Normie YouTuber REEE

Famous German YouTuber with 300k subs sharing /crypto/ to normies. It's over fgts.


btw if u wanna dislike, his name is OPEN MIND

This fgt even uploaded a tutorial etc. Pls kill me

disliking only helps the uploader you fucking normie retard

You faggots are angry over normie money increasing volume?

Do you hate money or just retarded?

i want to smash his skull just for uploading that retarded thumbnail

Kaufen sie halt unsere Säcke :^)

dude im so angry look at the comments. Fucking retards think they are smart cause they own ripple xD

>XLM is there
please God let the power of normies flow through these heavy bags

fuck that stuttering pothead

>shilling stellar
Finally I will be able to dump my heavy bags soon.


It's not over at all.

More people knowing about this stuff, especially braindead normies, only helps us. Most of them wont have the motivation or intelligence to actually do enough research and put the time in to make any real profit, they will lose a bit of money then give up on it.

Stop being afraid of normies and reddit. They are sub-consciously averse to making money anyway.

cool, habe gerade 100k gekauft!

It only accelerates the inevitable crash. The crypto bubble has to steadily grow so I can accumulate wealth.

jesus fucking christ those thumbnails
how did that shit ever get popular


Most of the things they are going to "invest" anyway are already etablished coins. Most of the coins here and things you research are just in their knowledge just later months. That's why you get early into one coin.

I physically gagged

someone explain bitconnect and why these fags openly shill it

>300k subs

ich kek'te

Why does every pic look like he is preparing to take a cock in his mouth?

open mind? isnt that the drug youtuber

>he doesnt know
They make these vids to shill their bags and referal links, only those youtubers profit, and if someone complains they tell their subscribers to sign up on the next big shitcoin exchange/ICO (using their referal of course)