>tfw when youd be a fucking millionaire right now if you werent hodling this steaming pile of shit
Absolutely fuck every virgin faggot who shilled this shit to me, literally everything else is mooning Im so fucking pissed the fuck off right now.
>tfw when youd be a fucking millionaire right now if you werent hodling this steaming pile of shit
Absolutely fuck every virgin faggot who shilled this shit to me, literally everything else is mooning Im so fucking pissed the fuck off right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
dump it, I heard its a scam and its just pajeets shilling it here to PnD
Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
All the FUD here this morning excites me.
muh IBM!!!! muh FairX!!!!!!!!!! BEST CRYPTO TEAM!!!!!
.....XLM crashing....
literally nothing else mooned... and if it did, why don't you diversify...
lol sell it right now. The pink wojaks coming from impatient faggots like you are going to be delicious.
>hurrdurrrrr xlm is shiitttttt
after it just grew 300%
honestly this is a healthy correction of around -37% after the massive influx in price. Its at the same price point it was on the 2nd and 5th. Just chill the fuck out, fairx.io is going to be here soon.
Damn I wanted to sell today and gamble on some more on low market cap shitcoins. Guess I'll wait a bit.
lol and i think its all rumors, I dont see anywhere on IBM website talking about Stellar and my piece of shit IBM computer doesn't have Stellar on it
this fairx thing looks like a webpage my 8 year old little brother would make in about 10 minutes.. probably a scam to get people to buy into their pump and dump
feeling pretty comfy in QSP and ETH right now
shit meme
Held at resistance really nicely. If you can't hodl you don't deserve the moon. This coin has the best fundamentals of almost anything going right now.
all those normies and redditors selling at 24H low lmao
thanks for the free fucking coins retards
Just sell and buy REQ and QSP this scam is a big steamer
ehh im holding bag just because of the power usage for BTC. i have %95 of my shit in POW but ill keep my %5 in xrp and xlm just in case lol. this is a pile of shit tho jesus.
>muh BTC bull run!
The funny thing is that every other decent coin is doing well and recovered their previous value, while this piece of shit keeps bleeding
Yeah, I'll sell now and buy back once fairX is near the corner, instead of holding these heavy backs forever and missing gains elsewhere
I hope you faggots got out. buy some DOGE its the next moon
>Tfw 30k DOGE
Whens the moon coming
lol if nothing else mooned for you learn to pick coins, up +100% on portfolio since last night pajeet
does look pretty comfy, but I wouldn't call it a moon.
Buy Linda, shit has been mooning for days and doesnt stop
>major news network not doing due dilligence
Sell low to buy high, sounds like a good plan, thanks friend!
>It's dropping because of BTC moving SELL YOUR BAGS FAST
>BTC hasn't moved all night
>Bittrex still same price binance just manipulated hitting stop loss
>Veeky Forums selling bags at a loss
>start mad thread
The binance wallet has been slowly draining from an external address for a while now. That was why the price dropped a bit over an hour ago. Take a look for yourself :
If you want to google that address you'll also find that people have found their funds redirected there...
Almost seems like there's an orchestrated effort to FUD this coin.
..or there's just a lot of newfags with ADD that bought in during the recent drop. Why don't you just get out? Your couple hundred/thousand $ isn't going to change anything for the rest of us.
I tried to tell anons that this was a shitcoin and they got so angry at me lol.
yeah... right after it surged over 300%
>during the recent drop
I meant top*
>Almost seems like there's an orchestrated effort to FUD this coin.
don't have to FUD, the price drop pretty is FUDing itself right now
what coins?
>be kind of retard to panic sell XLM
>be 9th Jan 2007
>Apple announces iPhone 1
>see chance to be millionaire
>Feb 2007
>still not millionaire
>March 2007
>still not millionaire
>April 2007
>still not millionaire
>Fuck this
>sell stocks at a loss
>29th June 2007
>iPhone goes on sale
>kill myself
My spaghetti didn't save it huh. Tastes good tho.
Honestly, it's the perfect time to buy. This will be a $1 coin by the end of the month, guaranteed. Set up your limit orders lads, cos it's an easy 30% gain buying now.
>This will be a $1 coin by the end of the month
>It will 50% after you wait for a month!
should have sold at the top, im getting ready to buy all these idiots bags who sold. Thanks for the coins faggots. gains 40% more coins almost
Why didn't you buy in when the price was ~0.03$? Oh, that's right..because you're a moon mission chasing newfriend, who doesn't do any research.
>tfw coin down so much everyone panics
>also tfw in so early I'm still in the 300%+ greens
did he die?
Right there with you. LOL gotta love these wojacks.
>im getting ready to buy all these idiots bags who sold
>that pic again
Nice damage control. With what are you going to buiy the bags if you are already balls deep in it?
Sell it so we can moon again
DYOR faggots
I was in back @ 3 measly cents
I have seen gains like you never believed and yet I hodl to get more gains
I can appreciate this feel
>fell for hodl meme
>didnt do research
>depending on people like Veeky Forums to get him rich
lololo u should be poor faggot
Fucking weak handed retards
watch out bois hes gonna sell his 500 lumens !!!
crash incoming !!!
