This will go to $10 with or without you
Last chance to hop onto the moon choo choo
already on this train to the moon!
I accepted the fact that I will miss that moon.
Fucking exchange won't send me my e-mail.
Try etherdelta if you really wanna get on board, it's kinda confusing but watching a couple vids will help you.
Or I mean the cryptopia freeze will thaw out soon enough. You won't miss it if you're not in tonight but it's been picking up more and more steam every day
Ok glad you don't need me to buy. Best of luck with your shitcoin
can't decide between this an lux
shill me now user
Damn I sold this way too early. Oh well
Think how many people use torrent?
How much of a market cap would you give that? 100mil? 200mil? 4,000 mil?
Hope you don't mind the cold pinkyboy
4000 mill kek
extremely small market cap
literally the entire internet torrents
Alpha coming Q1 2018
what else do you need?
kek kek Megaupload had a REVENUE over $2billion this is gonna eat up all that market
i dont doubt it but u said 4000 mil kek
Whale here. Dumping will commence in 30. Cheap coins incoming!
bigger whale here. buying in 30. this is about to cost more!
To anyone here wanting to buy but is mad the LTC market is frozen on Cryptopia and don't want to pay the BTC transaction fee, here is what worked for me
>Turn your BTC/ETH into Verge(XVG) on an exchange such as Binance and wire that to Cryptopia
>Once your XVG is on Cryptopia, sell it for Bitcoin(BTC)
>Use your now acquired BTC to buy UFR
My transaction fee was only $0.17 using this method, and I received the XVG on Cryptopia within 30 minutes. Good luck to anons!
To the moon!
Where do I buy it though?
cryptopia. avoid etherdelta like the plague
I love this coin already
Markets are paused for it currently. Fuck.
Exchange to bitcoin
Regristration is paused on crypto piano. WHAT THE FUCK.
Thanks user. Glad to see you wanna make it and are chill to help out others.
I can't even register to make a Cryptopia account. When do you think I'll be able to? I'm ready to drop 2k on this coin.
More people buying UFR will hype the coin and bring it to the top. The possible gainz are giant.
none of you guys should be selling this coin until it hits top 100, this coin is gonna do wonders for all of us that are invested in it.
Cryptopia has isszes with server size. Should be open within 24-48 hours. I'm pissed myseld because I wanted to buy mad PHO but they closed it down.
just keep trying during the next day or two user. you'll get in eventually and will still be able to buy at a good price, it will be okay
No shit, the start now is literally perfect.
isnt this a giant PnD schamase
Will do. How high do you see this coin going? I don't have much money to spare but right now I have
XLM - $2000+
FUN - $1000
POE - $650
BAT - $750
NEO - $250
STRAT - $250
should I sell any of those to put into UFR? Thinking about putting $1000 into UFR.
This hype is what will bring it to the limelight, the tech is what will keep it in the limelight.
Everything I read says XLM will moon
I also have $1000+ in ETH but I only listed the altcoins
Eth will keep towards $10k but will not grow as fast as this coin so.. but it with ETH
That’s cute, little nigglets, except I can’t register on other exchanges despite being enhanced verified on trex forever
tons of shit planned for XLM this month, going to break 1$ forsure
I think I'll sell my NEO and STRAT and buy UFR with it.
I'm still sort of a noob but I'm starting to think 33% UFR 33% XLM and 33% BAT would take someone to lamboland. Maybe with some FUN in there as well.
Comfy af with 11k. Got In at .3 due to some user. Thanks user
Should I use cryptopia to buy some?
Also someone give me a quick rundown on what this does?
And do they plan on reaching more exchanges?
yes you should use cryptopia
incentive's seeding
new exchange in 2 weeks
can someone explain why this actually would be used? torrenting seems like a problem that doesn't need fixing? and surely institutional money will avoid this like the plague?
I'm also new to this coin and trying to buy some right now
>Cryptopia is not accepting new registrations
I'm going to try every hour to register. Hopefully they start taking new ones in the next 24 hours
>what is it
It's pretty much like a torrent tool where if someone uploads a file to be torrented they get sent UFRs. In short, you get paid to upload torrents that you would've done for free anyways
>but why is it such a big deal?
Market cap isn't even close to the bigger coins and its already $.85 despite not being on major exchanges. There is no doubt whatsoever that this will reach other exchanges.
They aren't trying to fix torrenting they're trying to pay people to torrent through UFR see here
say you have 10 proxies and illegal cheese pizza
you have no incentive to seed given the possibility of life in prision
with ufr you can charge each leecher $100 for your illegal cheese pizza and become rich from seeding it
It's going up! (75.99%)
Thanks, OP!
Ever download a torrent with no seeders?
Call Cryptopia's complaint department and tell them to check their privilege.
i feel like its a cool concept but a lot of things that are torrented are usually illegal be it cheese pizza or free movies and music. Point is, its gonna be a high incentive for people to waste time seeding something that could land them in jail or a huge fine.
regardless its an idea that will sell so ill invest, and I'm considering cryptopia to buy, but is it offline or something? I read peoples comments
i cant even buy because its shut down registration ://///
just when I thought I found my fucking rocket to the moon baka