>made millions from crypto
>still want to die
Looks like money was not the answer after all
It's been fun Veeky Forums. I'll be donating my entire portfolio to various charities in the next few days then offing myself.
>made millions from crypto
>still want to die
Looks like money was not the answer after all
It's been fun Veeky Forums. I'll be donating my entire portfolio to various charities in the next few days then offing myself.
Other urls found in this thread:
Larping that you made millions. Spare us the story and kys
farewell, user. Remember. Endings are just beginnings.
>various charities instead of various anons
>or going out in a hookers/cocaine blaze of glory
Confirmed LARP or redditfag
haven't made millions but made some good money and i'm also still a sad cunt. It seems meaningless if you are autistic as fuck, ugly, skinny/fat, no friends, no gf. Such a waste. Meanwhile, chad out there living life.
Can you donate to my "Help user Out" charity?
Ya me too i made 80000 billion dollars but o well :\
Go to the gym, take a walk, listen to some aphex twin, get away from your portfolio and forget about it for a while
May I recommend the International Rescue Committee so you piss off the /pol/ crossposters
>donating to charity
You know what will make you happy user? Giving away your millions to anons here on Veeky Forums...
Just give away one (or more ETH) to everyone and you will feel great joy...
Invest in Magnalis
huge fucking ico coming in april for 60 cents each
right now its literally 30 cents
literally easiest 2x
Love you user but if you still I'll do decide to do it consider sending a poorfag some change. Its a hard life making my way up from $150
oh dang that sucks taht 80000 billion dollars didnt provide ANY happiness, maybe killing yourself like OP will be a better option
Help a brother out
Love you OP
dont do it bro
shilling cuz maybe youll send
how about you dont kill yourself and donate to the stupid poorfag who misses every moon foundation
ive read that giving makes people feel good
Watch some Alan watts videos. You won't regret it. Also, take some acid or shrooms.
Biz isn't a charity stop posting addresses you shitstains.
Pls. I've lost almost everything on shitty luck trades. Help a Veeky Forumstard out
100% not. The only people that are not happy with money are those born in money or having made huge fortunes in a short time and living with money the majority of their lives.
It's literally 100% guaranteed to be unhappy being rich. People that are take their money for granted and "don't see it". They are simply blind to it. It's like not being aware of your nose. In this case, kys liar op faggot op.
I'm on the same boat. Got a high-paying job and made millions on crypto, but feel the same as when I was a NEET.
buy a farm, do agroforestry, stary a family. die happy.
u gotta make an effort to socialise with people man lmao
OP do lsd and watch Alan watts plz
get some fresh perspective in your life
Don't do it but if you do it here's my BTC address
maybe you will find joy in giving to others?
There is always something worth living for. Maybe making others happy will make you a bit happier.
donate to me
You know what to do mah boi. BTC me up
You'll even be able to deduct if from your crypto taxes.
>If you're gonna kill yourself do it in a fun way , Rent a sexy ass fucking car , rent multiple escorts in Vegas and drink yourself to death one bottle at a time or fucking go on a Cocaine bender.
for Fuck sake all that money and no imagination .
Help me to teach full time OP
Also consider, soul searching and finding a cause you truly care about. Then you're not just giving the money away, but now you have a mission, and purpose in life, about cause your truly care about.
Why do you even want to die?
Why do these FUCKING r9k threads never elaborate?
hey since this is where you're at, and I've been there, you might as well do some things you've never done before... just for shits and giggles you know because what do you have to lose? literally you're about to end the whole thing so you won't be around to have regrets...
1. get a haircut
2. go to the local mall and say hi to every person working there, just say hi
2b. go to the makeup kiosk at macy's and tell one of the ladies there that you are getting a headshot taken and have them spruce you up, tip them well
3. go in to the most expensive store there and have the hot girl that works there pick out a bunch of clothes for you
4. now that you have a haircut and decent clothes. those charities you're going to donate to? donate to just one local charity in person. go to their local office and ask where your money would be going to and how it would help.
yeah that's it... sorry i'm not a therapist... just go do something please, if you're willing to leave your fortune to charity i'd rather you stay in this world, i know for some to live is to suffer though so I won't try to talk you out of it
hey man. don't off yourself. You just need more time to figure things out. Now that you have the money to do so, just take a vacation and learn to let yourself be happy. I was depressed for a really long time but it just takes time to get out of that mentality. You have a fresh start sitting right there in your portfolio.
