People are honestly buying accounts in closed exchanges. Why didn't I make register more...
WTF is happening
>have an empty kucoin account on a burner email
What do?
I have a polo account do you meam i can sell it for 10 btc?
I wonder how much my legacy acct at Bittrex is worth...
I got a bittrex acc
anyone interested ?
Haha good thing I have two spare accounts on Binance. I will sell one for 1 BTC, two for 1.5 BTC. Anyone interested?
I got a binance account
Where can I sellit
Holding it and buy QTUM
Ez money
Holy fuck I have a legacy binance and bittrex account, how much can I get for these? If I can nab over 20 BTC I might actually consider it and just use my secondary accounts.
unless I can sell it on a smart contract on a legit site with open source, I ain't selling shit.
>tfw didn't accumulate accounts
who knew there's going to be a market for it
I am gonna head.over to Reddit, or maybe try selling it on TRXs Twitter feed.
I will be happy with just one BTC
i have a binance account, i sell the acc. for 0,5btc
reply to this message if interested
serious buyers only
Bro, dont go below 1 BTC
Only sell unverified accounts tho, otherwise you could get majorly fucked
I dont get it, why would people buy accounts.
would they not have access to your info? can someone explain this?
>what is closed registration.
is there seriously a market for poloniex accounts? I don’t even use mine I’d be happy to undercut these fags and unload it for way less than they’re asking
This is like that South Park episode where Cartman banned everyone from his theme park
Willing to take offers for my Binance account.
I also have a Bittrex but I'm not sure I'd like to part with it.
okay, i increase the price to 2btc for my account
I'm actually wondering if XRP keeps pumping, will people start buying accounts? I have 2 XRP accounts that I don't fucking use and have a total of near 50XRP between them stuck in it.
I can sell my August '16 bittrex account for 20 btc. Reply if interested. Not selling my polo. It is my future hibernation safespace
Selling bittrex acct, basic verify
First reasonable offer gets my Binance account.
yeah what is it
Scarcity can be a great thing
i have a buyer for my poly and bitrexx account can you guys think of a safe way to get payment.
I guess I could sell my binance for 10btc
I'll sell my binance account right now for that price if there was an arbiter or escrow ability.
My Binance account is unverified by the way, totally virgin account, no trades made -- reply to this if you're interested
This, how can you settle such an agreement?
is this for real?
where did you find the buyers?
The twitter account is joking you idiots
what if the email address i linked to my polo account is literally my first and last name @ ?
I probably can't change that right? I imagine that might not be safe to sell if I have to give someone my login credentials right?
where 2 sell? I've got a binance, bittrex, bitfinex, coinbase .....tell me nigs
Smart contract, money goes into escrow, account info goes to a bot to login. If login successful let the buyer change the account info then release money to the seller.
What the fuck? I refuse to believe someone would pay me 1 BTC for my poloniex account
if you have a common first and last name it's probably worth it.
and as long as your poloniex password is completely different to your email password, it shouldn't be a problem
I'll sell my binance account for 1.5 btc. I'm poor, gotta eat :(
i got a bittrex account and binance account that i dont use
Where do I find these people? I'm a poorfag and I don't even use my binance account and don't really need it.
yeah.. same here user. would most def do it kek.
The tweet is a meme you dense motherfuckers
I mean its literally first name middle initial last name
I'd sell me bittrex account in a heartbeat desu, i don't use it. But I can't change the email adress and i'm using my main mail with it
fucking weak hands
>be me
>set up multiple bittrex accounts ages ago
>forgot the passwords
I’ve literally lost 40BTC if gains
I have a binance account with thousands of lumens soon to be worth millions of dollars. Reply to this post with NO. No low ballers.
if you're comfortable giving out your name to strangers, up to you
I have a poloniex account, where can I sell this?
I hope that people ITT are not replying seriously. Nobody fucking wants to buy your accounts, the tweet is a meme.
same i have 45 across 2. fuckkk
That's what I was asking.
Selling a Binance account. 1BTC.
selling unverified binance account for 300$
Two private buyers. My Poly is verified for margin trading etc. I'm doing risk analysis on handing these over. I don't know if I will exposed by doing this.
hey fuck you man this is serious business
where can I sell my poloniex account? never used it lol
Legacy bitrex account for sale 3btc
I have a Poloniex account verified for margin trading too
where 2 sell?
Selling verified polo account, reply to me for .5 btc
Legacy poloniex account here. Anyone want it.
Same got verified accounts that should be sold
How do I short binance accounts?
selling verified poloniex account for .05 BTC
It's a way of creating artificial buzz about it
He probably has genuine offers due to his marketing faggotry with pretending others are desperate for it
Plebs will buy it though
t. I've sold people less for more
but bittrex is always sending a verification code to the email when i log in from a different ip? how to handle this problem?
I am. how much
fucking fags ITT thinking they can actually sell their accounts for profit
>tfw you buy a bittrex acct and it has two factor authentification
>recovering accounts or reporting accounts hacked
What is this? 2007?
Is this the true power of normies? Falling for scams that are absolutely retarded?
I have 3 kucoin accounts, I've made them after the referencers didn't pay me my commissions.
If anyone's interested just reply.
Its worse than that, imagine if cartmans themepark had 25 other theme parks a few seconds away
It reminds me of the family guy skit where the asians go nuts for waffle investing
Same. I don't use my Polo account, but it's registered to my business email address and that exchange won't let you change it. =/
People have fallen for much dumber scams, sadly
20 eth
10 advance and I give u email and 10 after I give u password
mines enhanced too
whatever the fuck that means.
I've got accounts at:
coin exchange
any of these worth anything?
pps. I got one at poloniex too
but its unverified
all the better
u can upload your own shit
if anyone is interested
contact me in
discord Sam1911#4061
I have a Cryptopia account that I never used/put my infos in it. How much do you think it's worth ?
what for could i sell my bittrex enhanced acc?
>selling an account thats linked to you
I have bittrex, binance and kucoin account that I'm willing to sell
Send me 1 btc to my address to see if you're a legit buyer so we can do business
Got enchanced account on Bittrex and verification waiting for approval on Bitfinex.
Contact me on discord
everything is insane
Got polo unconfirmed account.
I've become millionaire?
How much for liqui ?
holy fuck this board is infested with pajeets
>cant decipher what a meme tweet is
>people actually believe they can sell their accounts
What the fuck happened to Veeky Forums?
if you believe this shit youre legit fuckign retarded. Anyone thast has that amount of bitcoin already has accounts for all exchanges
Stay poor meme fag, some of us like money.
I have an unverified polinex account if anyone is interested contact me.
What money lmao
100 BTC?
I have account on Cryptopia, is this any worth?
selling a bitfinex and a bittrex account together for 5 BTC
Registrations are open in cryptopia you fucking brainlet