Just want to thank OP for delivering 0.1btc, after some bitching on discord. Thanks pajeet.
Just want to thank OP for delivering 0.1btc, after some bitching on discord. Thanks pajeet.
didnt get mine and i was 10th person 14hest88
I'm still waiting, I was 14
I wrote really late lol
u fucking sand nigger
i was the 29. post, can only hope lol
ahh i get it.. you are OP and dont want people to leave the discord, correct?
I have yet to get mine, I was 23rd I think.
Yup, that's why I can post and isn't banned you fucking cuck.
i was fucking 4th u fucking sand nigger inever got my
In case op sees
well 1. you write like a pajeet
2. its not like a ban matters
wtf i got my now. thx op
haha, are you serious thats awesome
OP have you kept a list to go through or have the 404'd thread still open?
1, You're pathetic, fucking scrub
2, Well obv. OP got banned, And I'll probably be for creating this thankful shitty thread.
3, What do you want from be, inbred dog.
Man I dont believe you i was within first 10 people and posted both my btc or eth, so he can choose.14hest88
Yeah, wtf did not expect it at all.
WTF it was scam link. op link me scam transaction loL what assnigger
Blockexplorer is laggy af, check the txid somewhere else
Stop breaking the rules you cucks. It says no begging in the rules! STOP POSTING FUCKING ADDRESSES
Why are you so aggresiv; you got free money you should be happy.
Hope op doesnt forget me
Stelcoin ; still in discord ;3
WTF ur completely right, I actually received it now !!!! The discord was WApSA2M
I aint, just my persona. I have autism on people bashing on me.
Well he wasnt really bashing on you lol
So both of you actually got 0.1 btc just like that?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pls (other)op i was in the top 30
Same here but nothing yet :(
Didn't get mine yet. I was about 18th. Original OP, if you're still about here's my address
>ut 18th. Original OP, if you're still about here's my address
Actual proof.
And did you vist by this link ending in
dude u forgot to hide his name LOL he will get spammed with pms now, he didnt want it to be public ^^
I was one of the first, one can hope he delivers
Op dont forget me please my discord was stelcoin :c
Top 30
Delete this and repost to save OP's DMs
>Actual proof.
>And did you vist by this link ending in
And how the fuck do I delete this?
rofl u fucking retard this poor op will get spammed now
I doubt it matter since only people in the group can dm him
Left corner select and then scroll down and "delete file"
there is no delete
as far as I know OP never disclosed his name on thread how did you find him
Tick the box left from anonymus
Scroll down to bottom of the page
Right corner "delete"
op pm'd me, probably found my name in thread
hmm i dont mean op, i mean the guy giving coins ofc ....
I was first. Didn't get anything
Grats op, now time to duplicate that shit
This was the thread btw warosu.org
Yep op actually delivered today! /biz can be a strange place sometimes
Proof of nothing
Are you African?
I am so salty that i got left out ; was wojak in pic related
Could you send op the archive just posted? Then this left it might get their chance.
*Those left out
My ID keeps chaning cuz of the ban AHHHHHHHHHHHHH