Mining is dead isn't it

mining is dead isn't it

there really aren't any PoW coins worth a damn coming out (all new coins are premined or whatever) and the things to mine are boring low roi coins

if you get in with no premine on day 1 you stand a chance. so that means religiously browsing bitcointalk everyday hoping for a hail mary. i was reading about bulwark guys there complained about difficulty spiking up before even a week is over

you can make $100 a month with one 1070 Mining Eth


that's garbage money i can make 10k in a day trading

yeah and there's a SHIT TON of people with gigantic mining setups from mining BTC then LTC then ETH, etc

it's their livelihood and they will be on these coins faster on average

so fuck it i'm not setting up shop again, it's easier to trade

basically the only use i see of mining is doing it over a vpn/tor for monero and then having some literally (done right) untraceable money for stuff.

Then buy 100 1070s and you'll make 10k a day risk free you dumb nigger. It will only take your larping Gordon Gekko ass a couple days anyways to afford.

>do a shit ton of work to buy equipment that will decrease in value especially as ETH is going to PoS very shortly

Just mine UBQ

Seems decent, and I get 1.5-2 UBQ/week with my R390, and I don't mine non-stop

i got 20x R290x that i haven't used since 2014 (moved from a cold place to a warm place)

i moved back to the cold place and am not sure it's worth the effort getting it all setup again.

ubq ? is there a coin that pays more for Mining?

It's a hedge against bear markets. It also gives you real assets you can sell if all of crypto goes to shit. It's all about risk management.

I'm profiting $5 per 1070 per day. It isn't dead.

thanks just mined 100k

could be, UBQ is at $5-6 for now (also reached $7 at one point), so it could double in price in 2018

Not sure, I had the best experience with UBQ. Also tried ETN and SC, as well as XMR and UBQ gave me the best results for single GPU mining.

Not sure about others

Bought a rig with gains and even though I'm using leenux for years and compiling stuff, it's been way mroe difficult and less fun than trading to get anything besides ethminer running.

yheah back when BAMT was around and you just boom load a usb and it's up and running it was worth it
now you gotta do it all from scratch..

Check out BULWARK

Look at Lux. Going to moon soon. Mining 1.3 a day.

Equihash is really profitable with cuda based gpus and monero really good with vega so if you have the mean to buy good gpus, mining isn't dead

honestly I should tell you that it's not worth it, but damm my own mining farm is pulling me 500$ a day and ROI is like 3 months and after that it's free cash and it's way less stressing than daytrading.

its not. i built a rig for around 1600 and am mining asic-resistant coins with it. I made 400 this month. pretty profitable, but i could make more by investing.

I’ve been mining nuko and Electroneum. Dabbled a bit with BWK

The whitepaper reads like it was written by a 14 year old and it presents nothing new. Awful grab but if you're mining it keep it up, it'll be a net gain if it's not on your dollar for energy costs.

Yes goy, its not profitable.
Just buy my coins goy

wouldnt miners get fucked even harder in a bear market becuase of overheads?

DGB is changing its mining algorithm soon to be ASIC resistant. I urge all GBU miners to hop aboard.

Another POW coin that will get bigger later this year: feathercoin

what are you running, GPUs or ASICs?

90% of coins worth buying are not PoW
you're the goy now

Speculative mining is where it's at.

Mining shit that will be profitable later like BCN.

Easier and more profitable to just buy the coin though

Sure i mined BTC in 2010/2011 and it made me money, but if i just fucking bought the coin i'd have made 10x more

got two 1080 ti's in my main rig i use for mining on miningpoolhub with awesome miner, getting like $10/day on average. it's pretty much free money, what's not to like? total system wattage while mining is 500w max, even with my high electricity prices here it's still hugely profitable. cash out once a week in litecoin to kucoin, buying KCS or DBC right now.

some gpu's and some asic, it's all about diversification hombre

Pos is literally piece of shit
Enjoy your 51% attack and no scaling, not to mention staker centralization.
But of course a fucking brainlet like you wouldnt know those things.
>zclassic and etn mooning and making me 70$ and 50$ daily respectively

