DeepBrain Gang General



no plz. dip back to 15 cents so i can put everything i have into this bitch

when is it going to be listed on huobi?

If I were you I'd fomo in fast

Already balls deep in this chink but whats going to happen in 6 hrs?


give me some real reason and I will beg for money from friends and family. I don't want to be a poor student anymore


what happens in 6 hrs?

Hold, but know this coin is not insulated well from BTC movement. If grandpa makes a move again, it will dip/rise in accordance to BTC's rise or fall.

Interesting you say that as it was the only thing I'm holding that was green yesterday. Do I sell $600 of fun and put it all in on this? Have 1200 of them but I want more.....

read pic related, numbers are a big outdated but in general its legit, use my reference please 1fQM2

Looks like the walls are here to stay for a while...

NO!! I can only afford 4k, but I want more than 10k. Please stop. Wat do ;_;

All in DBC BNTY ma nigga

Nobody gets off the FUN train unless they want to be poor.

>implying I don't have all my money on DBC (which is around 40 dollars)

what happens in 6 hours tho

op dumps his bags on you

you faggots said you got me after i dumed my bnty bags for dbc. Now bnty mooning

lucky i swung traded for the ast 24 hrs, so up atleast 3x

OP you jew, what happens in 6 hours