Whats the next RAIBLOCKS?
Whats the next RAIBLOCKS?
this coin is easily top 5 material.
just needs new wallets (coming)
ledger nano support (coming)
new exchanges (coming)
better nodes (coming within this week or next week)
rebrand(coming next week)
we are going to the fucking moon again and you'd be an idiot to not buy in during this dip
PASC, do yourself a favor and research it
Raiblocks is the next raiblocks
I second appc, already a 200 million userbase
nano is the next raiblocks
the developer seems to have disapeared for so long ... i like the idea but why should i invest now ?
raiblocks has announcements coming this next week
Mincoin. You still can have some cheap coins if you put a buy order. Spread is like 500% today.
idk it sounds like they're making some progress and he's active on twitter now
I like the idea a lot because I actually came up with it years ago myself so I'm willing to risk a portion of my portfolio on this. I'm fine if I lose it but if I win holy shit.
PRL, also a new and upcoming dag coin that has some different objectives. Already mooning past 2 days, so I'd get in quick. It's on kucoin and if you haven't signed up yet pls help this poorfag and use my referral code.
thanks user
what is the idea exactly?
Get paid to seed torrents
which twitter ? the one i found has a last tweet from 2016
That volume....
this man gets it
can i get in on your discord scams too pls?
It has a fixed limit just read the white paper. Furthermore it was a failed icon, because it never worked. The dev sold half of all Prl for around 3 weeks for 3-6 cent. Just look it up and get out of this shit coin as fast as you can. It is just an shitcoin 2.0 with the usage of a xmr miner.
Mincoin is a pump and dump scam.
yep gg/R4wm5g
NANO. see you on binance FOMOing in
wtf is this i cant find it
its the rebrand of xrb
nvm i'm not used to twitter. i will have to put a little something in it quick thanks man
Literally, every shitcoin promises instant feeless scalable transactions.
Don't miss the moon mission
The answer is Oyster Pearl btw
PRL get it before its too late. Ex google/amazon devs joined the team. Idk why I bother telling people, but it literally isn't stopping.
HTML coin is actually a retarded buzzword coin, just uses a programming language as its name and brainlets think its advanced. It literally has no code.
3rd. I'm just trying to time my entry but it's been steadily going up ahh
This ...
PRL is following in XRB's footsteps
Why doesn't Veeky Forums make it's own coin and let you send it to each other ???????????
Stay poor
Just buy KCS for the long term dude! The exchanges are the ones that always make bank so bloody join them! House always wins as they say! Referral code for @ KuCoin
Much appreciated to anyone who uses it btw
RCN screencap this
so, it's the next raiblocks?
Shill me on pascal coin
EXRT look it up thank me later
EXRN I mean
I second this.
1. Wrong
2. Raiblocks already works
unlimited scalability (deletes older blocks while retaining functionality), fast sync time, supports 1k t/s, written in pascal. highly undervalued.
PRL, dont listen to the fud
Fucking xtrabytes cunt
Probably AURA. The ICO just ended about 20 minutes ago.
FLASHcoin obvi
UFR, easily 10x in the next month
This /thread
If you're asking yourself how this isn't the next Litecoin or Bitcoin then congratulations you have a fucking brain and are smarter than 99.9% of the people in this space.
Bitcoin or 'enter any pow coin' stuck around cuz nothing else was worthwhile. Any other currency coin is just a stupidass fork with minor improvements.
XRB and DAG coins are the next hot shit whether you like it or not
Satoshi left bitcoin cuz he knew that shit was gonna be outdated eventually and smart ass nerds like Colin would develop revolutionary shit like RaiBlocks.
This shits so clear that it's gonna be top 5 by eoy I just threw 200k into it
pce bros
>Only cryptocard with global rollout to come shortly
>Only cryptocard which pays "dividends" which you claim through burning tkn
>only cryptocard which allows you to control your privatekey
>when tokencard goes to market they will get majority market share, meaning lots of tx and therefore large amount of dividends paid to token holders.
>Burning causes tkn to act as a deflationary currency , encouraging Long term holds
>Small mcap of 70 mil while they hold over 120 mil in assets.
>dev tokens locked one year so they have to provide a good product for their tokens to be worth anything
Except we know blockchain works and has for the past 10 years.
You dont know if DAG or whatever works.
FLASHcoin is a plain old blockchain scaled to millions of transaction. And that's all it's trying to be
So to answer OPs question, FLASHcoin has potential to be the next XRB if something doesnt work out with them
ITC aka IoT Chain, Mainnet release and DAG next week. Currently dipping.
In order of likelyness:
Ok except who even owns all the flash coins. They are a set number and were just sold all by one person?
There are literally sell orders all the way up the book for 50k