Why so down, tell us your story fello bizmarine
Oh man, if this place kept track of IPs, starting threads like this would be such a great way to weed out all the scum. Its like watching a bunch of fucking rats scurrying to get to the food first.
OP - someone loves you. Reach out. You’re not a burden.
Also, start running - if you can. It helps.
buy sex
Can't kys without quads. Sorry
You're not alone OP. I don't know who you are but I know where you are. I've been there. It's a terrible place. You feel powerless. The only way out is to talk to someone. Don't have anyone to talk to? Neither did I senpai. So I paid someone to talk to me. A professional. It saved my life. You may feel like your gains are worthless but they can save your life. And since you made your gains, YOU can save your life. That makes you pretty damn powerful.
I love you user.
Park that money somewhere safe then get yourself some help.
I know someone who lost her son 3 days before Christmas to suicide. She is completely broken. If you go through with it you will leave behind so much pain to others that no gift to charity can make up for. Get yourself some help and be honest with them.
Report these cunts. I'm working my way down the list.
Some of the best anti-kill advice I've seen on here. Probably won't help because suicidal mood = antisocial mood but oh well. If any of you richfags are considering suicide try this out.
Join nofap it's a great challenge. Make u feel better
Good luck fag I'm banned but still phone posting so you can just doodle my noodle you big stupid retard
Antisocial depression advice. If you are actually rich, buy a decent car with space, real nice SUV or a car you always wanted.
Get all the money into a checking account and just start driving, doesn't matter where, just go. Stop at weird places to eat, stay in fancy hotels, stop at tourist traps, or don't stop at all. just keep driving and don't stop for anything but gas, piss, and sleep.
You never know, you could find a place you want to be forever and you can buy a house there, or find out you miss home and would miss it if you kys.
You don't need to talk to anyone, just get out. If you have that much money, just fucking go. Kill yourself after you've seen everything if you want. But no harm in checking shit out before you go.
> beggar insulting me
I'm gonna lose so much sleep
You know you are literally just scum right??? You are that piece of shit with a cup full of change just shoving it in peoples faces hoping they give you more, not caring whether each person does or not. Just moving on to the next regardless with your literal shit covered hands and rotting teeth. You should off yourself though, seriously, you make this world miserable for most people.
I made millions with crypto, so I changed my life. I went traveling, having sex with women, etc.
I'm moving out of my dad's house too
I used to have depression and I cured it.
Try DMT.
DNMs and your btc/monero.
Give it a chance first.
Whatever you say buddy I'll just be here setting my sell price 1c lower than you
You need to have something first you poor fuck. Keep begging and maybe you'll actually have something to sell at loss one day.
before u kill urself or gving money to charities which won't help them (it's socialist thing u thing by giving smn money for living smth changes no of course ot user u hae to make jobs and give it to people not money)
Good luck user. I respect a man who can have anything he wants financially/ lifestyle wise and still decides to go, but, if there's one thing i've learnt in life it's that you can only choose how you're going to react to things you can't control. If i were you, before checking out - I would try and find a life/business coach. I had a great friend who mentored me and he really changed not only my financial goals but also my personal/ professional goals. I would look at these aspects of your life and you will realise that you can create your own success. As someone who is often a depressed individual, I always try to actively push myself to go out of my comfort zone especially in relationships and I find it helps me a lot.
If you still decide to off yourself, goodbye user. It's been a pleasure taking part in this crazy, crazy bubble with you.
- user from Australia.
IF I make I’m living in the mountains of BC. surrounded by nature’s beauty, will actually make u feel alive for once.
If you have millions how can you not have fun? Go spend some time away from the screen, go spend a week learning how to sail a yatch. Go learn snowboard wherever it is snowing in the world. Go learn to fly a plane @ your local airport.
Shit's not hard when you have money.
Just fucking do it Faggot, you will be dead who cares about your magic Internet money then.
If you are actually committed full steam to suicide though I highly recommend a trip to Pattaya Thailand before you go through with it. Might change your perspective on life a little bit.
Charity Me I this is real .......
>make nothing from crypto
>still want to die
Hey OP I remember you from your last thread. Hope you change your mind. Here's my eth just in case.
> 1 post by this ID
He could be using a VPN or something? He started the thread the same way last time, said he was going to try to hold out a bit longer