>no motivation to work anymore
how do billionaires do it?
>no motivation to work anymore
how do billionaires do it?
You have luxury to do what you like. If you like history or art, go for it now. If you want to build houses and rent them, go for it.
I started a nonprofit charitable foundation with my gains. Its a good tax dodge and I can donate my funds to worthwhile causes instead of supporting the military industrial complex. It also increased my social standing because I give so much back to my local community.
you have to be a narcissist.
if you just want to make pure money (legally) nothing beats crypto
>tfw want to become a millionaire to finance my dream game
>I dont need it to be profitable, I just want it to be fun
You nigges better wish me good luck if you want to see the best game ever in 3 or 4 years
are you trying to be a politician?
if only it took a few million.
whats your concept?
This. I want to buy the childhood game I used to autistically play 8 hrs a day in middle school despite being 10-15 yrs younger than everyone I was competing with.
No. Just living life, having fun, making memories, and doing some good in this crazy topsy turvy upside down world.
It's boring to not do anything or have a purpose othet than hedonism. Even if I had millions or billions I would do something, part-time atleast. The luxury is you don't HAVE to go in if you don't feel like it, if it's your own company or you hold a high stake in it. Us wagecucks are stuck going in even if we aren't really up for it, or else we get fired and can't pay the bills.
thats just pretending if you can veto yourself anytime with minimal consequence.
if you start a business you cant walk away without losing it all, but you have to motivated to do that. otherwise youre better off being a hedonist
You're a good man user
Pineapple fund?
I think it's just a game to billionaires. You know how kids play call of duty? Billionaires play leveraged buy-outs, shorting and Venture capital, and now ICO's, swing trading and Pump and Dumps.
>he was motivated by money
>didn't realize money is only ever a means to an end
What, did you think wealty would bring purpose and happiness? You gotta find those yourself; wealth just helps
Back to /reddit/
>he thinks people become millionaires by working
>he thinks billionaires are hard working millionaires
yall are the fags here, this guy is right go topsy turvy yourselves faggolini haters
Unironically, it means you're low IQ.
First of all... money should never have been the "everything" in your life. It should have been a way to spend more time doing X. If you aren't obsessed with creating something of your own, then you are simply not a man yet. This applies to anything.
Secondly, "All striving comes from lack", meaning you have no struggle because you aren't poor, and you're certainly not high IQ enough to the point where your life is still hell because you can't communicate with people.
You're just an average guy who got rich and now you're bored. You'll probably get into all sorts of weird distractions and hedonistic bullshit. It's only a matter of time before you're sending it to cam whores or something. There are a million other boring and bored people out there just like you. Totally uninspired pieces of shit who do nothing but they justify it because they have this, or that.
You're a worthless faggot because you do nothing, is what I'm trying to get at. You sacrifice nothing, you risk nothing. I've met hundreds just like you and they are all the same
They fucking love money.
Don't you?
Ouch man you're even making me feel sad for myself In the event I become a millionaire.
I'd probably just continue my neetish lifestyle and hire a personal strict trainer. then get into a martial art and just spar/fight.
I'd be really content with that but I'm already content with my life so all I have to focus on is not lose track of studies and get back in shape.
>IQ Meme
You're above average IQ if this is how you interpreted it.
Do you know how much games cost these days?
Billionaires are a rare breed where every waking moment they never feel like they measure up. Coupled with a tireless work ethic.
You're free of all menial jobs now. Find something your passionate about and let it kill you.
This guy gets it
Other the the "IQ" bit, this is right