Anyone else got scammed by pajeets with this thing?
I am waiting for almost 3 days for this and nothing.
Anyone else got scammed by pajeets with this thing?
I am waiting for almost 3 days for this and nothing.
fuck off fud fag, ven is a win.
News isn't due until the end of the month and I heard whales are keeping that shit sealed tight, so you're at their mercy. Speculation of when they get out is a major problem with VEN posters, but it should be one of the best holds of January alongside things like ICX, AION, STRAT, and even WTC
So in other words wait for 2 months to get x3,no thanks I am out, not falling for your tricks pajeet
BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.
yeah me, fomoed in at $4 and going to hold it since it actually looks very promising
I would say it's potential is much more than 2x or 3x
It’s definitely not worth $1B at this stage. Needs at least 6 more months of growth to justtify that valuation.
sell it all the world is doomed.
>Bought one of the most promising project for 2018
>No moon for 3 days
>Already questioning his investment
Dezoom you fucking pajeet. Or go back to buying some Tron shitcoin. This one's for hodl.
Why do chinese techies try to pull off the Steve Jobs look? It looks so fake and superficial, like most of the things in China
because even though they hate westerners, deep down they want to be like them
>Dogecoin has billion dollar marketcap
No it's this month, should be near mid to late jan hold. The price might go up in between it just depends if whales finish accumulating. You realize this isn't a shitcoin? It's not some weird coin that goes up for no reason. All you alt chasers are going to get wrekt when alt season finishes.
First heard yesterday of this coin and i got pretty badly and fastly shilled out to this, i sold my 100 icx and bought this vechain from it, now i think i did the shit move, can this be more expensive than ICX in future? Atleast i got 150 left ICX tho.
you can always leave the train user it's going up and down now
Whales are accumulating while putting those sale walls, please explain?
I hold 14k
New Partnerships are going to be announced next week.
these are the people that buy high and sell at a loss because they cant wait longer than 2 days
how can fatties afford this much food if they don't work?
The sequel to cryptokitties is cryptofatties.
fucking retards wannabe millionaires overnight
who the fuck feeds these fat bastards? It's not like they can go and get food themselves. Just set up a water tank for them and then leave them for a month.
why won t it go any fucking higher? its been stuck here for a while
Wait till next week.
Fuck off fud cuck stop buying at ATH and then blaming biz because your too much of a weak cunt to hold a 5% dip before this thing moons
doubled my investment because of this coin
I fucking hate this boar now. I'm tempted to start shill threads of shitcoins just to know that people like this get burned.
I've missed so many moon missions just waiting for this shit to go up
sold my GVT to buy VEN almost at ATH. JUST.
This fud tells me the coin is going to go up shortly. Noice.
They don't do weekend news and the rebranding isn't for another two weeks. It's likely to just sit here.
>Doesn't 10x after buying ATH the next day
I think ven is perfect long-term hold, but why do you shill it like it's great for short-term. I fucking poorfag went balls deep. and have to wait now. well whatever. it's me being stupid.
It's always mind-boggling how fucking pajeet-tier a lot of people are. They have guaranteed gains if they wait literally two weeks but they are so greedy they can't do it because they would rather chase pumps.
This is how you make yourself poor.
is it worth dropping $500 into this?
Do you want gains now or gains in 2 weeks
this is 10$ coin easy.
i'm super bullish on this one. 100$ q2 pretty possible
i want 6 figs by the end of the year and im at 4k
In which case VeChain is for you if you are willing to just wait.
the impatient kids are getting more and more everyday
listen faggots if you can't miss the money longer than 3 day stop crypto
this is not for you
You guys are expecting everything to go Raiblocks all the time, thats not even how it works you fucks, and when that doesn't happen you cry and blame Veeky Forums
get real
It's fine. They will sell at a loss and then FOMO back in later. They like to tell themselves they can 10X their money in the time it takes for this to go anywhere but guess what? If they could 10X their money at will they would already be millionaires. They will gamble away their money and blame everyone else for shilling them.
>Dogecoin Dark
>Bitcoin Gold
>binance coin
funny enough out of all those the most legit is dogecoin
What? KIN is from KIK, 300 millions users, get real
Unironically, it really is.
You can always sell and get back into those. Then just wait for VEN to do a 2X before you buy back in.
>tfw follow religiously VEN threads
>decide to sell it
>chase moon missions, tripple my portfolio
>come back to see VEN bag holders still cope in their thread
Top kek
dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group
they are targeting VEN
Link to site - for free 1000 tokens (10 dollar )
>all this FUD
Wow this is gonna moon even harder than I thought
don't orget IOTA ADA and litecoin on the list.
here we go boys. 5$ soon
get FUCKED weak hands, have some fucking patience this isnt mario kart
>he dabbed on himself
ATH boyos.
One more wall then we can go flying. 7.5 usd today?
just sold at 24600. and it moons. fuck off Bogdanoffs
50% eng 50% ven
Is this the ultimate portfolio?
this is what happens when you don't bother researching the coin
>He sold. Pump it.
Also link to tweet:
Just put up one more wall, fuck
What does mean research? I know it's great coin. but were there any news?
Rocket just took off. Buy back in now or get left behind faggot. >$5 today.
Post it on leddit
When does the Normie money hit?
oh yeah. they were
if you researched you would know the partnerships and what they imply (tons more partnerships in the future due to existing relationships) - also the fundamentals of the coin which enable to only grow exponentially if they continue to deliver, which they will based on the reputation of the team, ETC ETC I COULD GO ON WHY DONT U ANONS EVER LISTEN
Whales are keeping it low so we can also accumulate, I'm using that opportunity to buy as much as possible with gains from BNB and TRX.
I knew it, u know?
>Got a got to sell before a moon mission
My fucking sides.
it just spiked to $4.50 you african be patient
Oh by the way look at the last paragraph. We mars now.
Hope you faggots sold at a loss and miss the ATH thats coming up
>Why am I not rich after 3 days, where is my free money?
Sell your ven and cash out of crypto.
Its going up retard
So, one big candle rn, it means I got IN time?
I am thinking this will reach what, 5.40 tonight? It can't be over 6
i only have 2000 VEN fml
is this actually legit or they Justin us now?
fud faggot peasants
americans are just waking up
shit its saturday some might not even be up yet
These sell walls are just inhumane. LET ME MOON
holy shit just let it go you billionaire chink whales
Read the article. Sunny has never lied or failed to deliver. China is going endorse them if this goes well. A nationally endorsed blockchain project.
this is a multi boss battle and we are nearing the final boss
Literally braindead if you don't invest in this. This isn't even a speculative asset anymore.
Get in or get poor.
The news hasn't sunk in yet. That very last section is the thing that will send it out of the universe once it spreads.
>If this pilot partnership goes well, the VeChain Thor blockchain digital intellectual property protection solution might be endorsed by The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT)
these gains
my dick can only get so hard