FUD from normies and pajeets is always a good sign, thank you OP.
From "best community" to "weakhanded childish faggot" real quick.
Sell now and but tron faggot. Fomo back in xlm when fiat>xlm kicks in at 2$ a coin.
scam pnd confirmed on reddit, you idiots better get out before it's too late.
>that perfect head and shoulders forming on XLM
coins fucked
in what timescale?
1 hr
i dont see it
>Muh patterns
Fuck off faggot, it's not fucking art class, it's a market. It goes up and it goes down, if it looks like something it's coincidence, if you invest or sell because you can see dicks in the lines your a retard
I want to buy
You need to zoom out more, you're missing the left shoulder.
You might not like it but TA is a self fulfilling prophecy, getting emotional and calling people faggots wont stop the coin dumping into the abyss.
This is the only coin I'm losing money on at the moment
What do you think about this analysis
Is he right?
Fucking faggot. Buy at the dip, you dip.
>Here is your fucking (You). You didn't fucking earn it though.
if it's a self fulfilling prophecy then according to this chink we should be comfy again in a couple days
all those weak hands making me sick
it went from 22-23 cents to close to $1 and it's now correcting to around 60-70 cents
maybe you shouldn't have bought the ATH
just hold it and wait a few months cause the coin is solid. In case you don't know it's made by one of the co-founders of XRP. Kikes, yeah, but profitable kikes.
>tfw i bought at 1550 sats so still at a 200% profit
I would like it to re-moon after i get mo money in a week and a half.
>Doing TA on XLM/USD pair when that pair makes up 3% of total volume.
uhhhh, ok. whatever.
>proof of caring useless coin made by pre-pubescent children
What are you talking about? He's using bittrex data and it doesn't even have USD pairing. He is obviously talking about the xlm/btc pair but uses fiat value instead of sats.
This, I panic bought at 6000 like a pleb, but it will go up eventually
If you spend 1 minute on the XLM reddit youll see that this is caused by weak handed tards who didnt become a millionaire in a week and dont know how to hodl.
A couple of weeks until fairx public beta launches. That will already make a big impact. It's only upward from there on
>smug anime face
>doubting XLM
Why do you hate money?
Source on launch date?
No one confirmed that. It's all rumours. It can never happen. And then 400 satoshis again.
I will buy that shit at 0.5 and then I will be ready for the next moon mission
Dont really agree with that. It becoming a trading pair would seen this to jupiter but the product itself is still solid imo. XRP for poor people
It's biz so they got in at the ATH
They are doing alpha tests now.
The important question is once the exchange goes up will the price rise or fall?
ITT: normies/newbies who think every single altcoin moons without corrections/dips
seriously nigger nigger pull the trigger
This time will not return. Golden era of Pumps and dumps. Take advantage\
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
Saw some reddit thread about it, can't remember exactly
Uhuh. Stellar already handles trading, all FairX has to do is provide the UI, anchor support and legal compliance.
Solid? Shill me in. Also, where did I mention XRP?
You can google the source as easily as us, user
It will be required to utilize the network. Holding it also gets you cheaper and faster trades. Nevermind it still is technologically superior to all the other currency coins in the market. Hard to see it dumping, except if it pumps a lot more in anticipation
Source on FairX. Please.
There is no source. No official news and agreement.. I kek'd.
You can google Kek and deluded as I did faggot.
where are all the XLM shills? star working now to save this shit coin
Fairx Twitter. Also have a look at whats going on the testnet. Cant believe ppl are invested in this without any reading what so ever.
literally on the fairx twitter making announcements to alpha testers and saying how open beta will be soon
Still pretty comfy desu, FOMO bought the peak during the IBM news, nearly sold the bottom shortly after in true Veeky Forums style, but luckily held. Pic related. Don't try chase other pumps at a loss
Bruh, Stellar is partnered with fucking IBM
Yeah go chase shitcoins that randomly fucking moon. I bet you would've nailed a 10x. This is the only coin on the market besides a handful of others that will survive crashes CAUSE IT HAS A USE CASE. Sell your bags to me you weak handed faggot.
I repeat, no officla agreement or news/conference.
Plus even there it is not clear. kek. deluded/10
I googled for baby
This coin doesn't need saving. If it goes below 60 cents I'm buying for an easy 2x-3x.
Already up 180% on XLM. Why would I sell when they have a real product (not just a whitepaper or marketing) and adoption is only going to go up?
Meanwhile I’m diversified across ETH, REQ, QSP and others that are doing fine.
Comfy hold, looking forward to multiple 100% returns in 2018.
Play the longer game guys, fundamentals will win out
There's no clear source, just rumors
>Beyond this, there are rumors that Stellar will be integrated in the upcoming distributed exchange, FairX, which is poised to serve as desperately-needed competition to the exchange giant, Coinbase. FairX is being developed by IBM employees and in conjunction with IBM’s existing blockchain infrastructure.
Still, one can't overlook how kikes always jew each other, so I can see this being more than rumors. And if it is, there will be a huge influx to FairX since Coinbase is utter shit
You are fucking menatally deranged. If you are too retarded to look up whats going on the testnet. Just stay poor and slowly KYS.