Has HODL ever backfired on you?
only when I Hodl'd by 500 ether because I thought BTC was dying, then I learnt the game I'm playing
now I never worry about finances again
Too early to tell but TRX and XLM are making me upset.
Pretty much you never lose unless you sell for loss
XLM will be fine. TRX, tho....
Then you haven't had them for over a week? You call that holding?
Sold off trx after the live show Justin gave. Fuck that lol
>Too early to tell
So far, no. The trick is to know which ones to hold and which ones to just cut your losses with. If you aren't holding a shitcoin that you bought when it was massively overpriced, you can't lose.
Prime example. I bet he has no idea which one is the shitcoin
>you can't lose if you buy everything low
wow great tip man
Look at the 1 year charts of all the top 10 coins.
Half of them went up 10x in Sat value, then lost 90% of their Sat value, now they're going up again, most likely to come down again.
So yes, HODLing altcoins long term is retarded.
Never, because I do a very thorough FA.
When any of my coins has a small dump, I know that its market cap is still lower than it is worth, and I have a very easy time HODLing.
The trick is to find the moment when a coin has reached a market cap that seems reasonable for the project, and then get out.
I HODLED Engima when it hit the peak of its moon because I had originally gotten into it as a long-term hold. It was only when it had come crashing back down that I realised I could have simply sold at the top and bought when it came back down.
I managed to make some of that money back later since I was in on the ground floor, but there's always that lingering regret of knowing that you missed a moon.
Yep, I have hodled SALT for the the last 2 weeks and I've come to the conclusion that whales are forcing the price down so they can benefit from the arbitrage with 0 risk. Complete waste of time, I could have doubled my DBC stack in that time and made 30k
Yes my friend, you have to buy things when they're undervalued. If you buy them after they've become overvalued, you obviously shouldn't expect to see gains.
>tfw me
W-who cares about sats?
You need better mental state and less emotions.
Yea I have some strat that has lost 50 of its sats
Basically this.
Still believe ETH will rise way above 0.15 btc on a long enough time horizon, but anyone pretending we didn't get cucked hard the second half of 2017 is just coping.
Bitcoin is why it looks like that
Yeah, I held confido for a day longer than I should've. Turned 2 ETH into 50 ETH and was going to sell but decided to leave it for one more day. Woke up checked my blockfolio, all gone kek
I HOLD REQ since ICO and I haven't sold yet. I will only sell once it hits $50-100, even if it takes 2-3 years.
Meanwhile you could trade that for a few pumps and make more money, quicker
I'm a germanfag so Im holding for AT LEAST 1 year in order not to pay tax.
outside of the fact that alt coins out performed BTC last year. Long term is the only way to go and alts are the only thing worth holding.
What happened?
>be noob
>enter cryptomarket during june bull market
>buy ICN and CFI at almost all time high
>price falls hard
>HODL depressed for months
>learn about market and sell at loss and invest in promising projects
>start making gainz
best decision ever was to sell those shitcoins and never look back
Altcoins outperformed marginally, but you can still do short term trades on alts to multiply your BTC.
I 10x'd my BTC last yeat and still reaped all the Bitcoin gains while alts got massacred.
If I'd just had a diversified shitcoin portfolio I'd have much less.
I held SNT for too long
> Never in my entire time in the recent alt bullmarket has it failed.
Look at the 1 year charts.
How the fuck did you 5x since christmas?
They're irrelevant to the question asked. It has never failed me is my answer. Not saying it's the only answer there is. But, if you held BTC through the Goxing it wouldn't have failed you either but not many people did.
Pic related. Research good projects, get in early and hold user.
It did with my sex life.
I could have probably doubled my money by selling at the top but the big problem is I never know where the top is.
No you're referring to top 10 alts that have less room to grow. It's easy to beat btc otherwise.
dude performed an abortion live on stage
it was disgusting
opinion disregarded
Fuck opinion. It's there in sats for you to see. Started with 0.5BTC worth of alts. Now have 4.75BTC in alts.
German fag there. In my country you have to hold for 1 year in order to be able to cash out tax free.
>Tfw mandatory holding with no choice
Congratulations, you managed to ride the fomo wave with the normies and didn't get burnt. You were lucky.
Even if you gave me a second chance to buy in for the XRP pump I wouldn't do it; there's no technology behind it. It's a shitcoin. Too much risk for too little gain.
Entirely agree I was lucky user. You come across as buttflustered by that for some reason. I'm a realist and not emotionally attached to any asset.
It's a currency that they can just print more of whenever they want. I'm happy you got a profit, but the ride is over.
Yea holding Iota after mid december was a huge mistake.
Why the fuck do you have TRX though? I had it for a day like a month ago and saw all the red flags, immediately sold. Still can't believe so many people fell for it. If only I would have realized the naivety of the people and hodled for a bit longer. :|
> print more
Ok sorry I actually thought you were someone who knew what they were talking about for a second. It's true what they say isn't it. The easiest way to prove someone's an idiot is to just let them speak. I'm not an XRP fanboy. When the pump is finished (it's not) I'll probably sell, but at least I researched what I bought. You've no idea how the thing your fuding actually works. You're letting emotion get in the way which is why you'll end up broke. Peace.
are you me?
I'm not the person you think I am. XRP isn't the same as crypto. It's just been put in the same market.
The story of ultimate JUST
>Went all in into Tierion's ICO in August (with $4k), didn't sell at x3 when I had the chance.
>Bagholded it for 4 months instead, missing all the moon missions, (caught kyber though, but then got JUSTed on LAToken)
>then decided to dump these fucking TNT bags after loosing more than 60% on this shitcoin
>it got added to binance a day after I sold and mooned 100% right away
Learned my lesson: don't marry a shitcoin and cut my loses. Got my portfolio from $5k to $100k in less than 2 months now. Never bagholding shit ICOs again
fuck factom