DeepBrain Gang thread?
DeepBrain Gang thread.
DeepBrain GangBang
Fresh Me-Me
Brain Gang!
DBC is going to be the next 30x pump
please stop you fucking retards im still accumulating
dude i put up a one million sellwall, u better accumulate fast before i take it down t-b-h f-a-m
In what kind of time frame
1.5 months
stfu Im still accumulating
prove it
Kek, not gonna happen. DBC pajeets getting busy tonight
ITT confirmation bias
DBC is okay, the rooting for it just because it happens to be the coin you bought is not
the rooting for DBC has devolved into sub-reddit-tier cringe, I had to filter out that tripfag and so many others were jumping on his gay ass brain gang bandwagon. Until today I had not realized that the normie infestation was so bad. Didn't even feel like Veeky Forums any more, scary business
comfy boy reporting in
Okay, stay mad and poor. "Tripfag" has 3,400 DBC and will be able to provide for his family of 7 in the Mississippi Delta while you attempt to do something with your life.
Chill son I have 20% of my portfolio in DBC, I just don't come to Veeky Forums for happy clappy lets exchange emails and high calorie food pics like fat fucks
I'm like 8% bodyfat I don't want to look at BRAIN GANG and glazed donuts all day
>tfw a socially awkward stranger 1000 miles away is fucking up your 30x gains
Selling everything
heh, you deep brain cucks can't even hit 30 cents
Ok give me a quick rundown on DBC
ok brainlets, will this fucking coin ever moon again? why and when?
Fucking retarded cunt kill yourself nigger scum
no. it's done. now get out