Breaking into crypto

>Breaking into crypto

>$800 USD ready to go

Where the fuck do I put it, guys. I'm so god damn overwhelmed.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's your only chance.

People here will shill u on every one of the shitty 1300+ coins. Serious advice: Put 50% in bitcoin, 25% in ethereum, 20% in litecoin, and 5% on one or two other coins you think might take off. Or don't, no one can predict the future. But these are your safest bets by far. Put it in, and forget about it. Don't sell. Don't watch GDAX for hours every day. Just hold for a year. You'll be amazed at how much better you'll do than most people just by holding.

I can never find these fucking alt coins.

I'm on KuCoin. Is that why?

I'll probably never be able to get on Binance.

FUN lad


At least it will hold its value and possibly give you 20% profit by the end of this year.

FUN MY friend

I got NEO in a wallet + doge.
Take your pick on any of these 25 MEME coins, BAT seams like it'll do well, BITBEANS mooning today so you might want to pick a coin that hasn't mooned in a week from this list of my shitcoins.

POE right now. Like right fucking now.

invest in magnalis

This looks really nice.

How do I get this kind of portfolio?

>That portfolio with $800
Good job trying to cuck him out of gains.
Listen OP if you want to play this game like a Chad go all in on one well researched undervalued coin.

Wordpress integration by the end of January

Everything they will shill you has moon and are new coins. Go with Colx it hasn't moon yet and it's been around since 2012.

It's going to fucking Alpha Centauri.

From another user:

>Staffed with damn geniuses 2 of which started succesful companies
>They already have a good app out
>Good ass roadmap and they are on schedule
>Solves a real problem in an innovative way
>Have partnerships with AT&T and the biggest tele companies in the world

Everyone here is going to tell you meme answers

Make a HitBTC account and put it into WRC.

You'll be happy you did. $1 here soon

Scam scam scam scam

i second this user, i started with $400, tried to diversify and it went to shit, all in is the only way. 6k right now from going all in on one misson to the next. The trick is to know when to exit or pick a coin that will x1000 in the next couple of months and HODL

XLM my friend. will kill btc.

put it all in ENG


Yeah you might as well not even try to get into cryptocurrency. Binance isn't open to new members and if you try to use coinbase and kucoin, it says you'll be waiting up to 3 days until you can get it out of coinbase because of how overwhelmed they are with all the traffic.


Deep Brain Chain our community is GLORIOUS!!

We shall rise together harppon the whales make candles for our comfy BRAIN GANG cabin from their lard, and topple their walls and walk on the rubble!!

We await you with open arms!

Might as well recommend a mutual fund to him if that's what you're going to do.

All in on Dragonchain on KuCoin. Hold until it's listed on binance/bittrex.

It can only go up from here.

How can you tell?

this , if u want 100-100x . no brainer. join their tg for more info

POE 1 billion mcap soon. EZ money noobs.

for highest ROI, i'd suggest Payfair. Sub 20 mil market cap, already real world usage, and currently in talks with multiple exchanges. The devs are young, but are motivated and highly intelligent. Get in before its too late and you look at this like the other coins and re-experience shitty fomo.

Only thing that sucks ass is that you have to use etherdelta, but I guess that's what ya gotta go through to see crazy returns.

Just don't try to transfer ETH or BTC from coinbase right now and you're good.

he's spamming every thread calling everything a scam.