Prove to me that crypto trading is not gambling

Prove to me that crypto trading is not gambling.

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it is.

all investing is gambling

It's only gambling if you have no idea what the fuck you're doing.

Everything in life is a gamble

The only difference between anything is probability and risk management.

Some people game on crypto, others don’t.

every investment is fucking gambling, there's no 100% sure way to increase your stash, otherwise everyone would do it

atleast with crypto trading, you can manage your money yourself and save them if some coin begins to fall, you aren't closed off from the markets like shares when they close the markets

and unlike regular gambling, you can always save your money if you see your coin begins to tank, and throw it instantly into a new coin thats being hyped

It is gambling, with an important difference.

If you bet it all on red and lose, your money is gone and the game's over.
Crypto is a casino where even if you lose, you have the option to just wait until you're winning again.

I've been to Vegas 5 times, I lost more than I won 4 of the 5 times. I've been in crypto for 5 months, I'm up 500% on my original investment. Does not feel anything like gambling. I can look at a coins chart, trade volume, social media presence, updates, and market sentiment to judge what I think will happen to it's price. When I throw money in a slot machine there is a fixed chance built into it of a payout. Over time you are basically guaranteed to lose more. Card games are better since you have some control of the outcome but you are still forced to work with the cards you've been dealt. In crypto you get to pick the cards.

thanks you user, this is a very good answer, i will make sure to tell this to the next faggot who keeps saying that crypto is pure gambling.

define exactly what you mean by gambling

Is all risk taking gambling? In that sense literally everything is gambling, isn't it?


>get a job goy

Life is a gamble and the only thing you can be truly sure of is that you are going to die.

dont say that user I know two people besides myself who have made it their goal to work towards immortality. the tech will exist before we die.

gambling is pure chance, this is not pure chance

This. Haven't failed a single trade so far and I've been doing this for months.

No it isn't, +ev bets exist just like +ev trades do.

It is gambling. I use probability theory. But I can't be certain of what will happen. So i'm playing a game here.

Its like sports gambaling, football and that, you burgers won't know much about profitting from sports.

Cryptos far easier.


Right now it's not a gamble

Everyone is fucking stupid and putting money into every shitcoin that exists. This is just madness

Confido which was a CONFIRMED SCAM is up 180%

What the fuck is this reckless, frenzied shit?

life is gambling
investing is gambling
game theory is gambling
anything that is

I'm making profit doing this longterm

its gambling but with better odds

>no volume
That's probably just 1 idiot to be honest

anything that has stochasticity can be pegged as gambling

that doesn't mean i can't maximize my chances by understanding trends

Just buy UFR, izi moon. Just bought a bunch. Promise, izi money. BUY BUY BUY!

Nig nogs pumping low cap scam coins give me boners.


Literally the three rules of investing.
1. Don't spend money you can't afford to lose
2. Don't invest into anything that you don't understand how it works
3. Buy low, sell high, be patient.

Definetly not gambling lol if you know anything about TA and Elliot Wave Theory you can clearly tell how this shit operates . BUt oH wAit nobody even cares about that type of stuff on biz :./

show me your portfolio and let's see how well you understand how the coins you bought work

Why do index-fund normies always say something is gambling as if it's a bad thing.


a challenger approaches

>1. Don't spend money you can't afford to lose
How does that help with not making negative trades?

>2. Don't invest into anything that you don't understand how it works

>3. Buy low, sell high, be patient.
Well no shit, question is how to know when something is high or low.

It is

I'm not a comp-sci major, but I understand it well enough to know what will be relevant to me later, and by extension likely others. Btw, this was $3k a month ago.

it's gambling in the same sense poker or backgammon is. You have different set of probabilites that occur more often then not, then you can use TA, market behaviour and so on to try to find your edge.

Simple example is that if something fell 50% on a day, it usally dont do it the day after, and the opposite. So you can buy those 50% drops, put a stop loss 5% lower, in let's say 7 / 10 cases it will go up 5-10% the next day

difference is I'd get taxed on crypto if I withdrew
gambling winnings I don't

Why should i

And taxes if you are a burger

> gambling
> -100% expected return
> crypto
> No expected return
> You gotta be really retarded to lose it all
Even confido holders lost only 90% of their investment

This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal

discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>implying that's a certainty

I'm being 100% serious when I say this; When I get old, provided I don't catch some disease or have an accident, I'm just going to keep on living. Why let yourself die when you can just... keep on living?

