First time shilling a coin so take it easy.
Low market cap, low supply.. still low price, team seems to be legit, talking to community on reddit
First time shilling a coin so take it easy.
Low market cap, low supply.. still low price, team seems to be legit, talking to community on reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
B- for effort but this is legit a small market cap gem that’s going to grow exponentially
Up 90% today.
Uhh thanks I guess?
good rec
Got in just before new years
Feels good
I'm up 360% in 4 days, and it's only going to get better
Really good team behind this gem. Worth the effort to go through etherdelta, especially since its being listed on kucoin now!
Fuck you damn shills, I just picked up one eth worth. Now I remember why ED gave me a headache
already loaded a big bag, it's going to explode above 1 usd easily when it gets listed kucoin as people hate/are afraid of ED
There are so many fucking normalfags that want but can't buy it because of ED, it's hilarious
why in the fuck is ether delta so hard to use. It wont let me send ether from my wallet to my ether delta wallet wtf is this garbage exchange
You should increase gas price. It works like charm with gas price like 50. Check current gas price using gas station
Imagine being this much of a brainlet that they couldn't watch a 3 minute video on youtube to learn how to use the exchange.
Holy fuck stop shilling this before the rebranding and exchange listing I'm trying to accumulate god damn you fucking new fags
When are new exchanges coming?
yeah my gas price is 60. dafuq
>First time shilling a coin so take it easy.
he said after posting 10th time today
Bought in at 10 cents. I'm not complaining.
Good time to buy? I have my fund in etherdelta
do it. this shit is gonna explode when/if it hits kucoin.
Yeah I actually prefer ED because it makes me feel superior to normies..any other low marketcap recommendations on it? I'm thinking about CRED
I love ED just not when eth is congested holy shit.
Do you know when it is going to happen? Loosely ofc
PFR is 8th or 9th in ED's daily volume, this is going to happen sooner than you think.
Thank you by dude. My butthole is still aching from a couple of mistakes
they said they contacted Kucoin, they should be on their waiting list..could be few weeks, could be month or two, no one really knows for sure
pretty sure this will make big money soon
EtherDelta is fucked since that Intel bug, make sure to use at least 41 gas.
This is what I've been telling people, look at ED top 10th by volume and then sort by marketcap...There are 2 big outliers, PFR and CRED...10x rise would make them 200mm marketcap coin which is still NOTHING in todays crypto, just do your own research people and you'll realize how big of a potential this shit has
First 100k users who sign up no longer have to pay trading fees for a very long time. Hurry up, we already reached 90k registered users.
First time successfully reaching my goal of 50 referred people.
Fuck! I will now thanks. Being eating for half an hour at 30
Brainlet here
Withdrew some ETH profit directly from binance to ED.
Am I gonna stay poor?
It's been 2 hours but my deposit from wallet to etherdelta still pending (10 gwei). Do i need to use 60 gwei? i remember using 4-8 is enough to complete in 1 hour last month
Use this site to check for lowest safe gwei, I used 20 last night and my transactions took around 4-5 mins
So, which GWEI and how much Gas? I don't understand that website. Do I have to pay 16+$ of transaction fee?!
20 gas for slow, 30 gas for fast
Fee is going to be like .6$ for slow
Is this true? Am I fucked?
I mean, I don't understand how much should I choose the gas price to be. Is 4 GWEI and 41 gas enough?
Bought 6000 today, I regret not doing this earlier but etherdelta was acting funny these days
The last time I thought I picked up a shitcoin was PRL, with 0 github entries/user dev. 8 cents. God damn I love etherdelta
Leave gas at default (25k i think?) and those numbers are gwei.
