>paying taxes on crypto KEK
can someone explain to me why this is a valid argument? you think your bank is just gonna be like "oh ok" when some foreign bank wires you over 6 figures USD? and don't suggest localbitcoin that shit is infested with feds homie
>that shit is infested with feds homie
[citation needed]
Give Uncle sam his cut, or get cut by Uncle Sam. There's your options buddy.
just pay your fucking taxes man. You put in fuckin USD and got MORE USD out. jesus christ. you wouldnt have made your money without your countries FIAT. you are making historical gains as well. fuck.
theres no way to verify local dealers
and ATMs are linked to shop owners by name
How about you contact your bank and prove where the money's coming from BEFORE you wire it? Are you all this dumb? Or just dense?
LocalBitCoin is a massive honey pot. Lmao. Would never use that shit.
>buy gold directly with cryptos
>Gold OZ ships to house
>take it to "gold for cash store"
>store will give you cash for your gold OZ
>You now have an nontaxable form of revenue, but you can only do this with a couple thousand at a time
thats my point dude there is no good way to actually escape taxes while all these nigs post things like
>actually paying taxes on crypto
what would that accomplish? now they know the money is from crypto you're still going to need to tax that shit, if you're getting your money out through a bank transfer there is no way of avoiding taxes
I guess the only way I have seen are people like who suggest to trade your crypto directly for gold/silver or some shit but i'm sketched about the mailing process for that
jesus christ niggers just pay ur fuckin taxes. you are in the first goldrush of the 21st centuries, basically free gibs if you are not the biggest idiots. taxes were there since centuries, and they will stay for good reasons. noone likes to pay taxes, everyone wants to have functional infrastructure, sewers, security and all that shit. you can make infinite moniez here anyway, just give papa state a share and dont be a triple doublenigger
lol my bad i read that first greentext and my vision went red
>United States of America founded by tax-dodging chads
>their faggot descendants are ok with paying taxes on magic internet monies
amerifags who are in favour of taxation on cryptos should kys right now. your ancestors are looking down on you in shame.
OZ? You mean bullion?
Don't casg out 6 figures at once faggots.
>bu-t I wanne buy a lambo and a villa
New rich kids are fucking cancer
Just noticed this option today in Bitstamp.
Sktech as fuck though, looks like some semi-slav will sell you gold paper wrapped chocolate.
It'd accomplish you not having your bank account closed, feds at your doorstep, and having your money being tied up for weeks or months?
Just pay your taxes. Not worth the hassle and massive middleman fees to dodge just so you get caught later by someone snitching on you .
Faggot here.
The thing that bugs me about crypto taxes is we're buying coins with after tax money. It's not like we're contributing to a traditional 401k/IRA.
Paying average 25% taxes on our income, and then paying another 20-40% on crypto.
Fucking legalized thievery.
15-25% fine whatever but almost half of my fucking profit??? Fuck you. While the 1% only pay 20% fucking United Cucks of America.
infrastructure and security accounts for perhaps 5% of taxes funding
i'm ok with a 10% tax rate in western countries given the current state of things
20% if all unqualified immigration is stopped immediately, illegals are deported and politicians don't get paid more than min wage
sterilize everyone under 110 iq, and a 50% tax rate might be justified
Once FunFair launches, why can't I just trade everything to FUN, back to BTC, then show them the FUN to BTC trade and say I made it all via gambling?
Gambling winnings aren't taxed in the UK afaik.
>NEETs think they'll outsmart governments
>52% of my ancestors are smiling at me, european, can you say the same?
Sometimes I really don't understand how americans can be so cucked by taxes. I think the only place worse than USTards are only central europeans.
t. Eastern european masterrace without taxation.
>he's a thirdie living in a poor shithole
Because you would have to provide details of how you made those FUN (gambling results, etc.) to prove they are actually sourced from gambling. If you deposit money on a Pokersite you cant just withdraw and claim you won that shit, you have to provide a transaction history of those winnings (at least as a Eurofag).
>Crypto created as an ancap alternative to state tyrrany
>Now everyone in crypto is buying centralized bank coins and talking about paying big brother their share.
>get 100k USD gains legally without sweating anything
>get 117k USD gains illegally and risk going to literal prison
yeah tough call there man
Murica is for foreigners tax haven, for muricans is tax hell for they cant expace their government even if they move abroad. Seemingly smaller income taxation backfires with high private insurance and education costs.
Only countries like Singapore grants you low tax living and zero capitals gains tax, altought they tax things such as cars and alcohol too high
>tfw my country doesn't have capital gains tax
How the fuck can someone in central europe be so fucking retarded to pay taxes? Just go to fucking Switzerland, Luxemburg or Liechtenstein and don't pay any taxes.
these faggots make me sick. we got a real shot here at getting out of thebanking system and the first thing these cucks do is ask how they can gobble up more of big daddy governments cock.
a 401k is only tax shielded if you wait until retirement to cash out dipshit. Also, it's still not tax free. You either pay taxes on that money on the way in or out, with Roth or Traditional. Fucking retards in here I swear.
>The thing that bugs me about crypto taxes is we're buying coins with after tax money. It's not like we're contributing to a traditional 401k/IRA.
It's just like buying shares.
>15-25% fine whatever but almost half of my fucking profit??? Fuck you. While the 1% only pay 20% fucking United Cucks of America.
So lobby for closing tax loopholes -- you ca'y use the fact some people dodge tax as a excuse for doing it yourself.
>So lobby for closing tax loopholes -- you ca'y use the fact some people dodge tax as a excuse for doing it yourself.
>just change the entire corrupt system that has existed for over 100 years if you dont want to pay taxes user. Its no big deal really
"Goldand silver jewelry, like bullion, is also considered a collectible. So if yousellyour bullion jewelry for a profit, it is subject to the same maximum 28% capital gains rate for precious metals and must be reported on your income tax return."
>non-taxable revenue