This board must be full of trolls. Crypto is a joke. All the money does not even exist. You really think all coins are worth almost a trillion dolllars? Get a grip
This board must be full of trolls. Crypto is a joke. All the money does not even exist...
thanks, sold all my ETH bought in August 2016.
>All the money does not even exist.
Same could be said for fiat, most of your paper money isn't backed by anything physical and is valued based on the trust you have with the bank that if you were to ask for it to be transferred into hard currency they would oblige.
t. guy who couldn't figure out the simplicity of buy low sell high
Thanks just went all in on crypto
Hi, nocoiner
You can convert USD into gold or tangible assets like anywhere. Can't do that reliably with anything Crypto yet.
The potential for it to exists, but it's just as likely to crash with no survivors
You can buy gold and silver with crypto.
Mike Maloney hates fiat and sells precious metals for crypto on his goldbug site.
Invest in proper Ethereum based projects that are actually going to be a revolutionary thing like internet was.
wait nocoiners actually exist?? how the fuck haven't they all necked themselves by now
>the absolute state of nocoiners
I bet you send your friends the BTC riding down the roller-coaster .gif whenever you read in the news about it going down
It’s not too late yet poorfag, hop on the XLM rocket before it leaves without you. Fuck, even with ETH you can still make massive profit.
Crypto is a blessing. Never before has it been this easy to make it. You'd have to be a complete retard for not taking a ride to the moon..
The fact that there's any potential at all is why people are trying from all sides with others taking notice. It's also an equalizer for times to come.
The money being lost comes from improper timings in the market and bad judgement. But a handful of these might go somewhere.
The problem is tether, that thing is pumping all coins with no fiat equivalent.
Bitfinex is clearly manipulating the marked, keeping it from falling. Make money while you can, but when the shit hits the fan, the crash will be glorious and only worthy coins will survive.
You can only lose money if you have weak hands. You literally only have to buy a good coin and come and collect the 10x at EOY.
>all the money does not exist
>I somehow regularly sell 10k through localbitcoins and already got 90k in cash now
Fuck off with youre pump n dump coin
Don't worry user, you will understand soon enough, but please consult a suicide hotline before doing anything reckless.
Depends on what you start out with.
If you're putting in sub 1k you'll have to bounce around some to get a good start.
I actually think this high reward market is needed to get a lot of money in, which is the only way cryptos can eventually function as a currency. Because by then it would be too big to fluctuate a lot.
Due to tech it all just moves ridiculously fast which is very unique.
I was on board with that AtlasRand faggot when he started posting, months ago. Still believe he's right to an extent, and the FUD against him is weak and misguided. But he's definitely got a hard-on for this caped crusader persona he built for himself, to the point he agrees with complete boomer morons. As long as they say "bitcoin is a bubble", it's all good.
Let's face the facts: if you got out when the tether fraud started being called out (btc at $3k), you lost out on at least x5 gains. The tether construction is opaque, governments move slow, this shit can last a long time.
Tron is not pumped by Tether. Sleazy marketing has ten times the pump power of Tether. that's also worth noting. If not real value, there's a real WANT for the people to believe. In a world increasingly competitive and non-religious, where opportunities to make money are seemingly more remote than ever (not even in the absolute sense, but as we're bombarded by social media of rich people displaying their wealth, it seems like so), so-called dumb money is desperate for an outlet.
I've made 10x my principal with conservative investments, and 10% of that is in gdax fiat with low limit buys; so a staggering 90% crash would keep me in the green. Newfags who came and gambled hard got 10x, 20x, 100x on their money. The opportunity cost of not participating in this mania is really higher than the potential risk, although nobody should enter with 5 figures right now if their networth isn't 6 figures.
Your advice is sound. Ride pumps, put back profit in the few solid coins and some fiat. Crypto is not going anywhere. I don't think a repeat of the post-gox bear market is even possible. Real applications are being built on the blockchain. Valuation doesn't necessarily have to follow, it should make no difference whether ether is $10 or $1000. But the idea of smart contracts is too valuable to go away entirely, and I think the world will wake up to that by 2020-2022.
i remember when faggots convinced me that BTC was a stupid fake internet coin and told me it was ridiculous to consider them worth $10 each...
Don't let these faggots let you miss out on the one opportunity in your life you'll ever get to make a fuck tonne of money and set yourself up.
Trust me, it'll be a rollercoaster, you'll have days of doubt and dispair, last year was fucked. But we're all gonna make it.
Comfy af right now