We fucked of fud

we fucked of fud

Other urls found in this thread:


we holdin'

this coin is dead
moved to pearl
stay poor holders

Massively overvalued coin, driven by rampant hyping of the same coin and an artificially small supply. Buy TKN instead.
What is TKN and what should you buy it?
>Cryptocard which allows you to cash out into fiat buying things irl with your crypto
>only card which allows you to spend ERC 20 Tokens
>only card which gives you control over your private key
>only card which gives you a dividend from all the tx fees it gets which is put into a asset contract.
>Holds almost 130 million in assets with only 90 million in market capitalization (It's competitors PAY and MCO have 500 mil and 200 mil market cap)
>It's competitors have had their cards cancelled, none of them have a working card
>TKN has a new card issuer and is preparing for a GLOBAL release.
Join the TKN discord for more info BRWdntz

take your profits now and move to pasc...10x

oh shit I'm literally losing millions of dollars

We tried to warn you, you retarded fucks.

It was allowed to be massively inflated by growing in what can best be described as a lobster trap, where it's easy to get in, but hard to get out.

Once it's released into the wild by being listed on Binance, it'll sink to the ocean floor. And people are just beginning to realize that.

lol this fud is delicious

this coin is easily top 5 coin


What has changed in 4 days, to go from multiple threads to being a dead coin? Long-term hold

fud cycle so that people can get in cheaper

holdrs are still there. lots of news coming next week. not going to fall for it.

>What has changed in 4 days, to go from multiple threads to being a dead coin?
The levels of saltiness from the broke boys who are too poor to buy XRB. This bitch is priming it's engines for the next lift off. Once nano is here there is no stopping this money train.

bought in at 4usd, holding until it tanks to 5usd

this is a one of a kind token. it's literally alone in its own realm of rapid, feeless transactions.

pls be right user


fucking BUY THE DIP
> This shit hits binance in a couple of days
> Always goes back up, even after 45% dips
> Trend line STILL not broken

great plan, user.

it is slow as fuck. not giving what is promised

>what has changed
the pnd is over

Discord Pump Group

We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time. Let's get this snowball rolling!/

discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

lol 25% gains would still have most blue chip investors screaming
can't see it falling to 5usd in the next month anyway
there's still legs in this coin imo

can we expect a jump in value when this hits binance lads?

Exchanges are slow, wallet to wallet is instant

Yes, but we need them to make a better website in english chinese, korean and japanese for it to skyrocket. It's in the works, as is the mobile wallet, no release date yet.

This coin fully rely on the exchangers will to implement pairing with more alt.

The dream for everybody would be to have this coin replace BTC everywhere.

Having the whole billion market working on a single node was very impressive. Getting 4 new exchanges last week was impressive.

Now I wait for more pairings.