Buy now if you don't want to stay poor user, it's going up up up!
all this shitcoins without a purpose go up and good ones just stay the same.
I've noticed it but didn't understand the purpose
Any idea ?
x10 since I've looked at it
Nothing explained about what they do in their shitty video, crap whitepaper made on word (if I'm not mistaken it still had "microsoft word" thing in the file name)
You can't make that shit up
WTF people
sick irrational market.
bet it gets dumped pretty soon.
Coinexchange is home of the shitcoin after all
Gotta be honest, I didn't buy this shitcoin for it's purpose- I bought it because I don't hate money and hope to cash in a bit.
Since ico i made +14k% with Dcn. Not quite sure by now when i will cashout.
It's because of the 300 gorillion coins, retards like owning a lot of cheap coins.
can you and youre indian friends fuck off and die please.
Don't get greedy, cash out now, this shit is going to zero.
oh look, another huge supply shitcoin being pumped ridiculously
my dick is hard thinking about all the pajeets and normies about to lose all of their money
you know we can see you posting 3 times in a row right? Fucktard. Do you hate money or what?
It really needs to happen, there has to be a cull of dumb money marketbuying huge supply coins, it's starting to fuck the whole market.
you're right, perfect time to get in, this is going to the moon :D
This is fucking retarded. You pajeets are completely nuts! Fuck you! Hope you get burned hard on these complete shitcoins.
i dont even go to dentist, why should i buy denta coin user
>block chain dental records
>anonymity inspired oral maintenance