wakey wakey
Wakey wakey
this thing can cure aids and still be at $4
just added a few hundred more of these. Hopefully the ama yields something today
This thing could make all the feechains obsolete and still be $4.
the kidsgame Monopoly was originally invented by a woman in the late 1800's but nobody took her seriously because she was a woman
same with iota as long you got that swedish cunt as CEO this thing will go nowhere
i hope that 'buy the rumor sell the news' doesn't apply to today's AMA
several people and institutions are working against it and i can't figure out why.
iota is clearly a longterm hold.
I just realized lol. The three waves in the logo symbolize trinary.
while true:
if $price>4:
sell MIOTA(1);
This shitcoin will literally always reset itself to below 4 bucks. Shitfuck.
>IOTA was introduced in Mrs. Peng's speech in Huawei NB-IoT Partner Annual Meeting
much shill is happening today
>orwellian smart cities across europe for refugees
does it bother you that this is evil?
lol, this for some reason. Am still going to buy more though.
We must progress society and technology until they are one, goyim
its also 3 sixes like google chrome logo. just a cowinkeydink i'm sure
>tfw on chrome right now
it's not like establishment has a hard on for symbology or anything
Fucking shit coin i mane some profits when it went from 2 to 5$, sold all, rebought at 4$ and this sick fuck is staying at 4$ for a month now
>scamming mudslimes to steal their socialist-provided IOTA
One can dream.
>tfw you realize BURST is better than IOTA and being IOTA
it may go up to 4.2$ before 5pm UTC today if you consider selling
I think about selling just because fuck this coin, but im afraid it will go up just when i do that
its hard to hold bags you dont trust
I'd wait at least a few days, user.
follow today's AMA. If no news will be announced (they already said Q will not be), and devs will ragequit at accusatory posts there will be a big dissapointment. Their attitude is risky but i hope a change will come
Good read by the way. I'm going to hodl the shit out of my tokens.
>devs finally grow a spine and btfo FUD