Am I a /niggerbrain/?
Blockfolio +10%, start browsing new cars
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Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.
fucking /Pol/tard. Blaming black people for you incompetence is worse than investing more than 40% of your money on a car, yes.
user, stahp looking at cars and start looking for more gains!
No, not at all. Cars are the epitome of the white man, as they are a beautiful combination of art and engineering. Just don't plan on spending more than 5% of your net worth on one (can up to 10% if you get your money in a reliable way like wagecucking)
Yep, total fucking wageslave kind of move. That 30k car will.end up being a 450k car after the coins you sold go 15x from here. Good luck.
I was unironically checking out the price of Lambo's last night.
Just a figure of speech man, chill out.
I just keep updating my wallpaper with the car I can afford. It's oddly satisfying... + I get to keep my crypto.
Kek. I actually made more than enough gains to buy pic related. Should I? My first choice was an audi, but i think this one looks better.
Get yourself a used Honda Civic and call it a day
Yes. With your mindset even if you do make great money you'll end up spending it all on flashy shit and end up at square one.
Nope. I've never seen a good looking chink car desu.
There were tons of cars I was convinced I'd buy if I had the amount of money I have now (which isn't much really), but now I don't care about them at all. What kind of shit is this?
>obvious /a/fag
>not into JDM cars
Do you even eurobeat
>obvious /a/fag
I am resisting, or waiting for when my balance is enough for me to buy a reasonably priced car without eating into the money too much, maybe 5% like user mentioned.
Niggers like you are why we don't get the S207 in the US.
Just get a used celica or mr2
I thought you were because of the random desu after a sentence
Nvm then
kek, it's because "t b h" gets wordfiltered to "desu", newfag. i just keep doing it.
Audi screams IT professional with no imagination. VW screams "I can't afford an Audi". Be better than that OP.
I was a /b/tard from 2009 to 2011, then went on to other chans and came back just for Veeky Forums. Is this a new filter? Never noticed it before
>no imagination
I never understood this...what the fuck does imagination have to do with buying a car? it's not like you partook in the designing process, you're just buying something someone else designed.
it's a fucking car, either it looks nice, or it doesn't.
Video related Im actually from the same town as Big fluffy.
It’s not a figure of speech. Don’t let your ignorance taint this forum more than we can do on our own
Retard. He said niggerbrain because its stereotypical of black people to start new car shopping when they get a chunk of spare cash
baka desu senpai cuck
all filters
>ITT: idiots escape kike slavery using digital chuck e cheese tokens but get right back in by purchasing highly depreciating assets
niggers are so sensitive lmao
Omg, go move to Zimbabwe. If you don't it's because you're racist.
how is pointing out the inferiority of the nigger ignorance, you mongrel brainlet kang
>i buy a car to impress others
>this dumb bitch is clogging up Veeky Forums
>play dirt rally
>want a professional rally car
>hear it costs $1m
eat my shit, you slime.
leave you obese dyke. >>>deviantart is that way.
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Pajeet get off my precious thread RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE
lmao, what kind of soyboy insult is that?
This guy is definitely holding XLM.
Cars are for attention seeking faggots.
I'm going to buy some secluded villa so I can escape all you pea brained peasants
Look im tired of /pol/ i came here to listen to jazz and talk about finances can we just stop the racism?
Thats a nice car thou and nice beech
You're a vain faggot if you care about looks more than unbeatable reliability.
Not bad but I'd go for A7 instead.
Eh, it looks like a Skyline face grafted onto an Evo with a Subaru badge. Nissan GT-R is the pinnacle of Jap cars though, and we got that one!
considering buying this:
can afford it x3
Nice daily driver.