>How does that help you with not making negative trades
I guess it doesn't if you don't want to make that useful. Negative trades come when people are FOMO'd or not watch the trends carefully. There are still risks no matter what, but that doesn't mean you can't understand the product and relatively accurately guess the trends.

>How to know when something is high or low?
Pretty much everything in crypto is low relative to the size of the financial markers crypto seeks to replace. Other than that, watch the trend lines and volume. I'm not a big fan of TA, but you can generally tell based on depth charts, and the general direction up and down whether something is a decent buy. Also, don't day trade unless you know what you're doing (clearly you don't, and neither do I for what it's worth, which is why I bought coins I believe in having real use later).

prove to me that stock trading is not gambling pajeet

so you don't understand how it works but just what it does?

this so much, its gambling but you can actually win really easily because its not designed to fuck you in the asshole untill you are broke, unlike casinos

I care, please explain further. Getting actual trading knowledge will be a good change from all the red wojak shitposting and pajeet coin shilling.

Do you understand every single individual mechanism along the signal chain for your internet connection? No? Can you still use it to make functional decisions and do basic fucking research?

There will always be an element of risk, as it is literally impossible to understand literally every moving piece in the internet economy, especially one that is trying to work with the emerging automation platforms. This doesn't mean one can't understand how the product functions (if it does unlike some of the coins shilled here), and understand based on that function, how it will be valueable.

You seem to imply that anyone who didn't literally write the code is just throwing dice, which gives me the impression you are a literal retard.

you have a better chance of profiting if you have information other people don't. OP, you are a piece of shit for making this thread, and so is everyone but me for posting in it

Well if you hodl instead of daytrading crypto like some other autists, it's literally free money this early in the game.

read this book

>goes in a defensiveness frenzy pulling all straws


You hodl - you WILL make money.

Day trading with crypto is gambling - but long term investing is not.

> I'm not a comp-sci major
Oh, that explains the shitty portfolio. Enjoy getting to zero when the hype ends.

I addressed the premise of your question. If you want more of an answer, do your own research. I'm not your econ 101 teacher guy.

all the memeshillcoins
>b-b-b-ut i made money in a bullmarket by listening to other people

I'm over 50 and have been in IT for 30 years, we certainly did not ignore everything and get a beer during the tech bubbles. Everyone was watching stock and our options all day every day and doing exactly what the people are doing now with crypto.

IT stock was moving fast and plenty of people who hung on to stock went broke. Siebel (now Oracle CRM) was US$27 in April 2000 less than 2 years later after a stock split it was US$110, six months later it was US $10. I know because I sold all my options at $110 and watched work associates staring at worthless stock a few months later, they missed millions.

I was lucky enough to go through a couple of bubbles in IT and can promise you, those of us that made money watched the stock like a hawk and didn't HODL.

Crypto may not be a bubble but the money is to be made early, once it starts to settle and most of the worthless coins disappear, which they will, money will be harder to find. 90% of the coins around now are not going to succeed and if you hold them, your money will be gone.

It's always the same, if I make a million, someone else has to lose a million.

I'm an electrical engineering major. It's comp-sci with actual math and physics. Similar concepts though. Also, I bought link at .17 and ripple at .19, I'm not concerned atm.

People getting back their cryptos profit into their bank account don't understand what cryptos are. It was created to literally replace banks.

What's better then? Req? XLM (which has literal social justice codes in their terms of use for stellar network)? Ripple is literally already being used and supported by banks, and Chain link has connections to the largest banking organization on Earth.

I'm an actual comp-sci major and I would not touch Ripple unless it was for free.

>which has literal social justice codes in their terms of use for stellar network

You do realize bitcoin is a leftist project right?

That's why the J-left keeps reeing about "White supremacists" making money on crypto. Marxists definitely are all about removing power over markets from state central control. K.

That's great guy, I'm sure all of the Koreans and fintech people who made it the 2nd largest market cap in the world would be made ashamed by your intro to Java expertise.

Market cap means nothing. See Bcash.
Enjoy the way down please.