>He's updated his blockfolio
He's updated his blockfolio
Other urls found in this thread:
Please stop using this monster's image. Better upload pictures of pretty girls.
>He just went to sleep, moon it then dump it
Who are these guys and why is their face so weird?
You need a quick rundown?
>please tug on my pigtails and call me fatty
u def need a quick rundown
Go back newfag
Someone give him the quick rundown
>he bought the dip, dump it to new all time lows
>he sold, drop the walls, pump it
That’s one of the Bogdanoffs. They were scientists that got addicted to plastic surgery. Turned themselves into Frankenstein and then Veeky Forums turned them into a meme about being illuminati or some shit.
its the face of success
>he FOMO'd back in and is in the shower, dump it hard
If you haven't taken the Bogpill, might as well kys. The bogs run this world.
>Crash it
> He finally sold his coins and invested in something else
> Dump his new investment while the old one pumps
if its not true I dont know what is
>Let's see Paul Allen's portfolio
Been seeing this version of the bogpill for a few days. This shows how narcissistic and self centered redditors are.
The Bogdanoff twins, based on the quick rundown, are powerful shadow figures that pull all of the strings throughout the world.
The redditor perverts this and makes it all about them. “THE BOGS CARE ABOUT MY $2 GAINS XDDDDD”
>hes not an early bloodstream bogdabot adopter
>coinbase? it's time to disable the transactions
its too real
damn that is the best yet