REMINDER that you do not have to gamble your saving on fake internet money.
Work Hard
Save your money
Stop bitching
Life isn't supposed to be fun all the time
Become the 53%
REMINDER that you do not have to gamble your saving on fake internet money.
Work Hard
Save your money
Stop bitching
Life isn't supposed to be fun all the time
Become the 53%
These bitches do anything to get attention
What a fucking loser
>people believe working your entire life is somehow noble and cool to do
OP is a complete fucking dumbass and that's why you and your middle class white family will stay poor licking the boot of your superiors you dumb faggot.
I love it when normies fall for the work hard meme. People derive their entire self worth based on their jobs. Dumb slaves
It is much more noble than going on welfare or living your life whining with an undeserved aura of entitlement!
>Life isn't supposed to be fun all the time
Aren't you supposed to be corralled in a RobinHood general thread? Fucking boomers
Capitalism is so retarded
You can work, save, and trade cryptos at the same time, you brainless chimp.
yet you eat food and use tech made in a capitalist country
fuck off, whore
Imagine being proud of the fact that you work 50+ hours at a job you fucking hate just so you can exist
>being this level of brainwashed
like holy fucking shit
pajeet id
>he has "a career"
>he isn't gambling all his money on crypto
>Wage cuck trying to shame me for not being a wage cuck like them.
Le 53% face
Normies literally go insane if they're not working, they need to be contained for 40-50 hours a week. Free time and boredom is the catalyst for creativity and deeper thought, that's why life is becoming an endless series of distractions now.
How is the will to become rich and not work 9to5 your whole life and end up dying without achieving anything bad?
I was expecting the bottom to say to reply to this post or my mother will die in her sleep tonight.
>So you can exist
FTFY I work so everyone here can live under the freedom and bounty of American success. Most of you just leech off it and never contribute
This pledge can literally save your life.
I'd recommend looking it over and taking some of its words to heart
>working 50 hours and only getting paid for 40
that's called being a fucking retard
>I do not buy things I cannot afford!
>Buys a college education using loans
dumb slut probably give out free blow job to her boss too
lol, this normie trying to push off his insecurities on everyone else because his life is over and wasted on jobs.
You realize you only get one shot at life right? To experience everything in the entire world and do the things you love?
Why the fuck would you ever touch a job in your entire life when your time is short as fuck?
Stupid ass normies I swear no fucking common sense or deeper thought because you distract your pitiful non fulfilling life with a series of "jobs" to keep your mind off the fact you are going to die doing nothing to make your experience of life worthwhile.
Only 53%? What coin is that?
Whatever helps you sleep at night
When you fall for the "hardwork" meme
source on the porn videos?
>I do porn to pay off school
Omg stop posting these, I really feel bad for these people..
>I lead a miserable life notice me and get on my level and live a shit life like me
Pitty the man that'll take this bitch
>have an easy job that pays 70k right out of college
>live with parents
>spend all my salary + old birthday money on crypto
>up to 200k net already in a month from 40
>no rent, food, etc. to pay for because of based mummy
>dad wants me to invest in shitcoins for him so I bought him 25k chainlink
>we're all gonna make it
If you pay rent you are a cuck
You will get hit so hard kid :D
>being cucked out of 10+ hours of your life every week
>proud of it because hard working meme
What are we now, fucking japan? Stockholm syndrome slave lookin ass
Hard work is not a meme...
>work hard and you'll be rich/better off
I wonder if this bitch would still feel the same if she saw how much people make from crypto fucking daily. My highest earning day was about $30k profit. ONE FUCKING DAY.
Hehe oh goyim
Why? I was going to buy him ETH but he said it's not risky enough for his tastes.
I kek'd a lil there.
>Life isn't supposed to be fun all the time
Soo wrong right here.
