Bluepill me on this shit. Seems undervalued. Convince me not to buy a metric fuckton of these
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I literally can't. The coin is too good.
I'm still accumulating even with the price rise because I firmly believe this is going to $1 by end of Feb at the absolute latest.
Devs see it as a $5 coin in the top 10 within a year.
Also the devs working on BURST all bought millions of coins with their own money before they started work on the project.
This new group of devs is committed to making this shit skyrocket through upgrading the tech to the point where it literally can't be ignored anymore.
I bought 200k of it at 150 sats.
I couldn't bluepill you on it if I wanted to. Once dymaxion is fully implemented It can literally run IOTA inside one of its tangles. Shit is undervalued as fuck right now and I'm fucking pumped on it's future.
Where can I buy this coin? (I'm new at this)
proof of storage is actually a very nice concept, but there where some flaws at the beginning that made it able to manipulate the script so you earn more burst. dont know if it they fixed it well yet, but there is another PoSto coin that has a a similar and improved concept, just google
for future reference, go to coinmarketcap, search the coin you want, click the markets tab by the graph and it will list every exchange
stay away from etherdelta if youre new, play with it later (maybe)
nice dubs
it's on bittrex, im hoping it gets added to binance soon
You're full of shit. For one, it's called proof of capacity and there is no other coin utilizing PoC yet. PoC2 is coming out with dymaxion and PoC3 is planned post-dymaxion.
fuck, 200k. I'm jelly.
Only 20k here but going to keep buying a few hundred every week.
Kinda upset it's mooning so soon, thought I had more time.
The moon is because UpBit (Korean Bittrex) is listing them and version 0.2.0 of the mobile wallet is out
Thanks a lot fellas. Should I purchase ETH and then exchange for Bitcoin to then exchange for this or simply buy Bitcoin?
if you're on coinbase and moving from there you can use GDAX to transfer for free
If you don't feel like taking the extra step I just use LTC. lower fees and faster tx times
then buy eth/btc with your ltc, and use that to buy BURST
if youre buying off bittrex it doesnt whatever BTC/ETH is dipping.
if you need to send from another wallet to bittrex, always use ETH or LTC for lower fees as BTC will be super expensive and not worth it.
p&d, already sold
Can't buy from Coinbase in my country. Any places to buy quickly? I'm still getting verified in coinmama
I'm pretty much stuck with verification on sites that service my country :/
lol okay
seems like a weird pump and dump when the growth is organic, though.
You're a retard. If you're hung up on McAfee we already broke the ATH he set with his stupid tweet a month back.
Don't worry too much about it, you're still early.
>tfw I can't buy anything on bittrex because all my wallets are frozen for "maintenance" and have been forever, and my BTC wallet won't generate a deposit address
I literally can't cash out
Oh okay. Thanks a lot!!!
you verified on bittrex?
Yeah. It's just slow as fuck. I actually have a btc wallet address now, it just takes like 20 minutes to generate. all my other wallets are still frozen for maintenance though.
I just sold my bags. Thanks senpai
but....y tho
Organic grow 100% in one day with no reason? Did u see that line? Even in their official discord everyone telling it's PnD