*silently moons*
*silently moons*
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dollar plzzzzzzzz
Biz just keeps ignoring this coin for some reason. Super comfy right now .
BNTY Fudders off necking themselves. $1 by feb.
Might break 50c today
you mean end of the week? I just bought 5k more
kek. anyone have the old archived threads of the faggots selling at sub 20cents fudding this coin?
my favorite part is that brainlets here refused to buy this at 4cents (400 sats) because "muh wall"
I really like the concept of this coin. I've been following it the psat few days but is it too late to buy in now?
It's certainly not
>under 50m marketcap
People are lapping it up at 0.00042 ETH, why is this suddenly popular? Is Reddit literally 1 week behind?
I've sold (then re-bought lower) my entire bag 4x just today. Jesus I've made much such gains, wow.
But it's not stopping.
Had like 350 usd worth of ether that didn't go through an order. Bought the coin i had least hope in for the lulz
>my face right now
>still under 50m market cap
>people are still buying
we ain't stopping till we hit $1 nigga
Sold half my bnty to buy po.et as soon as it got listed on kucoin
Bnty moons. Poe goes sideways.
>people panic sold this at 15cents
I told you so
Impressive, any tips? I've been swinging my bounty the past week but not to that extent
These guys are unstoppable, if they achieve this it'll be 7 exchanges in a matter of around 2 weeks.
Newfags take note, this is one the only times in your life you will ever invest in a project where the devs actually give a shit about your gains and the token liquidity. Most other devs don't give a shit since they already have their millions and have contempt for their investors and traders.
50c incoming
grade a shitcoin
By way, bit-z, while it's no binance, has over twice the trading volume of kucoin.
if it hits binance it will go interstellar. they are already in talks with them in listing them for a fixed fee instead of community vote.
buy the rumor, sell the news guys
>they are already in talks with them in listing them for a fixed fee instead of community vote.
Except the BNTY team were unwilling to hand over the gibs
Not really. It's a dice-roll every time. Whenever I saw a big sell wall I went in a single sat under it and was then praying, hoping for a correction. We had three big dips today and I managed to get in near-bottom on all of them (I have buy orders set at about 10% higher than the last dip's low..) then just sit and sweat waiting, hoping, for that dump to drive the price down again and buy back in.
I've rolled the dice four times in a row now and got lucky lucky on them all. I've got nothing in reserve after the fourth sellout at .420 and it still went higher. I might have rolled the dice too many times on this one and shot myself in the dick on this last one, though. It's gotta dip again tonight when the volume slows down. It always dips. R-right?
same man, just doubled my holdings. What I found funniest about the initial shilling of BNTY on Veeky Forums is the almost instant reply from the DBC gang trying to FUD it so hard, fuck those guys
I know what you mean. The swings on BNTY have been very predictable the past week allowing for some good accumulation. I didn't want to risk it on today's cheeky lil moon though. Anyway glad it worked out for you, are you using any particular indicators on the chart to assist?
How many bnty initially and now?
Bought .1 ETH worth today. ~270. Wish I'd known about this coin earlier.
>you using any particular indicators on the chart to assist?
Not really. Just keeping a close eye on the order books and the 5-minute bars and winging it.
Whales pushing down to that sell wall. I believe sell wall will lower though since low volume. Should dip to 30-35cents and then go back up during normal hours
Based whales! Giving people another opportunity to buy in!
Ive been telling people about this since 0.08 but retards just accused me of being a pajeet
Those fucking whales can fuck off already.
They've had their fun. I hope they die.
If I wanted I could ruin the entire market with the amount of Bounty I have. But im no fucking autist retard. I want to make some fucking gainssssssss yiiiihaaaawwwww.
It is pretty important for coins to build support at certain levels, otherwise it'll be the mob that dumps while the whales try to prop up the price.
It is a balancing act, even though our particular whale is an amateur.
sell your bags so I can buy low
If you ever say that again, I will pay hiroshimoot 100 ETH to give me your IP. I will find your house, I will walk into your room, shoot you in your stomach, and watch you die.
I had to watch this shit stagnate for a whole fucking week without any gains thanks to a single fucking whale.
You do not know that which you say, fuccboi.
more partnerships
Holding both BNTY and DBC for some time, very much nice ains on both side, I`ve stoked my dick at least 7 times today.
You can't afford my bags son.
>It always dips. R-right?
Looks like you might be getting your dip after all
This coin is fucking amazing. It looks like it'll be nonstop news with more partnerships, bounties, and exchanges and then the alpha version 2 will come out in february.
This is actually pretty significant news btw. Anyone asking "hur dur why use this over ethlance or hackerone" is now BTFO.
>tfw I got in at $0.05 but just put in $150
Tfw 10.5k @ 4c
I got in at 4c too but only about 6k, just bought 4k more though
I thought about it, but getting in at this price point offends my sensibilities
Thats fair. I am happy to hold for a while anyway and I know in the medium term this thing is only going one way
how much do you have?
come on, dont be a tease
This is one of those coins with an actual use case
>200 BNTY: find the source video of this porn image
>40 BNTY: complete this math homework worksheet for me
>30 BNTY: shill my coin on Veeky Forums
>500 BNTY: call 911 to SWAT someone for me so I don't get in trouble
>50 BNTY: write a code that converts foos to bars for me
I might actually use this
Super comfy right now
steemit has a marketcap of $800 million and literally just reddit with crypto.
Bounty is going to be big.