>Homeless on streets for over a year
I don't know if this was her choice or the parent's, but it's retarded regardless. Parents that kick their kids out at 18 are complete brainlets. I had a friend who's mom was screeching at him for not working during the 3 weeks he had off between a semester ending and his paid internship starting.
>$1500 a month
Hold on, what the fuck? What fucking "biochem" job is she working? My sister went for biochem, barely got a 3.0 and started at 55k a year.
Anyone who unironically takes one of these pictures should be gassed.
Who gives a fuck about what's noble. This isn't Hollywood.
You only end up poor if you think your entry level job is a career and you waste money renting your own apartment and buy a new car every 3-5 years. Educate or certify yourself to get a job that pays AT LEAST 40k/yr, buy a used car and pay it off, and rent a room somewhere with roommates so you can split the bills. I've made 50k/yr for 2 years and have made 40k in profit by doing this despite spending a lot on things I consider luxuries (mostly guns and ammo). Sad to think that most people with my same job are living paycheck to paycheck trying to pay off a house and car loan they took out too soon.
If I had played my cards right and got my career in my early 20s I'd have 100k by my mid 20s and I'd have a house and new car that I could have actually afforded (without giving money to the Jews). Since I fucked around and got situated in my mid 20s I may have to wait until my late 20s, but still that's better than drowning in debt like most dumb millennials.
Why are wagecucks so stupid? How are you such a loser that you accept a job that doesn't pay you for 1/5th of your work? How are you so dumb that you go in debt for a piece of paper? And how do you do all of this when you could get paid 10x more for sleeping while holding cryptos? I don't understand.
No kidding, parents who do this are fucktarded and that's putting it lightly. This is why boomers are also the worst generation, previous generations left some type of wealth, land, or possessions for their children and most boomers just either sell it all to strangers, lose it to the banks, or kick their kids out early and don't give them anything when they die. I hope these fucks die slowly and painfully for doing this to their own children.
First 100k users who sign up no longer have to pay trading fees for a very long time. Hurry up, we already reached 90k registered users.
How about you work for me if you love it so much.
>I do porn to pay off school
show me pls
hehheheheheh. oh sweetie.
>i do porn to pay off school
oh she was never going to make it anyways
nothing of value was lost.
what an idiot lol
>I worked too much to get good grades in highschool
>so I couldn't get any scholarships or grants and had to take out loans
>I'm too dumb to apply for defferals or aid
>I am so stupid that I work 10 hours for free despite being broke and in debt
>I don't know how to leverage debt so I live a life of austerity
>I am miserable but hopefully pretending to be a gudgirl on social media will make me feel better
Now Bob can go to Cambodia and live the dream.
>thinking an undergrad in biochem will get you anything other than a job pipetting shit all day until the lab can afford to get automated equipment
HAHAHAHA all these people are so dumb it has to be a lie
In Germany we have this over-the-top 'Im so proud of muh work!!' as well. People always trying to show off how much they work. Even on their freetime and afterwork meetings they just talk about the work. Even if they hate their job - as long they can give you 45hrs + extra hours and can brga with that, they will satisfied.
Never understood why they do this.
Why are all of you against hard work?
Pride of authorship is one of the greatest achievements one can feel. Do you neets claim hard work is for losers because, even though you have endless free time, you continue to do nothing with it? Deep down, you are jealous of the hard work of the boomers and want to feel needed.
This so much, I fucking hate normies.
>implying a millionaire would risk everything just so he can cum in some sex slave mouth
Listen up you smoothbrained cratestacker you're right I don't have to gamble my savings on "fake internet money", however I don't have to do a lot of things but I do them anyway cause fuck you and fuck these sloots who think hard work is directly equal to payout. As for life not being fun all the time get the fuck outta here you triple nigger I'll live my life from one riot to the next, hell I'll live forever and remember it afterwards go choke on a cock.
>fun ever
I made $50,000 accidentally today while I was playing League of Legends.
School indoctrination.
