Is TRX gonna make it? Did I screw up buying at 1600? Fuck.
Is TRX gonna make it? Did I screw up buying at 1600? Fuck
You fucked up buying over 150 sats lol.
if you dont know whats happening right now you didnt do your research
Lol no way this is going to 500 sats. You faggots act as if bots wash trading care about any FUD.
no its done, 100% time to move on. everyone lost trust when the founder dumped it. just like litecoin. might go back up, but will take 4 months time minimum once everyone has forgotten about it
I was a believer until the absolute shitstorm a few hours ago, got out and might buy some again at 10c in the future but I'd rather use my capital on other things for now.
Yeah just hodl till next week, they'll announce the top 500 nasdaq partners
kek you bought the fud the scammers
better check lee's twitter again
European fag here.
just woke up .
im reading justin sun twitter right now ...what happened?
I mean nobody thought it would go that low. It looked like it was going to stay with a low fib retracement (bullish). So now you have to be concerned with buyers leaving the market and if they will return.
He did a live feed and people dumped.
I think people are being to reactionary about the YouTube fiasco. I'm still in.
what happened dude
wheres the article
penny cryptos are the future...
bcn and xdn went up +100% too.
and doge... even doge is doing it.
Fuuuck I thought the live feed was later!!
fuck me... I KNEW this would take the exact same turn as with the ANS announcement.
Anyway.... now is the time to buy in I guess.
What happened after it dipped to 750 sats? Literally jumped back to 1000+ sats in seconds. LOL i couldnt even buy the dip and i already had BTC waiting.
Also there was a strange movement of TRX, around a couple billion in 2 million pieces. Rumors say it was from Justin's address.
I'm not concerned with that though. I suck at short term anyway.
How will it be in a month if I hodl?
Ive been pumping and dumping this coin 100k units at a time since it was .002 cents. Tell me again whats going to happen? I could really use the lesson.
Yeah I read about that on his twitter
Honestly Ive seen more disturbing shit going down that had no effect long term
*cough* bancor *cough*
Nice meme TA
It's at 1020 on a low cycle.... Doesn't seem too bad. Am I missing something?
Why is that so bad? Why wouldn't the founder dump and buy back in like most other people?
Or do you mean "dump" as in dump the entire project altogether? Please let me know what happened. That would be bad.
This one is more up to date. I wont be buying in because the cover is blown and this coin could drop anytime with all the normies working as a hive mind. I like lower volume coins. The buy in however is 590 Sats if you want to catch a dip and dump at 900-1100 over the next 24 hours.
Sentiment on media is picking back up to bullish, it was extremely bearish a while back. If you also refer to the chart, before the dip there was a sell wall up, meaning that this could be one elaborate trap. For future prospects, I still think it will go up long hodl. For short term, I think the news drives a lot of the price so you'll have to play it by media sentiment. It should go up and retest the ath in the next couple of days/week, but this is one where you're swing trading you have to follow the news.
why buy back in when you can literally retire off an exit scam.....
Justin had 11 million Chinese people watching his stream after he did the English one. Tron dipping now is a gift to pick up more for a cheap price
>11 million Chinese fell for Verge 2.0 scam
You obviously don't know how to make it in crypto if you can't understand what that means
You make it with this coin buying at a fraction of a cent not speculating at 21 cents. If you knew anything about crypto you would be out and into the next shitcoin.
I HIGHLY DOUBT he's gonna retire and ruin his reputation on TRX. And that's coming from someone who knows very little about the coin.
I was thinking that too. I kind of want to buy more but I bought at 1600 so all I can do is wait.
I want to do that when I have a respectable amount of money. I lost like $800 stolen so I'm kind of wary about moving around in exchanges or jumping around too much.
Don't use
They will steal from you.
well you could visit some faucets in the meantime and waste your time larping on Veeky Forums
Except it's lower than where I sold right now and is trending down. Why wouldn't I just buy something trending up until TRX shows some promise again? Just buy shares if you want to be passive.
It's going up right now but not by much.
Dont really need tips from someone who knows less than me. This is one of those times where you should just be quite and listen to people that know more than you. I gurantee I started with less than you and now have more.
I've spent hours trying to figure out why the fuck it even goes up. Best reason I've come up with is that 1k sats is where most people have their buy orders and the coin starts pumping when a shitton of orders come through. Throw in some FOMO and it jumps
>When the founder dumped it.
Justin didn't dump, do your research, m8. And even if he did, it seems like people are, at the very least, shilling his statement and TRX starting seeing resistance and is coming back up now.
Thanks for all the FUD though, folks, helped me cop the drop.
Sun thanks you for bagholding while he offloads with $1bill in real fiat.
I started with $200, had $2000 but $800 stolen. So I feel bad. WTC made my money for me, LINK lost some. But all of it was my fault for not holding.
Also even an idiot like me can tell you to buy NEO and long hold. But it's hard to see the short term gainers. Losers like us with $1000 or less can't buy a coin like NEO and hold a year for 10x gain because it just isn't enough money. We have to make short term gains first, then hold when we reach like $10k.
If I could get $10k, I could guarantee myself becoming a millionaire within 5 years. But if it takes me 5 years to reach 10k with my shitty $200 initial investment, then I'm fucked and miss out on the crypto explosion.
Anyone can predict the big gain coins. Poor people have to get that initial stack first.
Because a bunch of chinese investors are into it. It's a chinese coin. Just like NEO.
all you soyboys who sold the dip
>normie thinking his alt that mooned in 1 day will be bitcoin
Bought at 20 sats enjoy my bags fag. Smart money left already. Only somone holding bags would be fussing over where the coin is at now. 100X was good enough for me. Maybe you can make 33% if you really shill hard.
Do you think it'll be higher in 2 months? This isn't a coin I plan on day trading with.
My goal is 5x. Then I can sell and buy NEO.
Bought in at 1300, sold at 1030. The true Veeky Forums way.
you let the FUD get to you. Should've held for at least a week since the partnership announcement is next week.
I hear they are burning coins in a week or so which is the main reason I bought it.
Bought in at 1600 so I have no choice. I hope I don't get screwed but whatever. I'm poor so I wouldn't be losing much.
hodl my friend. I hope you will be able to break even next week.
justin chink just cashed out TRON for eth. Get EXIT SCAMMED
HODL untill Wednesday, i am pretty sure it will go up on Monday again #insider
I am much better at trading than you.