500$ to start

i have 500$ to invest in crypto

ITT: how will I make it with a single coin

Other urls found in this thread:


make your own shitcoin and shill it here
you will unironically become a millionaire

that sounds like a good idea, but wouldnt it have to get put on an exchange first?

create your own exchange to promote your coin you will unironically become a billionaire

Depends on your idea of making it. You can gamble on your favorite shitcoin and build your stack. For example, go all in on RLC. Or, you could hodl a sure 5x+, like ZRX.

Bubble is popping


Let's just say i know.


What are the legal ramifications of exit scamming your own shitcoin, if any?

not if it's an eth token. just slap that shit on etherdelta. just shill it here as a good potential token with super low marketcap, and the stupid pajeet gamblers here will gobble it up.

pick one.


that sounds pretty cool. I have a pretty shillable idea for a token that people might think "woah that actually has a use case!1!", so this might actually work.

Electra. Your welcome.

MemeCoin, the blockchain-based imageboard where you cant steal memes

ill send you the eth address if you want to buy

Join cukoin.

Buy KCS.

You get % of fees as a shareholder and the coin itself is set to go up.

Buy UFR forget about it for a year and you are golden or stay poor FAGGOT!


With only 500 you need to find that coin that makes you think “why the fuck is Veeky Forums not all in on this yet?”

why would you ever do that
build a community with discord groups and telegram channels
just sell all your coins saying its a conflict of interest and you trust the community to keep it going

UFR, Upfiring. Incentivised P2P filesharing.
Being heavily shilled but with reason, low mc and good use. Hodl for gainz


So like this?

Step 1: Buy UFR & KIN

Step 2: Profit


XRB has a nice drop at the moment.
Good time to buy.

UFR brah

UFR is not a shitcoin
you will not get 100x or 1000x with it as easily

Buy eth or buy btc?

DGB. DYOR. its a good hold for your money

This is from a shitty pump and dump discord, user beware!

B9Nj3zX (that's their shitty hovel)

if you see this now XRB is a great time to jump in dyor

MTL at it's floor. Platform release Q1 2018.


Deep Brain Chain has the best memes and is the best coin to purchase right now. Easy 4x in a week.

you answer would be ICX its gonna go to mars when we break through the walls