like 6.5 coins but should be a nice ride.
Goood morning everyone!
>Shoots past 0.018 seconds after I cancel my sell order
Thank god
comfort me shill, how high is it gonig
DO NOT FUCKING SELL BOYS. Enjoy the god damn ride.
but he will not deliver.
kek I'm in let's go ;)
I dont know if anyone else noticed.
2017, bitcoin moved.. then ltc / eth moved after..
ETH moved.
Then LTC / BTC/ Bcrap moved after.
>Take that for what you will
Around $312 right now, then a dip back to a hard floor of ~296. Rinse and repeat. This coin is going to be 500+ within a few months.
you better place your sell order back friend I'm about to buy more
People are still going to FOMO this at 299 because it's been so fucking close to 300 all day that it doesn't matter. It's going to explode.
Im fucking retarded..ive sold all coins after nye...
Happened once.
charlie is starting to shill means moon mission inc. don't miss out on normie money anons
Depth shows clear sailing until 0.019 captain
Daytraders can comfortably sell at 0.019, but there's no reason not to sit in this coin for the forseeable future.
do you guys think we'll see that insane 100%+ pump we had at the end of last year?
>it's broken past $300 on normiebase
589 EOD
1000 ltc wall at 0.019, expect turbulence
If you guys wanna make even more money, join our 150k users Pump and dump group
we mooning?
>held this for a month
>sell all for altcoins
>shit instantly jumps 50%
just my luck
Thank you for your service
Get in on this dip at around 296.
hope your altcoins gains were worth it user
Ah, it's been comfy
Fees drastically decreasing, the true payment coin !
Going 310 at least now boys. Strap the fuck in, this will be wild.
Pleasantly surprised when I checked my ltc today, anyone know what caused this spike?
Just bought 100 at 1899
How fucked am I
Dude, me too. I am so pissed. I started believing everyone saying Charlie fucked it up by cashing out at ATH even though whenever I wanted to buy those alts, LTC was the best way to get ‘em. This is so fucked.
You fine bro just don't sell on the dip. LTC is pure internet gold.
100 LTC here
Held all winter
Sell order at 0,02
Is this possible today?
you faggot, ltc is the most used coin, it will fuckin moon and you will stay poor. you are disgusting me with your poorness.
Over $12B worth of LTC has been sent in the last 24hr. That's almost 95% of its marketcap!!
Getting ready to offload this shit coin.
I bought at $300+ and then that fuck Lee sold all his coins and crashed it. Can't see a future for this, the only coin in my portfolio I've not made a profit on, because the developer is a retard.
How high are we going? $400? $500?
this, also more announcements coming, charlie lee wants to fuck over roger ver so bad. And he will. Everything charlie does weighs so much more now that he dont hodl ltc.
read my post u faggot
Charlie lee only did that so he could shill without being called out for being an greedy asshole like roger ver. He knows that all his announcements hes about to make will weigh much more now, he genuinely just want to fuck over roger ver showing that ltc is the superior payment coin. LTC is hes baby.
you gonna make it
max 400 this week, in a month atleast 1k+
>buy on binance a few minutes ago
>it was above gdax price by far
>goes down instantly on gdax
>corrects even harder on binance
Fuck my life, seriously.
Everytime I buy a coin it just dips and never recovers so I have to sell at loss.
Then after 10 bad trades I get a moon mission that makes me recover.
I could be so fucking rich right now without those little losses everywhere.
Still holding ltc of course but I'm 99% sure I'll have to sell with bigger loss in a few hours/days.
just wait a week lmao
same here famalam
Weak hands
It's dumping again though
I don't feel bad for you but I feel bad for your money. Shit dude.
>just wait a week bro
>just wait a month bro
Shit luck, just hodl it. It will be alright
Hope you fucking faggots did this. Here we go.
>based Charlie Lee would never shill the coin for his own gain
>was always realistic to people, even telling them all crypto could drop 90% so be responsible
>people bitched and complained but it was very necessary for him to be shown as trustworthy
>finally sells after 6 years so he can finally shill his coin
>little bit of FUD but maintains $250 (5x gain from $50)
>now people are over the fact he sold, nothing really changed
>Charlie is HARDCORE shilling the coin and there is nothing people can complain about because he is not doing it for his own gain
LTC 400k by end of January
>move LTC to exodus with the intent of exhanging to ETH and buying DBC
>Do the exchange, it fails
>4 days for refund
>Get refund in LTC
>LTC at 300
Thanks Exodus
Shit, the delta app sucks. It’s been showing >300. Actually was 310 when I read your post.
Back to blockfolio for me
Just don't sell guys, we can make it to the moon if we put a team effort.
Normie bagholders are waking up and dumping all over coinbase, lol.
Millennial ADHD "investors" who bought at $300+ hoping to be millionaires the next week have held all December and can't wait to cash out of their failed experiment.
Expect more dumping as the sun rises across the United States. 250 by end of today. Dump your bags now or be stuck missing moon missions in January too.
no ltc holder detected
Facebook will announce it's cooperation with ltc very soon, where will you be to that time? right on earth while i'm on saturn.
Whales manipulating again. Trying to lower the price. Fuck this Im out.
I bought btc in 2013, I did x3 on walton and x4 on ICX.
99% of other trades were at loss.
I'd be a millionaire if I only did the first 3 but I have 30k in crypto.
I tried everything but I'm so fucking unlucky it hurts, I even had XMR for more than a year because I knew how good it was but sold at 70 cents because it didn't move for like 18 months.
This time I thought riding a good uptrend with surprise news would be nice, but now I realise there's a big spike a few hours before charlie tweeted so I guess he warned his friends who are now dumping slowly on us.
Also it only dropped 10$ on gdax but 17$ on binance where I am.
Got JUST twice harder.
if hodlers with weak hands believe this it will dip again.. charlie already debunked the facebook rumour weeks ago..
Enough to make it?
Grats, you've won at life bro.
Those commas and periods are confusing as fuck you dumb eurofag
I would give it 2 more hours for the West coast normies. 915 am central is my peak selling time.
whatever, still happy about my nano ledger