>doesn't buy things she can't afford
>went in debt for a meme degree and uses credit cards
top kek
Got hired in a job i despite because i made a random application online the pay is good and the job is quiet im sitting all day writing code i also own 200k in cryptos everyday i go to work hoping to get fired im gonna reach a million and i will leave the wagecuck to be a full time neet fuck you faggot for taking pride in modern slavery
You'd be surprised
True. Just ask McAfee.
>Pride of authorship is one of the greatest achievements one can feel.
And that has nothing to do with the modern concept of "hard work" ie find something stable, repetitive and often trained-monkey-dumb you can slave away at 40/week just so someone else can profit from it more than you
Maybe those who dodge this shit are the ones who will find their creative spark again, or at least can funnel their time or resources to someone with real vision
>not working during crypto's adolescence and dumping every cent into it
It's like you don't want to be set for life for a year's work.
The normies need me. They need me to lead them to a new fascist future free of the Jewish menace. I cannot be bogged down with wagecvcking.
I made 100k last month from a few clicks if my mouse. What % am I?
what subreddit is this from?
>3.4 gpa
Is this supposed to be impressive? t. Valedictorian with a full ride
proof or larper
but mcafee is a insane warlord powered by cocaine
you cant stop him
>I am 29 years old
>I have worked one job at a time since I was 18
>I have a large supportive family
>I paid for college with loans and paid them off in less than two years with the help of crypto gains ($175,000)
>I work 40 hours a week on salary ($145,000)
>I am frugal but can buy whatever the fuck I want
>I go on a couple of vacations a year because I'm not a poorfag and can manage my money
>I use my credit card for everything so I can get cashback rewards. My credit score is excellent
>I own my few mistakes/failures and my many successes
>Am I the 1%?
Working smart > working hard
This is case even in hard manual labor
It's not an achievement if you literally didn't achieve anything except get NEGATIVE MONEY.
Started with 600 dollars. Reinvested gains and it just snowballed.
>I have one person in my life and that person is an addict
Lmao can you imagine if that family member saw this post and was like "What the fuck I only smoke weed!"
>Life isn't supposed to be fun all the time
prove it
Get the fuck out of that shit
>Working smart
but niggers can't do this, so telling this out loud will not get anyone elected
"Living the American dream", how does it feel to live in the United States, a third world country?
Jokes on you I already cashed out my initial investment and have multiples of it to fuck around in crypto.
I have 20€, shill me your coins.
how much time to achieve that?
you can never get your time back. how people can put a price on their time is really something unusual and alien to me. not even about working hard, i work hard for my family, i do some woodwork, heavy lifting, plumbing etc etc. with hard work you get experience and it beats going to the gym.
but time man, time is golden.
This, it's terrible here in Germany if you're not a brainwashed wagecuck.
I also hate it when they talk about muh hard work in connection with earning money, because investing money isn't "le hard work" they think that people don't deserve it.
Fucking subhumans trying to drag you down to their mediocre as fuck life.
Why? I'm up big. Got in at fractions of a penny.
lol roasties btfo.
>yeah goyim just get a 9 to 5, get a mortgage, marry a used up slut, buy an iphone, have some children and buy them some ipads. I mean that's what all the boomers before you did right? Just fall in line.
My brother, may I introduce you to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? I think you will very much enjoy the read, seems perfectly in line with the ideology you just outlined
This is a reason I left germany.
Now Im being lazy af but still the "most efficient contributor", whatevs if I can have my 30hr weeks and good pay Im happy.
>let's get mad at bob for being a fat creep exploiting the system
>let's worship our millionaire celebs for being beautiful, exploiting the system and doing nothing except lip service
>let's never ever question our democratically elected leaders, politicians, bankers, economists, anyone with actual power to drive change
all i wanted was to lift humanity as a whole, but upon realising the true nature of normalfags i became bob (minus child porn)
they're mediocre in every aspect of their personality, even in their jealousy they aim low