Silently JUSTing

>silently JUSTing

>buys ATH and not before $1

That's exactly why I dod NOT buy.

Oh shit people realizing this product already exists and this isn't worth putting money into.

This is nothing like coinhive, do your research before making stupid comments.

Just an 30 eth sellwall by a fucking retard fucking up the price. Once it's gone it will go up. Look at the orderbook.

Profit taking. PRL is going to $10.

You're right. Coinhive has working code. kek

>He missed 0.01-2$
>He will still miss at 10$

Oh lord

Found the brainlet that FUDs with 0 research.

I'm hodling. It'll be f-fine, right?

No, it's all vaporware. People want to act like they did research, like they understand java. Drop this shit. It's dumping.

ex Google/IBM devs, its vaporware, already a working product before testnet

Haha see u on jupiter fags. In since 0,03 Not selling till 100$ wait till its in top 50 then buy my bags.

holy fuck Im shilled
Im buying 1k of these

picture pls

Blindly believes you can front load java and effectively get more than a single mh/s per user. On top of that nearly 50% of internet traffic is mobile now, and that's only increasing. You could get Elon Musk himself on this project and it would fail ultimately. It'll make you money, I don't doubt that, I just wouldn't hold this past 2018.


>tfw can't buy oyser pearl because kucoin registrations are closed.

tfw refuse to sell a valuable coin at these cheap ass prices

buy now or cry later

This coin will hit big exchanges like Binance soon and 10 usd this Q1

I develop Java daily and fix pajeet code, please stop talking.

give me faith user :( I bought in 2 fiddy

you are legit cancer, you are the type of FUD that thinks the economy will crash every year and well all be trading with silver coins.