Just a heads up to those that were still interested in my situation of not being able to log into Coinbase, BInance and Bitstamp. I am the guy that dropped the phone in the toilet and lost my ability to log in with Google Authenticator. I also lost my ability to continue to invest and day trade. I have a new cellphone and new cell phone number so I am basically screwed. I submitted tickets to all three sites and all I got was a lousy automated message 1 week later from Binance saying if I still have a problem submit a ticket It made no sense at all. Here it is 8 days later and no advancement whatsoever. I even started trying to hunt the sites customer service through other media formats. Basically I gave my broken phone to a repair man and he is working on trying to get the data so I can try to use my seeds to get back in. Its looking grim and looking like Coinbase and all the rest dont care at all. I was only my way to makeing some good money and I cant even make new accounts to continue trading. Its all a bizarre situation. They wont help and wont let me continue under a new account. I have thousands locked up and I am praying the cell phone repair man can get my phone going with google authenticator working uninterrupted. He said my phone is encrypted so it will be hard to do. The back up seeds dont always work. I had the backup for one bitstamp and that did not work at all. I want to desperately start my day trading again but thi is so bizarre. Its like just respond to me and shut the dumb 2Fa off. I sent each site pictures of me and my license just like when I made the account. So many people warned me to save the seeds. I found one and it didnt do anything at all. It looked like it registered a new account then of course refused to let me in. When you look at twitter and their other sites it shows i am not the only person with this issue but apparently here on Veeky Forums biz no one else had any issues similar to me, Lost device with 2fA dont have the backup seeds
Lost device with 2 Factor Authentication
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't read but just contact the exchange
so it looks like my only hope is to have my phone chip and board transferred to another phone since the fucking exchange sites wont do anything at all. all they would have to do is literally shut my 2fa off and stop trading for 24 48 hours to prove its me with the images of me holding my license and problem solved. complete bullshit...
already contacted exchanges literally over a dozen times each with the most respectful attitude you could imagine.
they give you a backup code when you set up 2FA. Just use that. If you didn't write it down it's your own dumbass fault.
What's wrong with you?
How do you drop your phone in the toilet?
Yeah m8. I wrote that shit down when I was still a broke ass nigga on day 1. You gotta prepare for this shit.
>the current year
>not owning a phone that is waterproof
Almost happen to me before a few times. Once i dropped it in a JR station toilet. Disgusting. It happens when pulling down your pants and the pocket bents.
Fortunately it went straight to the floor. Now i just put in my shoe.
you should be able to get the coinbase one back, it might take a few weeks
word of advice. get a water proof phone. this shit's important.
don't lose hope! go on twitter, send a video, visit coinbase in person... you CAN get your money back
He means the street, obviously.
You need to get in contact with Binance with the Telegram app. Also check out r/binance on Reddit to see how other people sorted this problem out. It should take no more than 2hrs to get back into your account.
Dude, get LastPass, and save your auth codes in there, youll never forget them
I didn't write my code down, how do I get my binance code?
Nice wall of text pajeet. I'm glad the exchanges are not allowing you to hack our accounts
After setting up 2FA I retartedly reflashed my phone. I didn't write any seed code down or anything.
Contacted Binance and they reset the shit for me.
this thread got me shook. Can I still recover this code on binance? I havent lost my phone but would like to save that code if possible.
One thing I noticed is the Google Auth backup seed uses capital i’s that are indistinguishable from lower L’s. Many of my friends seem to lack the awareness to take proper note of this and just sloppily write something down creating a lot of room for error when things go sour
You’re claiming backup seeds ‘dont always work’ but you may have been careless in writing it down in it’s correct form
TL:DR; try your backup seed ad nauseum, with the proposition an ‘L’ could be an ‘i’ and vice versa
deactivate 2fa and activate it again and you'll have a new code
Drop your phone on the shitting street and find out.
You can't. Just go to r/binance and follow the step by step guide. It's posted at the top of the page.
Difference is, Binance is currently in holiday season. New Year and then Chinese New Year coming up. Lots of employees taking time off.
How can you be so fucking stupid?
this is why they tell you in plain english in big letters multiple times through out the sign up phase to back your shit up.
fucking with thousands of dollars, why would you be so lazy as to not back it up? I back all my shit up at LEAST once if not more
From my understanding you can transfer this shit over to a new phone through your google account. What’s the big deal.
I just disabled 2FA and renabled it again and it gave me the 16 digit code
fuck you guys
and to everybody who is afraid of hackers and fraud artists, this is a great example of how well secured our coins are while in an exchange. you just aren't getting in without the supplied codes you are given, you are your own bank, your own anti-theft, you are told this from the beginning
write it down this time newfag mommy isn't going to help you when you lose your purse
Go to their telegram and post your ticket there. Binance support. Took care of it in 15 min for me
isn't it better to use SMS codes to your personal phone number and not some Google Authenticator bullshit?
do you know how easy it is for someone to spoof your cell number?
use google auth or nothing man, do you know how easy it is to spoof your phone number lol?!?
None of the steps on Binance or COinbase or Bitstamp work. They are infinite loops and bogus links that are broken. Trust me I spent 8 long days and nights on this and now I am paying a guy to rebuild a broken phone for the board and chip to get the information off it.
>Get a new number
Why though? You could get a new sim with your old number. That's retarded part of you.
>not saving your seeds onto your laptop
>not writing it down and putting it somewhere safe
You honestly deserve this
The absolute state of biz
what seeds wtf, I signed up to 2FA and I never saw any seed that I should be saving
Then you must be clinically retarded
if it makes you feel better, your holdings will be worth 10x more when you get them back solely because your dumbass didn’t have access to them
good luck OP
i have special phone i bought solely for 2FA...that shit never goes never any water AND its in a waterproof case...
no money or lesser money = no chick or a lower quality chick = lower quality offspring
you are retarded op, sorry
thanks your blogposts have made me feel better about myself op
Did you read this post
Yes and my comment was geared towards the assholes that make stupid waste of time responses without actually reading the entire scenario.
>Veeky Forums biz no one else had any issues similar to me,
Oh there are, and there will be many more idiots like you. Its just they're not as autistic as you to drop their phone in the fucking toilet where they also have assets connected to that phone
Also, don't you think the exchanges are a little busy? Stupid idiot always save your BACKUP key, thats why they give u one
And when typed in and I even scanned one of the barcodes it shows it on my google Auth but then the numbers dont work they get rejected as passwords. ALso I am on a different phone number. but of course these websites dont plan on any accidents happening. They allow accidental wallet issues where you can transfer cash by accident to a hackers bullshit wallet and and refuse to get the cash back yet they wont respoind to let me in my own fucking account.
Get the telegram app and Join binance english channel.
Type /support and talk to one of them.
They Will solve IT quick
Try doing what it says here to get back up codes.
Would a backup of your phone's data have saved you?
I have a few extra hardrives sitting around that I could use.
Can you clarify what seeds are?
I have saved a QR Code with a series of letters and numbers below it. Am I safe?
OPs post made me go back through my photos on my phone and find the keys and write them down in a safe place. Thanks OP.
This is why I put everything in my Google Drive
I have codes and shit with my own pseudo names and hints for passwords so things aren't outright spelled.
Worst case, I just go there and get everything. Way too many devices/passwords to remember all that shit
Good hodl strategy.
Probably for the 345746th time: FFS USE AUTHY!!!!!!!!!
Why not just print it out or paste in google docs?
Lastpass my poorfag friend.....
you don't have to log in to google or anything to use it. winauth is open source and does the same job
Retard...use Authy...problem solved. You can dump your phone in your butthole...buy a new one and setup Authy. Voila...