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Is it true that Pewdiepie is going to do a podcast about BAT??
Please, dont spread lies for a quick.buck.
We somehow think he is in it. He showed a screeshot of one of his videos and he is notoriously pissed with the youtube reward system.
So he's not in it or is he?
I'm about to drop 2btc on you BATlets. Been noticing for a minute.
>the hero we need. not the hero we deserve
Philip DeFranco is already in and BAT is developed by the same guy that made JavaScript, Brave and Mozilla.
1/ “Man will never fly.” "Ford is the only car company." “iE owns the browser market forever.” Etc.
2/ Blocking ads and trackers speeds up Brave 3-7x vs Chrome on Android, more on iOS; ~2x on laptop. We use chromium open source so our baseline perf with shields down is same as Chrome. Shields up = much faster because of massive overuse of ad calls on many sites. These calls are required by Google’s core business.
3/ Chrome cannot block 3rd party trackers & ads as Brave does. They’d tank their stock and be sued for that materially adverse self inflicted damage. They are doing a cosmetic ad filter, just to ban hated interstitial ad formats. Not much perf gain from that.
If Google were to block trackers and ads while at the same time offering a BAT-like private/anonymous system that kept their customers (advertisers, publishers) whole, they would be in antiitrust trouble. But they can’t reset the system to a private state quickly.
Better if we at Brave bring up the new system and standardize as we go. While we are small we don't rock too many boats. Our users would get uBO on Chrome if they didn’t use Brave.
As we get bigger and 3rd party adtech collapses due to its own middleman problems and negative externalities, we will bring BAT to other apps, not just browsers, and standardize.
Your view of browser history is shallow. I’m a founder of Mozilla and Firefox. I worked on Netscape. We do not have the same four browsers now that we had 20 or even 15 or 10 years ago (Chrome is 9 years old). Read the browser wars Wikipedia pages.
Incumbent products in mature markets can and do fall, especially when their business interests conflict with users’ interests.
Who are you and what is your role on the team?
That's a copy pasta user
I figured as such but they keep using "we" and not using quotes or differentiating themselves from it the text to say that they are not a part of the team.
ELI5 me on BAT
If you want something of equal hype:
>Zuckerberg said he will be to integrating crypto into Facebook
>BAT's CEO gave a presentation about BAT/Brave at Facebook's HQ in August.
>Only Coin with confirmed direct contact with Facebook (besides Link).
This is private lil stack of the xlm marine Corp. Im.... the only one left I was on ETH base when everyone was ...raped to death can I come to BATs?
It's basically good boy points they give you to watch ads.
1. Currency for a new web browser.
2. The web browser is designed around blocking trackers/monetizing advertising for the viewer.
3. ???
4. Buy it.
Its got a great team.
Created by javascript and firefox genius. Almost confirmed youtubers in. 50% chance (againts chainlink) facebook deal. Clear user case and profesional team. Working already in Brave, plugin for firefox developing.
Tiny marketcap compared with ths size of internet ads.
Sorryr, no faggots allowed in BAT.
Looks like you'll have to go back.
When did he show the screenshot?
One of his videos complaining about youtube.
Why can't both be integrated into Facebook? They do entirely different things that FB would have bountiful use for both. If Facebook wiped it's invasive data mining and implemented BAT entirely they could make much more money while not pissing people off.
fuck off back to le ddit
how much BAT for the goth cutie or the pink haired boy
Can you ELI5 why reddit ts bad?
no anti mooners aloud
Thanks Brendan, just bought another 100k
He's acting as if everyone itt doesn't also have a reddit account. Lurk and you'll see Veeky Forums has a general distain for reddit but everyone uses it.
Nice try redditor
have any of you plebs read their latest newsletter?
I only use reddit for the occasional shilling/trolling/raid. Never for actual browsing. My reddit account has like 30 posts.
Not going through all that footage, post proof or it didn't happen.
Eternal this.
