How far will we make it?

How far will we make it?

Post your portfolio and give predictions for other anons

Other urls found in this thread:


Sell ur Vechain bags for Walton (the true King)

What are predictions for Walton? Didn't see it shilled here

Fuck senpai, you goin all the way

a safe portfolio if I've ever seen one - should see steady gains - maybe 2x by spring
but I've only been doing this for a month so what do I know

I think I'm ready for the future

You need a bit more money in and buy COLX and FLASH asap

Believe me I know. Bottlenecked by Coinbase

How long until COLX blasts off?

It's already blasting off and you can't even buy it.

But it's getting on Kucoin and Cryptopia in days

I want to sell half of my portfolio at first dip and invest in only 2-3 alts, hoping for bigger gains

rip me

Guess I'll need to catch another moon

yeah you're spread kind of thin. Maybe invest more rather than sell off. That's what I'm going to do. I am loathe to give up any of my positions. Everything in this market goes up eventually.


I have way more bitcoin than any competent Veeky Forums lurker should have but i just love its public brand and feel it wont die silently

Is ARK even doing that good?


Jesus i would shit myself at that loss.

Sell some ARK, Buy TKN
What is TKN and what should you buy it?
>Cryptocard which allows you to cash out into fiat buying things irl with your crypto
>only card which allows you to spend ERC 20 Tokens
>only card which gives you control over your private key
>only card which gives you a dividend from all the tx fees it gets which is put into a asset contract.
>Holds almost 130 million in assets with only 90 million in market capitalization (It's competitors PAY and MCO have 500 mil and 200 mil market cap)
>It's competitors have had their cards cancelled, none of them have a working card
>TKN has a new card issuer and is preparing for a GLOBAL release.
Join the TKN discord for more info BRWdntz

Any advices?
I know I should move everything into one coin with this sum, but which one?

Started with $600 less than a month ago.

Start by switching to Delta.

Jesus Christ your portfolio gives me fucking vertigo. Sell 80% of your shitcoins and keep a few.

the greatest transfer of wealth in human history


PAC is a literal P&D scheme by scam youtubers like JRBuisness. Sell PAC, Buy TKN.
Read my post here

Smart PFR buy. You'll be comfy

how many coins is too many in a portfolio?

depends on your total value

sell REQ, buy FlutterCoin - 3 Million cap at the moment, already finished product

3 mil cap too risky

it's going to 10 million definitelly, there's a lot of developement on github, new forks next week, and it's mooning

am i going to make it, biz?


Sitting on this for a year. How am I looking?

get out of BTC, ETH, ADA

Get some COLX, FLASH, or FTL (just reached 10M cap)
You won't ever make it by holding biggest coins.

This time will not return. Golden era of Pumps and dumps. Take advantage/'

discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

What do you think guys?

whats the new port app called? been away for a while

u can retire

Nice! but sell BTC and ETH

Delta app

thanks friend

would you consider monero too big at this point?

Use ETH a your store of value (if you dont want to put things in cash).

ETH is an amazing long term hold.

I have almost the same portfolio

Except no dbc

Hold it if you have it, but if not just buy some alts

Check Colx and FTL

How the fuck did you faggots not buy Reddcoins?

It's like milking money from normies.

Tell me about it, I'm in for short term gains

It's trying to become a social media payment system. Facebook, reddit, youtube, twitch ect. Basically, instead of using gofundme and patreon etc etc, they want to embed the coins into social media platforms.

There is money to be made from retards that donate to boobs on twitch because they think they will get the cummies and soccer moms that play farmville.

convinced! thanks

now we have to share this to my grandma on facebook

No, fuck that. Beat the fuck out of that bitch and take her life savings. We gon be rich.

how is this?

fuck ripple

What in the actual fuck, did you even sleep during that time?
XLM & Ripple?

invested 50 like a month ago. Sold off 2*100 into DBC & XRB yesterday

Any ideas on what to do with my ETH?

ALot of these ports are severely lacking in FUN ENIGMA BCPT

get with the program you mongs

keep your eth, its fuckin blasted pass 1000 and you want to get rid of it?? just lol user

How do you sc the entire list or is your screen really that long?

got rid of my bitcoin cash I was holding from the fork and increased holdings in some of my alts, and got a couple of new ones instead

Also have 1BTC, 28LSK, 218 APPC and 442 REQ.

Rate. Sold iota. Waiting on xrb next gain to sell

Go all in DBC

This is just a short term portfolio. I HOPE i will atleast make it to $20-30k by end of January or February

Just feel like my portfolio isn't big enough to hold these big coins yet.

too pussy for that, would also take me a full day of selling exchanging and the like

Updated portfolio

Plus small amount of ETH and Dodge

How's this?

Sold ripple for dnt , how fucked am I?

What‘s the name of this App?

>portfolio worth less than $10k
>holds more than 3 coins


Will I make it biz bros?

ma niguh

buy something more exciting


SOPR is fund on Iconomi
IDH is indiahash ICO

Started DCA mid November last year.

I'm pretty comfortable with this, just kinda feel bad I'm missing out on some other coins that I know will moon and have already begun (QSP, CND, BAT, Agoras), but I know it's retarded to diversify that much with small sums of money.

Considering I started with 1.3k 3 weeks ago, I'm p satisfied.

Looking to consolidate my scrap ETH into a shit coin hoping to moon. I'm a poorfag, so only have holding on ETH and XRB at the moment (some BTC that I'm moving to ETH/other coin).

Any suggestions?

It's all relative you fucking nigger. Post your portfolio poorfag.

This will get me my 100k soon

That Wanchain alone wil make you rich AF. You one lucky faggot

Verge, TRX

All in on cos baby

Fuck shitcoins, all in XRB. Thank me later.