Mfw when $TRX goes beyond $0.30 next week
You poor soul. Let is out how many SATS did you buy in at?
all depends on the announcement on the partnership next week
>my face when when
Not bad I bought more than you when it was .002 pumped it and dumped it 4 times. Made my last sell at 1600 sats. Might buy in at 595 but I think we might be done and time to move on. I have my profits. Have fun speculating over a drop more of profit and risking the potential of an ocean of loss. You are a smart guy,
I bought over 200K of these at 2 cents and sold early, kill me
sheeeeeeeiiiit... wut app is dat?
I'll be selling 40% as soon as WAN hits binance and holding the rest
it's blockfolio, is this your first day?
> buying into a scam
I seriously hope you don't do that user
this coin will create more bagholders than all others, hilarious to watch
>tfw holding 800 WAN from ICO
I like your digits. I'll buy your bags if you want. How much do you want for them? I'll give you 50% of how much their worth.
Any speculation on binance date? I've got the 24th marked in my calendar because ICX launches their mainnet and I read some people suggesting they are waiting for that to happen
3rd week. I'm the a total new fag /pol/ak turned Veeky Forumsraeli. thanks user.
I bought @ $0.01, idk how many sats that is but I'm doing real good rn.
no thanks just sold all my trx. its been a nice ride but this shit is pure garbage
This will be the DGB of January
I bought at $.002 I made more money than you possibly can off this coin. Get in early next time bud. Also, you are losing shit loads by the hour. Are you really going down with the ship? You have seen it pump and dump 4 times this month you understand these are fractals and this will like always return to the start not even level up. It will be 250 SATS again
The coin has always dropped after Justin livestreams. It's happened about 3 times now and it's always gone back up afterwards. The bullshit FUD doesn't work on me. There are too many huge people involved in this project. You have to be a fool to think it'll drop to nothing, and you have to be even more of a fool to fall for blatant FUD with no substance.
when does that faggot LiveStream?
Youre supposed to sell and then buy back in like all the corrupt chinese this scam was designed for stupid fuck. This is my 4th ride on tron and its the last. Its in verge land now nories will trade it and it will piss around at 800 sats like verge
You'll never make it user. You're a brainlet like many on this board. Keep moving to the next like a crackhead street hooker. You'll eventually lose it all.
You sound emotional. That crash to 850 sats fucking you up eh bud. It gets worse trust me.
Wonder why, he can barely fucking speak
> that chart
This is the end
Apparently the chinese gave him a good review on his second mandarin speech. Possibly because he said it's time for dirty gwailo pigdogs to bleed
Just please dont bring in the conspiracy shit here and youll be fine.
I sold almost all my .23 trx for .20
I have 30 trx left, kill me
oh.... You are into cheese pizza, I see. say no more
How many languages can you speak? Probably 1, right? I agree his English is shit, but it's definitely better than a lot of Chinese people.
It's also worth mentioning that the guy was streaming to literally 16 million people shortly after that English livestream.
Observations afterwards? The sheep follow the pajeets who sell due to his English, the east hold.
Can someone tell me why my fellow westerners are so dumb?
Well i speak 3, as well as a good bit of similar languages in my region. None of the chinese ones though so that's why i said "apparently" since it's what others have said.
My point was that while it was a pretty broken english update, his chinese update were, again, apparently much better recieved by the chinese than what we gave him in general. Which is a good thing if true. Calm your tits.
The English on that tron site is horrible. They get millions in funding but can't hire a translator...
> On webcam in his undies eating ramen
> Announces partnership with restaurant that serves dog
leave and never come back you subhuman
I bought at 1600 sats, 25 cents. I should kill myself.
yes OP shilll this coin so I can keep shorting it for gains. i had a good time buying in last night and selling 10 seconds into his stream
if you dont speak at least 3 languages fluently you are an utter brainlet and should kys
as for justin, what a fucking embarassment. here is a guy from one of the_most_reputable_universities in entire fucking china and he cannot form a single fucking coherent sentence, stutters constantly, shit pronounciation, keeps repeating himself, cannot make a point. he failed at both public speaking and simple grasp of the english language. he is an embarrassment.
t. English is my 3rd language
That would be hilarious. Bad, but also so very hilarious. The nuke that would be set off would almost be worth it
lmao how did he graduate from U.Pen? Ivy League my ass
cool man
I would lose a shitload but this would be so funny it would be worth it