Shill me on LINK what heavy hitters are on their team

Shill me on LINK what heavy hitters are on their team

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DYOR faggot

Just buy some.

Honestly, if Veeky Forums has quality memes about it, its usually good.

look at it's chart.. all those heavy baggers..
was a meme coin dead on arrival, it will never be worth more than a dime.. bunch of indian people shill it on this board..

SERGAY is eating McDonald's while Rory is masturbating. Steve is trying to get the project done while SERGAY does cocaine.

We aren't shilling you shit because we want you to stay poor.

Kek, stop trying to get cheaper link faggot, you had months to accumulate, if you have not by now then fucking to bad or you are get being a greedy cunt

fuck off, don't buy LINK, never look back

im so fucking tired of having to hide threads

keep your porn shit elsewhere

retarded mods ban everybody for posting some address but can't ban porn and bazinga spam shit

Sir Gay


Triggered much microprik

Well Sergey is pretty heavy from spending all the LINK profits on McDonalds.

buy link

Its just one guy who wrote 'hello world' in go and got 100m $ (32m at the time but ethereum price skyrocketed since then and he doesnt cash out because taxes thats why SC is based in cayman islands)

Sehrgey Nazarov aka Satoshi Nakamoto

Holy shit, for a moment there I though that was a pic of my gf. Sauce??

nice id, SootBoot, but dyor

Ooo nice bob and Vagne


you can thank me by sending funds to 0xdaed1cf17ecc58963faff0f2bee7c87f952588c6

is this supposed to be attractive?

yeah what the fuck, that shit is nasty. some of you guys have awful taste in women. tf is wrong with you people.

fag detected, im sick of you faggots whining about a little piece of pussy here and there