post your trading uniform
Post your trading uniform
ubuntu ?
is this a boys leg
real and straight
thats 1st thing u notice
never change /biz
it probably has a feminine penis yes
100% man
>chiclet keyboard
wtf are you doing
Thats a true porfags legs and setup right there...
Nice legs! Very touchable. With both hands even!
How much BTC to see dat dick niggy?
I want to massage those feet.
Cargo pants or sweats, and a tucked in tank top.
man. kys
oh yes
how many rais for your boipucci?
3 piece suit with bowler hat. Warm tea in a china cup. Umbrella handing from wrist.
Your realize im going to fap to your legs tonight? Girl or not.
Wow please have a cute penis.
when you're rich you don't need to go prison gay
That isn't op. That picture is old af
Hallo Kevin.
does it matter?
You could have at least bothered to edit the pic and put binance or bittrex on the monitor.
Degenerates go die in hell
no it's a girl (male)'s leg
It's Saturday. I'm literally 100% naked right now
S u p e r
Tranny legs
I really want to believe this is a woman. I really do.
t shirt
pajama pants
The NEET uniform
+ the /comfy/ uniform with your favorite blanket
my spacesuit
A black hoodie like the one Elliot wears in Mr Robot.
oh yeah. Maybe a little electric space heater running a few feet away.. some hot cocoa/coffee and charts going to the moon. Sounds like a nice day to me