Need to send eth to the wallet. The wallet needs eth to run the ed transactions.
cool, so I don't have enough ETH in my wallet to transfer some back into my wallet to trade.
fuck this fucking exchange
lower fuel
You need to calculate how much ethereum is the transaction going to cost and take that out of the amount of Eth you are going to deposit on Etherdelta. To do this, make a mock transaction fee with the price you want your GWEI and see how much ethereum it costs. If you are using Metamask, the popup will tell you this info. You can reject the order and make a new one with the proper amount of Eth
Sorry I meant, make a mock deposit to etherdelta and reject it after you got the info
why is ED so overcomplicated god damn
He needs to leave enough eth to trade, withdrawal, and transer as well. Leave like .2 eth or something
So normies can't get in early.
It's a blessing in disguise
Just took me 3-4 hours to buy this on ED. To get all eth transactions to go through. i guess its good normie filter but holy fuck ED is cancer
.2 eth is overkill, .02 is more than enough if you're just making a few trades
It's like a test, once you pass it you will understand the beauty of it my friend, the forest of all the little moon coins will appear right in front of your sight and it will be glorious
.2?! A hundred fucking dollars?!!
fair enough, but is transferring directly from Coinbase to ED ETH wallet a good idea ?
Is it late to buy this gem or I'm still in time to become a milionaire?
Already happened multiple times to me. And not because I didn't calculate how much ETH I needed, but because the network got super congested and fees skyrocketed. Fuck this shit
No, transfer to metamask, ED will import it automatically
right now is pretty comfy spot to get into desu, high volume/low marketcap on ED, everything is getting ready for a moon mission in week or two
Deposited some ETH to buy this shit, but ED is hands down the shittiest exchange I've ever used. The graphs and the order book aren't even loading.
I'm pretty sure that there will be another dip before the mooning, am I wrong? Maybe it's better w8ing.
who knows, i don't think we will have substantial dip, I think people just started accumulating few days ago and we will get slow and steady raise in nearby future till it gets on bigger exchange
Do what this guy says. Get metamask. ED integrates with metamask so your private key is never exposed.
ED has been hacked before and private keys stolen, coins looted, etc. With metamask ED sends the transaction to metamask which you approve and send through metamask so your private key never leaves your computer.
I've bought some, it shows on my trade tab but my wallet is not updated (0pfr) and everytime i want to trade there's an error.
is it normal?
guess what faggot, do you think normies can buy here?
>buy good coins on ED
>watch them get listed on kucoin
Alright so then I deposit from Coinbase into the Metamask ETH address, correct ?
You can buy through metamask itself. It automatically does all the transfer stuff. Easy peasy
Yeah, then go to ED and in up right you should see metamask being used.
Don't forget to up your gas limit, the network is slow atm. 50 gwei is fast enough
Yeah, but it's still all levels of shit. Hopefully messing with this garbage will pay off.
I don't get all the ED hate, it's not hard to use at all
literally a russian scamcoin
>Don't forget to up your gas limit
you mean the gas price ?
From what I understand transactions have a static gas limit, but we can change the price (gwei) like from 4 (slow) to 60 (fast).. correct ?
Lol stop the FUD you cuck, we know this coin is going to moon soon.
>you mean the gas price ?
Yeah that's what I meant
It is compared to Buttrex and Binance. Anyway, even if we ignore that it's still laggy as fuck and the charts are loading forever. Plus, I have deposited ETH from the wallet to ED using 50 Gwei, it got confirmed on etherscan, but still hasn't showed up in the EtherDelta column. FFS
It should've, try f5ing it
if you don't understand the implications of this picture then you deserve to miss out.
There is no Kucoin listing. Is this some sort of FUD? Making people think this is a PnD coin so that they stay away?
I saw the same thing on the UFR thread.
So I guess I fucked myself by only putting it at 5?
yes. it probably wont go through. set the gas price higher and try again.
It's still pending. Should I just make a new deposit or do I have to wait for it to cancel?
Just override the old one with more gas
It went through in 10 seconds! Thanks for the help user
Just FYI, 40 gwei seem to be enough atm, tried a few minutes ago and it went through.