poorfag blockfolio thread.
am I going to make it if I keep going all in
poorfag blockfolio thread.
am I going to make it if I keep going all in
I started with 4k user
Keep going
I know how it is to be a poorfag
Can I survive with only $300?
If you don't go all in it will be tough user. Diversifying with our capital is less effective
Should’ve all ined on zcl at 30 usd
Oh well
Can I make it? Started with ~450 two days ago
Startet with 800 1 week ago
I got all in sia now im Here at 4K
I can only recommend to all in one coin and Wait for it To Pop
Other wise its gona be a Slow process
Imo put 25% for top coin like eth/btc. So when alt goin down, you still can profit from those
t. single RX470 basement miner
Catching dips when BTC is pumping/dumping are the only scalps that I allow myself, it's such a free +10%
leave ark
Still waiting for verification from my wallet site (takes a week as opposed to minutes in the US).
Planning to do this:
$500 BTC
$500 XRP
$500 ETH
Wouldn't it be better to do that once I have a little more capital? I'm wanting to establish myself with some Q1 hodl's (TRX and REQ), and then reinvest half of my PFR.
I figured I'd hold off on holding any bigboy coins until at least 5K. I'd prolly do ETH over BTC myself
Grab something like POE or PFR instead of XRP. More room to grow
So comfy right now...
I want to but I can't. I am in it too long now to just dump it. I will use Bounty gains to go into other coins when it hits $.5
I always hold some BTC when it looks like it's going to fluctuate a lot, to buy alts low
But I'm more of a swing trader than a holder, so I guess it's just different strategies
I like the idea. Just need more liquidity. Hope to be there sometime next week. Who knows. Thanks!
A bit too conservative for this market in my opinion. I would skip Ripple and maybe even Eth. Try to find good low cap coins in here, on Twitter etc.
I like the $500 in BTC tho. A bit of insurance in case it goes on a run and stomps alts.
You shouldn't be so autism and return your calls
I'm gonna get some enigma when xlm hits around 1dolla
Any recommended alt coins in your opinion?
we're all gonna make it anons
source: 50euro portfolio
How the fuck did you double in 2 days?
Rate my buys. Will I make it? Can't afford anymore until next pay day which is Jan 29th
Started with 500€ on 24 december
Fell for the ethbet shills here gew months back :( :( finally back in the plus euro value wise though
>poorfag thread
>24k euros
Deduct study loans and i’m still a poorfag
POE was a good daytrade for a bit of profit, I wouldn't HODL it, also
>no XLM
what platform are you using there?
want to get into coin trading this month with 1000 bucks first
Yes! Sia it is!
>study loans
I thought it was only in America
bought req @ 0.03, invested like $150 three month ago all of u r faggots
>more than 2 coins on a sub 5k folio
>POE was a good daytrade for a bit of profit
Nah, it's gonna moon soon at least 0.50. Been stagnant for too long.
>Yfw req never was 0.03 and you're full of shit
First time I see someone else having viberate.
Bought in a couple weeks ago and never hear anything about it.
yea really?
Its called delta-on google play store. It just tracks your portfolio tho. No actual trading on the app
how to double in a month?
Just started a week ago
its right there trx and req user
all in your eth in xrp, at least for a week. Correction has ended, you will make easy 50% gains. Then go back to eth when it starts to correct again. the pattern is so clear..
Rate pls
Don't listen to this guy XRP is done
Get on FUN/XLM
Isnt xrp getting added to a major exchange soon?
Big chance since it is now second on CMC, but there hasn't been any confirmation yet. Only rumours.
Normies are jumping ship from XRP because Coinbase isn't listing it. It's heavily bloated market cap is deflating because of it. Get into something that hasn't mooned.
how much should i sell of eth? cause eth is safe i guess. but not making the gains i want. what about TRON?
I started with 340 mid December so yeah you can
Any way to get my portfolio to sync with binance and bittrex?
Want to get into FUN at some point. Been watching the market for a while but I am just now putting money in. I’ve made like $280 in about two weeks though
Tasteful. You bought low marketcap coins. Nice to see a poor guy doing what he is supposed to do.
I was like you in the start of December. Now look. Had I bought ripple though .. would've earned more but this is okay too.
Tell me I am gonna make it goys
Can't tell if underage or absolutely uneducated.
more BAT and XLM
Will I make it guys. No bully.
Just privileged, I guess
You're not gonna make it
750 on ENG
250 on ICX
What do I do?
Don't be a weak handed faggot and hold
My hands are strong, but since I'm a poor 3rd worlder I feel like I'm not taking enough risks considering my low amount of investment.
Those coins seem alright for long term.
Poor People holding xrp eth and other shit are the ones that won't make it.
Then go to Cryptopia and have at it. There are plenty of coins with low mcp waiting to moon
You might lose your money on that shady exchange tho, but where there's risk there's reward
Epale mi pana
Started with $500 last month.
Started with $2k last year.
REQ with coss dividends?
How do I know which coin to hold or trade?
I have a 1060 6GB, was mining Monero but couldn't get the wallet to load and lost interest cause I can't afford a dedicated rig. How long did that take you?
With that Walton, yes you will make it.
Solid long term low marketcap coins.
Not fuking top 20 or something. Something under top 50 or something.
What are you in on?
Just buy UFR, izi moon. Just bought a bunch. Promise, izi money.
Am I gonna make it senpai ;-;
started with 150 € a month ago, FOMOed into everything like crazy, now planning to hold for 2 weeks or so bc daytrading is stressful as fuck and I don't know what I'm doing anyway
cut the dust and have 2 solid holds
Feels alright man, was sub 200 a few days ago