BAT is cancer, I'm going to invest in Oyster Pearl instead.
around 1:00 you babby
do it, doubled my money today and i thought i was late
Buy Bat.
The fuck do we do if BAT gets acquired by Google?
Due to existential risk it poses to their biz model.
Google buys Brave International Software. Mothballs the whole thing.
Then what?
Our shit is worthless.
Maybe Brave are more interesting to Facebook as an attack on Google's ad market share.
Maybe more likely.
The people connections exist in the background.
Thoughts please, you faggots.
Yeh by BAT I mean Brave.
Go PEWDS! To the moon!
You shouldn't ask these questions out loud.
It's on all of our minds.
If google buy, good short term gain.
If facebook buy, forever moon lambos for everyone.
i just bought the ask, ive held bat for a time before but now it seems much closer to blowing up
How much BatCoin for a night with Nosferatu?
Ok senpai..
Difficult not to think about it..
Here's to moon lambos.
Moon lambos for all!
plz dont mention it
I've been spending the entire night on this board trying to make this token look like the community is dogshit
Someone kill this fucking wale, I mean literally go to his house with a BAT
>> 6032171
Rare wealth Pepe
Holding a piddly amount, wish I had moar
Me to first moon mission jumped in before rocket launch, apparently that's the trick
So I only used a small stack in case I fucked it up
Hold for a day and sell? Or is this a hold
Ok, ended
Hmmmmm interesting, thanks user!
Interesting. Thanks for posting.
It's getting close to it's ath rn. Why should I buy this
>literal pajeet is the main advisor
Literal pajeet catapulted AMD twice and redefined Apple chip line. Among 2billion people they have some worthy ones
>Are BATs transferable? Where are BATs traded?
BAT is a utility token meant for use in the BAT platform. It is transferable. While we are aware that the token is currently being traded on the exchanges listed here, we have not encouraged or facilitated this exchange trading in any way. We have provided the foregoing information solely as a means of reducing the inquiries we receive directly.
Answer this please BATmen
Okay, you've convinced me. When will it dip?
BAT has collaboration with top3 NYC publishing company, news soon! And integration with Twitch is ready to launch!
Look at the buy walls
serious replies only: should I sell all my REQ and go all in on BAT?
never bet against big brain brendan
I see a huge wall at 0.00004812, seems like a good point to buy.
mfw poorfag and only own 69 BAT
I'm such a retard I sold at 42 yesterday and set a buy order at 37 since I'm greedy as fuck.
I woke up I have not bat and it has already moon....
we're all gonna make it brah
Batlet here.
Is there still time to make it?
I asked Pewdiepie and he said he isn't in it. You're welcome
how long you finna hold? Thinking of selling soon
It might tank tomorrow
serious question.
i bought xlm at .79, currently at .72. should i take my losses, and put the $150 i have in xlm currently and bet it all on bat?
He literally confirmed twitch integration. This shit is going up brah
no, just wait..
definitely time. It is actually legit. I trade with other coins but the only one im consistently in is BAT
why will bat tank?
Can this reach 2$ ?
I think it will dip, but due to all the things going on around it, it will be right back to an all time high before next week is out imo.
Who did? Pewd? Where?
no real reason, just the retardedness of crytpo m8
most likely it won't , but i've seen it happen loads
Really excited for all of the updates pewds is putting forward.
>find 250 BAT on an exodus wallet
>Forget I downloaded browser and got 30
>Giant foreheaf
>Joined CMC on 1st July
>Saw all this on 1.7.18
>My birthday is 1st july
All in on the next dip boys.
>dat 4 btc buy wall moving up all the time
Hope in boys, free gains
ty sven
Last chance at 80c. Never bet against big brain brendan
whale wars
what's the minimum amount of BAT needed to make it? only 6000 here. looking to move some BTC and ETH into it
they are holding it down to accumulate. As soon as the Twitch partnership is announced, the sell wall will vanish and we'll hit $5 easily.