Founded by a team of MIT graduates and researchers.
Guaranteed moon mission
Why aren't you buying it?
Founded by a team of MIT graduates and researchers.
Guaranteed moon mission
Why aren't you buying it?
Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.
I'm in user!
Zoom out you impatient pajeet
do you have ADHD? it was up over 75% the other day
unironically because high coin price. if it was less than 1$ I'd buy. don't give me the mcap bs newfags
There's coins worth over a thousand and you're too pussy to buy something less than ten dollars. Fucking idiot I hope you lose all your money in whatever low cost 1 trillion supply bullshit you are investing in.
just BTC is over 1k and maybe eth for a day
and I guess dead memes like bch or dash
>didn't even check cmc to see dash
Literally retarded, perhaps this coin isn't for you, sir.
I'm between this and Vechain, shill me why this coin
Okay. There's also about 17 coins over $100 each, which would yield enigma almost 20x returns yet you're still too much of a brainlet to grasp that.
>don't give me the mcap bs newfags
ironic, given how fucking new you are kek
fucking nocoiners
>don't give me the mcap bs newfags
Why not? Makes more sense than "muh price", kek
For real yo. It's not even just about market cap. Market Cap is babbys first step. Just look at engimas total supply compared to these low price shitcoins.
Normies don't understand coin supply...